CSO Meeting Wednesday, December 3rd SAC 208 CSO Chair Welcome: Amanda Gill welcomed everyone to the meeting. First guest speaker: Greg Meyer, Director of Communications, spoke to us about the newly founded LCSC Marketing Committee. The committee was formed by President Fernandez and is made up of several campus members. The committee is looking into ways on how to increase awareness about LCSC. Greg handed out a flyer about a three question survey, which the committee would like all LCSC employees to take to get feedback to help with internal and external marketing plans. The survey link is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LCSCmarketingcommittee. The committee meets once a month and if you have any questions, you can contact Greg Meyer. Second guest speaker: Theresa Chrisman talked about the Raffle ticket sale. At that time we had around $120.00 in net sales. People have until Wednesday, December 17th to purchase tickets. The raffle is for an event package. The package includes two tickets to the 1940’s Radio Hour show, dinner and gala for the opening of the newly renovated Silverthorne; two tickets to the Confluence Grape and Grain and two tickets to the Shook Twins Concert. Theresa also talked to us about the book and media sale. She asked for our comments in regards to keeping it as a fundraiser or having something else. Some members mentioned maybe alternating each year on fundraisers. Example would be to have a raffle one year, and the book and media another year. Others wondered why the Recognition Committee was called that and thought the name should be changed to Fundraising Committee. A discussion ensued about how decisions are made in regards to who decides on the fundraisers, if we’ll be doing another pig raffle this spring and budget for charity spending. Decisions about the budget and planned donations for the year, led to an idea of making this a discussion at the first CSO meeting of every fiscal year. Third guest speaker: Maria Johnston and Kristina Keener displayed the CSO Winter Revels basket. The basket contained games, gift certificates to restaurants, a Big Bang Theory t-shirt and a $100.00 gift card to restaurants.com. All items were funded personally by CSO members. The items weren’t purchased with CSO funds. Fourth guest speaker: Robin VanSickle updated us on the LCSC Cares Drive. They have been receiving a lot of donations. The donation boxes are displayed in various buildings around campus. A donation of about 25 bags full of food and toys was donated by some LCSC students. All donated items will be delivered to the SUB on the morning of Thursday, December 11th. The items will then be delivered on Friday to two local food banks and the YWCA. Fifth guest speaker: Maria Johnston talked to us about the CSO webpage and survey. In the officers’ meeting we talked about re-vising the CSO webpage, therefore members were asked if they had any ideas. Maria also mentioned about the CSO email link. If members have questions, they can directly email the officers. The email is cso@lcsc.edu and the email will be answered by one of the officers. A new form was added to the CSO web page. If someone knows of a member who is going through a hardship, they can fill out the online form and it will be sent to the CSO officers. A discussion ensued on the hardship donation criteria. The officers would like to do a survey to get feedback from members. The survey will be sent out in January and the results will be discussed in the February meeting. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on what you would like to see on the survey, please email the officers. Treasurer’s report: Kristina updated us on the budget. Amanda talked about the Compensation Review Committee and the Strategic Plan. On Wednesday, December 10th, Amanda will be presenting the CSO Strategic Plan goals at the President’s council meeting. Last month she sent out an email about feedback for the Compensation Review committee. The CRC committee was asked to talk to their constituents about points for President Fernandez to bring up with the Legislature this spring. She’s been receiving a lot of comments from our members. If you would like to send in a comment or have a question, please email Amanda Gill. She’ll be bringing feedback to the preliminary meeting of the Compensation Review Committee after the first of the year. Adjournment