CLF130 - (CLF100) Core Area: (CLF130) AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE Unit Title: AGRICULTURE AND CALIFORNIA RESOURCES UNIT DIRECTORY: ___________________________________________________________________________ Code Topic Title Hours Year(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ (CLF131) Agricultural Resources (CLF132) Agriculture and the Environment (CLF133) Energy and Agriculture 3 1 1.5 1 1 1 TOTAL TIME FOR UNIT = 4 ______________________________________________________________________ UNIT GOAL: Students shall understand the impact of agricultural production on the environment and natural resources of California. Students will develop an appreciation of energy, its effects on modern agriculture and current and potential applications of alternative sources of energy available to the field today. UNIT OBJECTIVES: be able to: Upon completion of this unit, the students will 1. Define the economic effects of air pollution on agricultural production in California. 2. Describe the major watersheds of California. 3. Identify the major water quality and pollution problems in California. 4. Identify the major forest regions of California. 5. List three environmental effects of production agriculture in California. 6. Begin to appreciate the role of farmers and ranchers as stewards of natural resources. 7. Identify the major sources of energy in California. 8. Describe three ways agriculture is using alternative energy. 130.1 __________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES: California Water Resources Board Publications Current magazine articles ____________________________________________________________________________ RESOURCES: California Division of Forestry United States Forest Service United States Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Land Management Modern Talking Pictures ____________________________________________________________________________ 130.2