Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099 Student Government Association General Board Meeting November 11th, 2013 Present: Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks (BAM), B. Rice (Treasurer), Z. Yeager (Secretary) Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney Senators: J. Ahern, E. Benoit, A. Burns, K. Chrzanowska, K. Cusano, A. DelValle, E. Drouin, D. Dykstra, A. Fiducia, M. Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, R. Labrie, E. McDonald, M. McFall-Gorman, E. Pelletier, S. Ramsay, J. Reid, R. Rivera Meeting called to order at 3:01 PM 1. Acceptance of Minutes for a. Motion # 25 (E. Drouin , A. Bullard ) Motion to accept the minutes from 11/4/13. (22-0-0) Motion Carries. i. The date was incorrect and an updated version was sent to the minutes account. 2. President’s Report: a. 18th Annual Cops Open Rec Night: It will be on Friday, December 6th. 9 PM – 2 AM. Motion # 26 (J. Reid, A. Fiducia) Motion to give Cops Open Rec Night $7000. (22-0-1) Motion Carries. i. Last year we gave $6000. J. Reid asked about how much we gave last year. J. Garzone recommended we give more because of the new game systems given out. ii. Motion # 27 (J. Garzone, S, Ramsay) Motion to amend the previous motion and increase the amount given to $7000. (22-0-1) Motion Carries. 1. Z. Yeager recommended that we keep it $6000 because we may not be able to give that much in the future. 2. But M. Hicks mentioned that Officer Schneider is fine with whatever we give him, so if we decrease next year it wouldn’t be bad. E. Benoit mentioned that we need to make sure that we make it as awesome as possible. More money translates to more support. b. Spring 2014 Budget: B. Rice went over the spring semester budget. We have $416,575 that we can allocate. First we subtract our portion of the admin 2 salary of $20,289. $166,630 for CAB. $9000 to Yearbook, $12,000 for Drama Society, $5000 for Senior Class, $4500 for the Lantern. $199,156 for General Board, E-Board, and BAM plus BAM rollover (predicted $40,000). $12,156 for General Board (Elections, Banquets) and $175,000 to BAM (plus their $40,000 rollover) Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association “Students Serving Students” and $12,000 for E-Board. Motion # 28 (K. Chrzanowska, C. Gosselin) Motion to approve the Spring 2014 budget as outlined above with stipulation that yearbook and drama society present a budget per the SGA Constitution. (20-0-3) c. Internal Retreat: Thanks Internal! d. Cleaning Campaign: E-Board has been looking to establish a way for Eastern to help clean up the community after Thursday in a neighborhood prone to partying. J. Garzone agrees that it is a good idea to get the students being disciplined by Judicial Affairs to clean up too. J. Reid asked if it’s a one-time event. She also mentioned that we need the right people cleaning it up. E. Pelletier mentioned that it does help the local residents, so they’ll be happy. E. McDonald mentioned that if volunteers do it, the right people aren’t cleaning it up. M. Hicks mentioned that it would be a good PR move and it fixes our PR with the community. D. Dykstra believes that it is a good idea because it builds our reputation and we need to be representing Eastern and SGA. S. Ramsay asked if administration is taking any of the blame for the problem with the new housing policies. E-Board has discussed this and come to the conclusion that their new policies may be contributing. A. Fiducia asked about how the policy was handled before and how the policies have changed, but we have come to find out that Housing is finally enforcing their policies. 3. Vice President’s Report: a. Committees: i. Student Issues: Will be working on the registration issues and proposing a new idea where we don’t have as many students go on at once. We warned her to be persistent since the idea has been shot down numerous times before. ii. Public Relations: They are looking for ways to brand SGA and to do so by emotionally bonding with the constituents. A compliment booth was suggested. iii. Internal: They are planning with PR to sit in the student center for 1 or 2 hours and hang out. The committee will also work on Constitution revisions. iv. BAM: 1. FRPs: They were due Friday night but the committee only received 50. There are 5-10 late FRPs expected but they are reviewed last. 2. Eastern Writer’s Guild: Changed their mission statement. The change is updating the constitution to keep up to date with their change of name from a few years ago. M. Hicks will send out the Constitution to the Senate and have us approve it next week. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing additional to report. 5. Secretary’s Report: a. Philanthropy day: Make sure you come out to Philanthropy Day Wednesday in the Student Center to learn about High 5 and giving back to Eastern. There will be free giveaways too! Support Senior Class Committee. 6. Advisor’s Report: C. Ambrosio is reporting that the advisors have nothing to report. 7. Old Business: 8. New Business: 9. Open Floor: a. Board of Regents Update: Leg. Affairs Committee: J. Ahern is the representative (A. Fiducia is the alternate). Their main focus is on deficits, charter oak schools. etc. b. Organization Committee: J. Reid kept the Senate up to date on her committee. c. Drama Society: A member gave an update on how they spend the money to buy the costumes, sound design, and for set creation. Students get credit for being in the plays or participating. A budget will be presented in the coming weeks. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM