Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099 Student Government Association General Board Meeting January 13th, 2014 Present: Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks (BAM), Z. Yeager (Secretary) Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney Senators: J. Ahern, E. Benoit, A. Burns, K. Chrzanowska, V. Cosma, K. Cusano, E. Drouin, D. Dykstra, A. Fiducia, M. Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, M. Kandemir, E. McDonald, M. McFall-Gorman, E. Pelletier, R. Perry, J. Reid, R. Rivera, M. Styrczula Guests: R. Labrie, M. Silver, J. Aponte Meeting called to order at 3:03 PM 1. Acceptance of Minutes for 12/9/13 a. Motion # 35 (R. Rivera , K. Chrzanowska ) Motion to accept the minutes from 12/9/13 (23-0-0) Motion Carries. 2. President’s Report: a. Mr. Osborn Presentation: E. Osborn gave an update on the history of Eastern. He mentioned the tradition of the Daisy Chain Re-enactment at graduation for the 125th anniversary. He is asking for the manpower. E. Osborn will be looking into a lot of the specifics but there is a lot of Senator interest. E. Benoit mentioned that we should make it 125’ long for the 125th anniversary. b. SGA Open Positions: If anyone is interested in the Treasurer position, they should let the E-Board know ASAP. The appointment should occur at next meeting. c. CSU SGA Summit: Last week, our E-Board met with the SGAs of the other CSUs and discussed problems that we are currently facing. Sarah, the BOR rep from Southern, presented the ExcelCT and its impact on the CSUs. A. Bullard is interning in the state legislature office so she will be having contacts there. d. Group Sessions: E-Board’s ideas were: i. Halting tuition increases, ii. Improving our relations with other CSU SGAs, iii. Continuing the cleaning campaign, iv. Further researching the evaluation and tenure process for professors, v. Conference/leadership development, and a Senate outing. Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association “Students Serving Students” Senate input included: i. More interaction within and between the committees, ii. Different committee members giving an update to increase their awareness, iii. Increasing voting turnout for spring elections (15%), iv. Constitutional revisions, v. Having a big event, similar to the pep rally, but not a pep rally, vi. Branding SGA with our logo on food, vii. Replicating our successful last semester, viii. Committee member collaboration between committees, ix. Improving the retention rate, x. Polling transfer students as to why they left their old school and chose Eastern. 3. Vice President’s Report: a. Committees: i. Student Issues: Academic Affairs is happy to help us set up the Majors Fair. E. McDonald is meeting with them on Thursday at 2 PM. Contact her if you are interested in attending. ii. Public Relations: They have come up with the idea for a Student Appreciation Day idea. They have an outlined budget for elections. Tuesdays at 2 PM. iii. Internal: E. Pelletier presented the Senate with an outline of a E-Board compensation plan. She e-mailed out the specifics and a broad overview of the plan. iv. BAM: There is $45,000 in rollover from last semester that goes to the SGA account. There also may be an open seat in the BAM committee with the absence of a current Treasurer. Those interested should have contacted M. Hicks. 4. Secretary’s Report: a. Office Hours: E-mail Zach with your office hours. 5. Advisor’s Report: 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: 8. Open Floor: Meeting adjourned.