20th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics Algiers, Algeria, 10 - 13 DECEMBER 2007 Introduction This report highlighted areas of strengths and weaknesses in National Statistical Systems. Provide important and useful metadata Can be an advocacy tool for national statistical activities Introduction-Contd. Fifty-one countries were assigned the questionnaire Thirty-eight responded timely to the (76.5%) for 2007 An increase in response rate as compared with 2005 survey (60.1%)- Chart 1 Chart 1a: Country response to questionnaires for AFCAS by sub-regional zones 90.0 80.0 70.0 Percent 60.0 East Africa North Africa Central Africa Southern Africa West Africa Total Africa 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2005 2007 Year Chart 1b: Country response to AFCAS questionnaires in both 2005 and 2007 58.8% 60.0 50.0 40.0 27.5% Percent 30.0 13.7% 20.0 10.0 0.0 Twice Once No. of times None Legal Framework About 94.7% countries had legal framework for general statistical activities About 81.1% countries had legal framework for agricultural statistical activities Less than 50% of countries had an active agricultural statistics advisory committee Chart 2: Legal framework (2007) 100.0 94.7 90.0 81.1 80.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 Percent Existence of legal framework for general statistical activities Existence of legal framework for agricultural statistical activities 50.0 40.0 40.0 30.0 18.9 20.0 10.0 5.3 0.0 Yes No Existence Existence of an active agricultural statistics advisory committee Structure of the National Statistical System 44.7% countries mainly practice a statistical system decentralized by sector with minimum coordinating authorityChart 3 Chart 3: Structure of the general statistical system in countries-2007 44.7 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 26.3 25.0 Percent 18.4 20.0 15.0 10.5 10.0 5.0 0.0 system decentralized by sector, w ith minimum coordination system decentralised by major operating office for sector w ith coordinating general authority statistics&coorniating authority Structure system w ith only one department resp. for statistics Chart 4: General and Agricultural statistical system at sub-national level 80.0 70.6 69.4 70.0 60.0 50.0 Existence of general statistical system at the sub-national level Percent 40.0 29.4 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Yes No Existence 30.6 Presence of agricultural statistical system at the sub-national level Table 1: Most important national institution involved in the production of agricultural census Frequency Percent National Statistical Office 13 31 Agricultural Statistical Office 29 69 Total response 42 100 Strategic Framework NSDS was in existence in more than 50% countries in Africa But majority of them (52%) were not operational Yet most countries (92%) included a programme of activities for general statistics – Chart 5 Chart 5: National strategy for the development of statistics(NSDS)-2007 100.0 92.0 90.0 80.0 74.3 70.0 60.0 Existence of national strategy for the development of statistics (NSDS) 52.0 Percent 50.0 Is the NSDS operational? 48.0 Does it include a programme of activities for general statistics 40.0 30.0 25.7 20.0 8.0 10.0 0.0 Yes No Response Chart 6: National Strategy for agricultural statistics (NSAS)-2007 90.0 82.4 80.0 68.8 70.0 Percent 60.0 55.9 Existence of national strategy for agricultural statistics (NSAS) 50.0 44.1 Is the NSAS operational 40.0 Does it inculde programme of activities for agricultural statistics 31.3 30.0 17.6 20.0 10.0 0.0 Yes No Response Dialogue with data users Less than 50% countries had an official forum for dialogue between agricultural Statistics producers and users Chart 7: Existence of an official forum for dialogue between agricultural statistics producers and users 45% Yes No 55% R St ep at e re pl se an nt ni at ng iv es or ga fa ca ni za de tio m ns ic en vi ro nm en t C ha m M be ed ro ia fc om m er Tr ce ea C su en ry tra /M lB Pr i ni an iv s at try k e of So se Fi ct ci na oor P nc re ro p e fe re ss se io nt na at lr iv Pa es e rtn pr e er se s nt (D at on iv es ar s, N G O s et c) O th er ,s pe ci fy Chart 8: Dialogue with national data users-2007 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 Percent 40.0 Yes, on regular basis Yes, on ad-hoc basis 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 National data users Financial Resources In 2007, according to countries which has responded to the question related to the annual budget allocated to agricultural statistical activities (25 countries), the average of about USD 629,784 is used by countries for that activity (the minimum and maximum values recorded being USD 26,454 and USD 2,714,441). In 2005, only 16 countries 9not necessarily the same as in 2007) have responded to the same questionnaires. This fact makes impossible any comparative analysis of this important information . Human Resources Table 2: Human Resources (2005-2007) Country No.of Prof. Staff in the HQ 2005 2007 No. of Prof. staff in the regional/loc al office 2005 2007 No. of support staff in the HQ 2005 2007 No. of support staff in the regional/local offices 2005 2007 North Africa 6.3 44.0 117.8 114.0 4.8 25.3 37.5 171.0 West Africa 9.8 10.8 22.2 31.8 10.8 6.2 3.2 12.2 Central Africa 13.7 9.8 8.0 21.6 7.3 6.6 13.7 4.8 East Africa 28.6 28.2 150.8 49.3 119.6 36.2 178.0 151.8 4.6 5.5 0.0 12.8 14.0 10.7 83.3 49.9 10.8 14.5 43.3 34.2 26.3 13.8 58.1 56.7 Southern Africa Total Africa International cooperation and external assistance Very few countries (21%) had long term experts at post during the past 12 months 43.2% had technical assistance during the same period 11.8% of countries in Africa had partnership with similar institution abroad Chart 9: International cooperation and external assistance 88.2 90.0 78.9 80.0 70.0 56.8 60.0 50.0 43.2 Percent 40.0 Are the long term experts/consultants(>3months) in the past 12 months Have there been any technical assistance projects in the past 12 months Existence of a partnership with a similar institution abroad 30.0 21.1 20.0 11.8 10.0 0.0 Yes No Response Adoption of international classification 68.2% of countries adopted Harmonized system of classification (HS) 53.8% for ISIC Chart 10: Adoption of international classification 80.0 71.4 70.0 68.2 66.7 61.9 60.0 60.0 53.8 50.0 46.2 Percent 40.0 40.0 38.1 33.3 Yes No 31.8 28.6 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 ISIC CPC SITC HS Classification Regional Classification Others Agricultural Census 81.6% of countries had already conducted agric. Census 84.4% of them made results available to users Most countries had external technical (80.6%) and financial (83.3%) support Chart 11: Agricultural census 90.0 84.4 83.3 81.6 82.8 80.6 80.0 70.0 62.5 60.0 50.0 Percent 40.0 37.5 Yes No 30.0 20.0 18.4 15.6 16.7 19.4 17.2 10.0 0.0 Is agricultural Are the results Was there an Was there an Do you reconcile census already available to external financial external between conducted in the users support techinical conflicting country support census data and current statistics Responses Plans for conducting agricultural census in the next 3 years Chart 12: Main agricultural surveys 100.0 91.9 90.0 80.0 73.3 70.0 64.7 63.9 60.0 54.3 Percent 50.0 45.7 40.0 35.3 36.1 30.0 26.7 20.0 8.1 10.0 0.0 Yes No Surveys Has crop production survey already been conducted Has livestock production survey already been conducted Has producers prices survey already been conducted Has cost of production survey already been conducted Is market information system operational Chart 13: Population census and HHBS 100.0 94.7 92.1 90.0 82.4 80.0 70.0 63.6 58.3 60.0 Percent 50.0 41.7 40.0 Yes No 36.4 30.0 17.6 20.0 10.0 7.9 5.3 0.0 Has population Are the population Are questions on For the next 3 Has HHBS already census already census results agriculture included years, are there been conducted in been conducted in available to users in the population plans of conducting the country the country census a population census questionnaire Response Chart 14: Compilation of other statistics and indicators 90.0 80.6 80.0 80.0 76.7 75.9 70.0 64.7 60.0 56.7 53.3 50.0 46.7 Percent 43.3 40.0 35.3 30.0 24.1 23.3 20.0 19.4 20.0 10.0 0.0 P D ral G ultu Agric s me eets rade rices rices cator l inco s of t ce sh cer p put p l indi n u n m i a r a d t l l Rura e o n a a t r r e b p al ural icultu ironm ultur Food f agr ricult -env i o Agric g r a x g f e A xo Ind Inde Items Yes No Information Technology About 60% of countries have web sites and databases in existence respectively Chart 16: Information Technology 70.0 66.7 62.9 60.0 50.0 37.1 40.0 33.3 Percent 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Yes No Response Is there an existence of a website? Existence of a database Conclusion On the whole the response rate was high considering the time constraints. However, some portions of the questionnaire were not completed. Limited analysis for some information (budget and human resources as well as number of computers). Information given by few countries don’t give a true picture of what is happening on the ground. With regards to the legal framework, it looks like African Governments come to realize institutionally the importance of statistics. Good results from this survey can be used as advocacy for agricultural statistics activities. Recommendations Countries to provide their comments for the improvement of the questionnaire. Countries to review and complete their respective questionnaires. RAF to do more analysis and publish results through a pamphlet? Thank you for your kind attention