CSO Meeting & Holiday Social December 5, 2013, 3:30 p.m. SAC 115

CSO Meeting & Holiday Social
December 5, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
SAC 115
CSO Chair’s Welcome – Theresa Chrisman welcomed everyone and asked all members to introduce themselves beginning with
the CSO Officers.
First Guest Speaker
Celeste McCormick
Celeste McCormick is the President of Toastmasters and the Manager of Administrative Computing in IT at LCSC.
Celeste spoke about the benefits of joining Toastmasters to increase communication, listening and leadership skills
with an emphasis on public speaking. With the assistance of a power point presentation, Celeste explained how the
meetings are conducted and what members can expect when they join. Celeste invited everyone to check out a
meeting held on campus in the SUB every Tuesday at 6 pm.
CSO Updates
Theresa Chrisman
The results of the CSO participation survey were distributed and discussed. 75% of CSO would like to attend meetings and be
more involved but members indicated work load and finding coverage makes it difficult for them to attend. The best time for
meetings, according to the survey, is Friday and Thursday between 1 pm and 5 pm. To assist with time constraints, CSO
meetings will be reduced from two hours to one hour. It was the consensus that the encouragement and support of
supervisors and their assistance to help obtain coverage is needed for more attendance at meetings and involvement in
committees. Theresa indicated Executive Administration is very supportive of CSO. With that in mind, Theresa and Sara Stokes
will begin discussions with their respective supervisor’s Chet Herbst, Vice President for Finance & Administration and Lori
Stinson, Provost, to help foster a culture of support for attendance at CSO meetings. We intend for those discussions to have a
trickledown effect to PSO and immediate supervisors.
Treasurer’s Report
Kristina Keener
CSO will donate $100 to two of the food banks in the LC valley for the holidays. Individual CSO members have contributed
generously to the LCSC Cares Campaign and CSO decided to vote on spending an additional $200 directly from the CSO treasury
to buy more toys for the LCSC Cares donation. The vote was passed and Kati Wilson volunteered to buy the toys to add to the
LCSC Cares Campaign. CSO will ask PSO to match the $200 contribution to LCSC Cares.
Recognition Committee
Kati Wilson
Kati updated everyone on fundraising efforts. Caramels sales are already at $100.00. CSO is donating a Winter Revels basket to
the LCSC holiday party. Kati expects we will be able to do another pig raffle this spring. Kati said she is planning to have the CSO
Spring Social at Antonio’s again unless anyone has other suggestions. Antonio’s was less expensive than Tomato Brothers, the
food and atmosphere was good and Antonio’s allowed us to bring in our own dessert.
PDT Committee
Cindy Patterson
Cindy said they are planning to bring a professional speaker, Lisa Horan for a seminar in January to speak about Customer
Service and Communication. Remember to sign up for that PDT, which will be free and open to all LCSC employees.
Key Note Speaker
Sara Stokes
Sara spoke about the state wide wellness project and the LCSC wellness project. She said LCSC is committed to helping
employees improve their health. The Warrior Wellness program, a key component to this goal, is available to all LCSC
employees, spouses, and dependents. Sara encouraged everyone to take a look around this site and use the tools that are
available including: events & news, fitness, nutrition, healthy living, and Warrior walks.
Liz Weldy distributed door prizes and the business portion of the meeting was adjourned for the social and treats.