Eastern Connecticut State University

Eastern Connecticut State University
83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099
Student Government Association
General Board Meeting
March 3rd, 2014
Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks
(BAM), K. Chrzanowska (Treasurer), Z. Yeager (Secretary)
Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney
Senators: J. Ahern, E. Benoit, A. Burns, V. Cosma, E. Drouin, D. Dykstra, A. Fiducia, M.
Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, E. McDonald, M. McFall-Gorman, E. Pelletier, R.
Perry, J. Reid, R. Rivera, M. Styrczula
Guests: W. McLaughlin
Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM
1. Acceptance of Minutes for 02/24/14
a. Motion # 42 (M. McFall-Gorman , E. Benoit ) Motion to accept the minutes
from 02/24/14 (19-0-2) Motion Carries.
2. President’s Report:
a. Jim Howarth (Vice President of Finance & Administration):
i. J. Howarth showed the percent increases on different parts of tuition,
fees, etc. with the proposed tuition increase for undergraduate,
graduate, in-state, out-of-state, and NEBHE.
ii. Fringe benefits increase 15% for faculty and staff, but there is only a
5% increase in revenue for the upcoming year so we need to have
the state match it or find the money elsewhere.
iii. J. Reid asked about the tuition increase of last year It was 5.25% on
iv. The increases in pay were mentioned too. Union contracts call for a
pay raise so we must do that.
v. Chartwells contract is increasing about 4% as well.
vi. M. Delaney asked if we are breaking even, but with the current
budget, we are going to fall short, but are watching expenses
carefully to make sure we don’t run a deficit.
vii. M. McFall-Gorman mentioned that the “Come Back to Get Ahead”
doesn’t seem to benefit the students. Nobody seems to be returning
to school in this economy and to give a break to students that take 18
months off does not seem fair. J. Howarth agreed, but mentioned that
those coordinating the program believe that the students will return.
b. Best Buddies:
Best Buddies came to the meeting and promoted the Dance-A-Thon. We can
raise money to help support Best Buddies chapters throughout the state.
Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association
“Students Serving Students”
Best Buddies is a non-profit organization that helps bring people with and
without disabilities together. The chapters in Connecticut need help and
money raised at the Dance-A-Thon benefits them. They will be giving away
prizes, with a grand prize at the twelfth hour. Forms are brought on that day
and registration starts at 11. E-mail bestbuddies@my.easternct.edu with any
c. Bowlathon:
E-Board struck out while playing against General Board because general
board had energy to spare that day. It was hoped that the rest of the Senate
would spare E-Board their pity as they switched seats with members of the
General Board.
d. Tuition Raises – University Cuts:
i. The University is going to need to make cuts with tuition increases as
stated by J. Howarth earlier. Senators attending University Senate
Tuesday should have a brief testimony on what to say regarding the
ii. M. Hicks talked about the projected cuts from the Budget Resource
Allocation Committee. The University is predicting a few million
dollars in losses. We cannot raise tuition because the Board of
Regents said that they would not pass anything with more than a 2%
increase. Last year unions agreed not to take raises, but there will be
increases in pay because of the agreement this year. This lack of
funding and small tuition increase will lead to larger class sizes, less
course availability, less faculty, reduced library hours, elimination of
sports programs, reduced custodial service, deferred maintenance,
less police officers, and less student center hours.
3. Vice President’s Report:
a. Senator of the Month:
V. Cosma was presented with the award.
b. Representative Visit:
A legislator that A. Bullard works with at the Capitol was happy that SGA
went to the appropriations hearing. Tim LeGeyt heard really good things
about the meeting and what we have done. He has never been to Eastern
before. He sees the importance of SGA. Senators were in favor of him
attending, so he will be stopping at a meeting. A. Bullard said his arrival
would be important but if we have class at 4, we should let A. Bullard know
by sending her an e-mail at sgaVP@my.easternct.edu.
c. Committees
i. Student Issues:
The Majors Fair is on for Wednesday March 12th from 2-4 PM. E.
McDonald has not heard from World Languages & Culture or
Political Science still so they will be contacted in person. Local high
schools have also been called, inviting prospective students to the
event. Posters advertising the event have also been made. C. Gosselin
recommended working with housing to make it an adopted program.
M. Hicks mentioned that B. Bisese in Academic Affairs could access
the undeclared e-mail list to further reach these students. A. Bullard
will talk to P. Serginese from housing regarding making it an adopted
program M. McFall-Gorman encouraged utilizing the freshman in
SGA to talk to people in their halls and advertise the event heavily to
their friends and peers. M. Delaney also mentioned that we need to
ensure that this event is successful.
ii. Public Relations:
The Bucket Day event is pushed back due to backordered buckets.
The event will be mandatory.
The Family Tree of SGA will also be presented at the next meeting.
iii. Internal:
1. Constitution Revisions:
E. Pelletier went over the revisions, including the delegate
program. M. Delaney asked about the last paragraph that
reads: “A delegate who is elected as a Senator shll be then
held to all duties of a Senator, as well as be allowed all voting
rights and other priveleges.” It is to make sure that the
delegates are upheld as Senators and are no longer held to
simply the standards of a delegate. M. Hicks mentioned that
we should have the delegate program an additional
document but not in the constitution. C. Ambrosio mentioned
it as a Pilot Program. It was decided not to write it into the
Constitution because we will need to continue changing it in
the near future, and have it as a separate document to
consult in the event of a delegate.
Motion # 43 (J. Reid, J. Ahern) Motion to add “gender
identity” to the preamble after sexual preference. (21-0-0)
Motion Carries.
Motion # 44(R. Rivera, E. Drouin) Motion to change every
place in the constitution where E-Board members validate by
two-thirds of three-fourths to a simple majority. (21-0-0)
Motion Carries.
Motion #45 (A. Bullard, C. Gosselin) Motion to amend
Motion # 45 to change every place in the constitution where
E-Board members validate by two-thirds or three-fourths to
a simple majority. (21-0-0) Motion Carries.
Motion # 46 (R. Perry, M. McFall-Gorman) Motion to
change Article II, Section 6, Subsection B of the Bylaws to
read: “To distribute minutes of the SGA within forty-eight
hours.” (19-2-0) Motion Carries.
Motion # 47(R. Rivera, J. Ahern) Motion to change Article
II, Section 8, Subsection A of the Bylaws to read “A member
of the SGA shall be elected to serve as a representative on the
Student Advisory Council (SAC) to the Board of Regents
(BOR) and to change part I to read “One member of the SGA
shall be elected as an alternate, to act in the absence of the
primary representative and to coincide with the SAC bylaws.
(21-0-0) Motion Carries.
Motion # 48 (A. Bullard, C. Gosselin) Motion to amend
Motion # 47 to add “and to coincide with the SAC bylaws”
(20-0-1) Motion Carries.
iv. BAM:
1. Two new clubs are interested in getting started on campus.
Both Ballroom Dancing Club and Yoga Club have their
constitutions ready. Members of BAM will be voting on them
at this week’s meeting.
2. Because BAM will be short 3 members at the CPAC
conference, K. Chrzanowska will be running BAM and three
members of other committees will have voting rights for the
BAM meeting this week.
3. Try not to take Monday classes at 4 PM.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
a. Update/Reallocation:
Motion # 49 (C. Gosselin, E. Pelletier) Motion to move $12,000 to the
General-Board budget from the Executive-Board budget. (15,0,0) Motion
i. J. Reid inquired why. A. Bullard explained so that the committees can
use money for their events.
5. Secretary’s Report:
Nothing to report at this time.
6. Advisor’s Report:
Nothing to report at this time.
7. Old Business:
8. New Business:
Wednesday, March 12th there will be a documentary entitled “Girl Rising” M. Silver
will explain more next week.
9. Open Floor:
Meeting adjourned at 4:11 PM