Technical Assistance from FAO to Central Asia & Azerbaijan Changing landscape of ARD: emerging challenges & Focus of FAO work in 2016 – 2020 Outline • Introduction • Continuum of Plant Protection & Production - seed production – IPM – organic ag – GAP – CSA – SPS • Natural Resources Management (Forestry, Land & Water ) • Fisheries, Aquaculture, Policy and Investment • Livestock & Pasture • Introduction of the Knowledge Café Section 1 PLANT PRODUCTION AND PROTECTION Sustainable crop production system to respond to challenges • Development of policies and strategies on sustainable crop production intensification and diversification • Promotion of Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) • Sustainable pasture and grassland management • Promotion of organic agriculture • Promotion intensive orchard and nuts production • Training of young experts in cooperation with CGIAR • Improving technical capacities of implementing partners Strengthening capacities of the National Plant Protection Organizations • Support in strengthening policies and implementation of conventions and standards (e.g. ISPM) • Harmonization of phytosanitary legislation • Promotion of IPM by developing Farmer Field Schools (FFS) • Developing capacities to control transboundary pests and diseases (locust, wheat rusts). • Monitoring and surveillance of wheat pests and diseases • Training of young plant pathologists Strengthening national frameworks for pesticide management • Registration of pesticides and pesticide applying equipment • Developing guidelines/manuals on pesticide registration, specification and quality control • Improving pesticide and obsolete pesticide management to reduce risk • Ratification of Rotterdam Convention and its implementation Better management of plant genetic resources (PGR) and seed systems • Formulation and implementation of national strategies on PGRFA and seed policies • Development of capacities in conservation and utilization of PGR • Promotion of seed certification and quality control for priority crops (cotton, wheat, fodder crops, potatoes) Section 2 NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Forestry, Land and Water 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Event 10 Regional priority 3: Natural resource management, including climate change adaptation and mitigation. 38th ECA / 29th ERC ‘Towards drought risk management in Europe and Central Asia’ Recommendation: FAO, in collaboration with WMO and UNCCD, supports MC for developing and implementing policies, strategies and action plans on drought risk management at national and transboundary levels. 39th ECA ‘Combating land degradation for food security and ecosystem services’ Recommendation: FAO should strengthen its technical support to countries for halting and reversing land degradation in all land uses, with a focus on restoring degraded soils, in line with SDG 15 of 2030 Agenda through coordinated action. Improve performance of the irrigation sector N: Capacity development on irrigation modernization R: Network of national centers of excellence and experts on irrigation modernization Halt and reverse soil degradation trends R: Action from FAO and its members to promote sustainable soil management CACFish? Implementation Plan (FTPP-II)! N: FTPP-I - Turkey’s first online national soil information system (made accessible to farmers, scientists and decision-makers) Addressing the water – food – energy nexus in Aral Sea Basin Cross-sectoral policy dialogue and regional cooperation FTPP 1 - Relevant scenario framework adopted by all riparian states of the Aral Sea basin, to be used as a tool for improved decision-making FTPP – II / FTFP : Mainstreaming the ‘scenario thinking’ approach (UNRCCA & FAO`s Contribution to Sustainable Forest Management at Different Levels (National, Sub-regional, Regional) Combating Desertification and Restoring Mountain Watersheds N: GEF funded projects in Kyrgyzstan and Turkey N: Home-based Nursery Development in Tajikistan (under FTPP 1) SR: Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of Mountain Watersheds (under FTPP 1) Targeting Forest Biodiversity and Climate Change N: GEF funded projects in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan SR: Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan FAO’s multidisciplinary support to Member Countries for addressing the 3 Rio Conventions (UNCCD, UNFCCC and UNCBD) KAZAKHSTAN KYRGYZSTAN TAJIKISTAN TURKEY TURKMENISTAN UZBEKISTAN KAZAKHSTAN TURKEY TURKMENISTAN UZBEKISTAN Section 3 FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE Fisheries and Aquaculture • FISHDEV the “Superstar” of the previous FTPP • CACFish and over 35 regional workshops • “First cooperation on Aquaculture since fall of the Soviet Union” • Country projects and Regional Cooperation Fisheries Country requests • AZ: Improve the production, processing, Comanagement, IUU and quality assurance. • KAZ: National policies, aquaculture/fisheries management and action plans. Pikeperch • Kyr: Aquaculture Capacity Dev. Food Security Country Specific requests • Taj: Inst. + Tech. capacity. hatchery technologies ,seed production, feed and processing, • Turm: Increased sustainable fish production, Climate Change adaptation and aquaculture management • UZ: Intensive aquaculture technology for high production. Cages culture in water reservoirs FISHDEV of FTPP I • FISHDEV the “Superstar” of the previous FTPP • CACFish and over 35 regional trainings • “First cooperation on Aquaculture since fall of the Soviet Union” • Country projects and Regional Cooperation FISHDEV II will cover country priorities, and will emphasize Regional Development and Cooperation Section 4 POLICY 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Event 22 FAO Policy Support : Assist Member Countries to : • Formulate, monitor and evaluate sustainable policies and strategies; • Identify, understand and fight the root causes of food insecurity and malnutrition; • Enhance policy dialogue and stakeholders consultation • Develop capacities of public institutions • Develop rural development strategies and approaches • Provide analysis and data (statistics, policy and price monitoring tools etc.) • Develop conducive policy environment for investment Policy support is core to FAO’s goal to improve food security and nutrition Policy assistance in SEC sub- region – priorities: • Policy advice and institutions strengthening • Country Programming Frameworks (CPF) • FAO Regional Initiatives for AgriFood Trade and Market Integration and Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms • Address emerging issues (Climate change, nutrition, mainstreaming gender etc.) • Policy advice across technical areas (forestry, livestock etc.) • Support the ECO Regional Food Security Programme jointly with ECO Regional Coordination Centre, • Disseminate FAO normative work and policy guidance (e.g. Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests) FAO Regional Strategic analysis - main global trends and challenges relevant for the region: • Trade Policy and Agriculture • Elimination of rural poverty and food insecurity by 2030 • Resilience of Agriculture to Climate Change • Economic inequality and regional disparities • Migration, Rural livelihoods and entrepreneurship • Sustainable food production and food systems 25 Policy assistance and dialogue under FTPP-1, and transition to FTPP-2/ FTFP – next steps • • • • Agricultural policy: one Focus Area of FTPP-ph. 2; Assess policy work under FTPP –ph. 1 and follow-up; Policy cohesion for cross-cutting issues; Consolidate ECO-RCC project for ECO Regional Programme for Food Security to support countries in its implementation; Mapping of policy assistance and capacity building needs in consultation with Countries for FTPP-2; Support policy work and dialogue within technical areas (forestry, fisheries, seed policy, livestock etc.) and at institutional level. Regional situation analysis; Develop strategic partnerships; Linkages and synergies with FAO investment activities • • • • • 26 Section 5 INVESTMENT Role of Investments in Agriculture and Rural Development in Central Asia Investments play a crucial role in addressing the most important issues in agriculture and rural development including, eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, ensuring food security, ensuring sustainable use of natural resources, increasing resilience to disasters. Examples of priority sub-sectors include: crop and livestock production, irrigation, land and water management, fisheries, value chains etc. Sources of Funding for Development Projects The main source for development and technical assistance projects remain donor funds (IFIs, bilateral agencies, technical/development agencies, NGOs etc). IFIs represented by WB, ADB, IFAD and others. Bilateral agencies include USAID, DFID, EU, SIDA, GIZ and others. NGOs include Oxfam, Mission East and others. Technical/development agencies include UNDP, FAO, JICA, SDC and others. Resources include both loan and grant funds Donor resources are limited and often ad-hoc and will not be there all the time. The governments will have to eventually take responsibility and assume these expenses Role of Investments in Agriculture and Rural Development in Central Asia • Investments play a crucial role in addressing the most important issues in agriculture and rural development including, eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, ensuring food security, ensuring sustainable use of natural resources, increasing resilience to disasters. • Examples of priority sub-sectors include: crop and livestock production, irrigation, land and water management, fisheries, value chains etc. Sources of Funding for Development Projects • The main source for development and technical assistance projects remain donor funds (IFIs, bilateral agencies, technical/development agencies, NGOs etc). IFIs represented by WB, ADB, IFAD and others. Bilateral agencies include USAID, DFID, EU, SIDA, GIZ and others. NGOs include Oxfam, Mission East and others. Technical/development agencies include UNDP, FAO, JICA, SDC and others. • Resources include both loan and grant funds • Donor resources are limited and often ad-hoc and will not be there all the time. The governments will have to eventually take responsibility and assume these expenses • Due to budgetary constraints the share of government resources is often limited to co-funding for projects, which is often in kind (beneficiaries contribution, facilities, labour etc) • However the national governments offer some support through access to low interest loans (e.g. the Kyrgyz government subsidizes upto 10% of the interest rates of loans extended by commercial banks to farmers. Estimated that in 2015 the total amount of loans will exceed 4 billion KGS. Likewise in Uzbekistan, farmers growing cotton and wheat have access to low interest loans (3-4%) and subsidized inputs (fertilizer, fuel, seed etc) and in exchange they sell their produce (or a share of it) at a fixed price) Outstanding Challenges • Agriculture and rural development requires a long-term and systematic approach • Agriculture development policies and strategies should be in place to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the long term development objectives and goals (e.g. an FTPP project is being designed to assist the government of Uzbekistan to develop an Agriculture Development Strategy which would ensure a more efficient use of investments) • • • • • • The respective policies and strategies shall be supported by adequate resources to effectively implement those policies and strategies Donor resources are limited and should be used efficiently in accordance with the priorities outlined in policies and strategies Attracting private sector investments is important in addressing specific problems in agriculture like value adding (e.g. case of Nestle company producing dairy products in Uzbekistan from milk collected in several regions of Uzbekistan; case of Vimbildan company in Kyrgyzstan also producing dairy products from milk collected in Chui oblast) Respective policies and legislation should be analyzed and revised if necessary to make the business environment more favorable for private sector investments. (FAO/TCI could potentially tackle this area through TCP/FTPP facilities provided that there is demand from the government side) The availability of state budgetary resources for investments in agriculture will remain limited unless there will be a significant economic growth which can make additional funds available Donor coordination should be ensured to avoid overlapping and duplications (e.g. case of Tajikistan where DCC is in place and FAO is playing a leading role) Section 6 LIVESTOCK AND PASTURE 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Event 32 Animal Health and Production Opportunities •Existing structure from past, not from Zero: •Universities, educated professionals, laboratories, infrastructure • • • • • waste pasture Farming system Access to information and best practices, Russian Language International assistance However However, actions required to •Control TADs, and zoonotics diseases •Update Policies/strategies •Improve diagnostic capacities •Install Animal Identification/traceability •Update veterinary education •Attract young generation in the proffesion •Improve linkage between Gov. practitioners and farmers and •Focus on private vet. Services Animal Production •Decrease number & increase production •Improve pasture, •Renew feed concentrate production •Control parasitic production diseases •Improve small farms productivity •Improve & expand AI services •Support processing and marketing •Facilitate private investment • • • • • • • • FAO’s Assistance Disease diagnosis and control Veterinary education, Development of PVS Improving animal breeding & farm managt. Improving animal productivity Animal identification and registration Apiculture development Policies and strategies for meeting farmers needs and international requirements Proposed assistance • Strengthening technical capacities of the AHP Sp. • TAD control strengthening • Phyto-sanitary improvement • Strengthening of Private Veterinary Practice • Improving animal productivity • Apiculture productivity improvement – Focus on poor women Telefood project Kyrg.- support to widows with milking cows 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 38 Milk Collection Centre Established in Kyrgyzstan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 39 Milk Collection Centre Established in Kyrgyzstan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 40 Artificial Insemination Training, Azerbaijan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 41 Artificial Insemination Training, Azerbaijan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 42 Artificial Insemination training, Azerbaijan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 43 Beekeeping training for women in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 44 Veterinary Training in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 45 Veterinary Training in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 46 Veterinary Training in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 47 Beekeeping training for women in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 48 Beekeeping training for women in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 49 Beekeeping training for women in Tajikistan 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference 50 Invitation to Knowledge Cafe How it works Questions to the Plenary?