1997 New Hampshire Pollution Prevention Internship Program Internship Final Report Student Intern Liaison/P2 Database Management/On-Site Assessment Melissa Waleryszak TEL: 603/271-6460 FAX: 603/271-2456 e_mail: nhppp@deswmdpl.mv.com Department of Environmental Services (DES) NH Pollution Prevention Program 6 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301-6509 Contact Person: Vincent Perelli, Manager TEL: 603-271-2902 FAX: 603-271-2456 e_mail: perelli@deswmdpl.mv.com I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents II. Executive Summary III. Introduction/Background IV. Goals/Objectives V. Approach/Methodology VI. Project Results VII. Pollution Prevention Benefits VIII. Recommendations for Future Efforts IX. References X. Appendices II. Executive Summary My summer internship with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Pollution Prevention Program, the NHPPP, involved a variety of assignments. As the student intern liaison, I supported the eight other interns (placed at various manufacturing facilities and agencies) through information searches on such topics as alternatives for propylene glycol for airplane deicing, spill absorbent vendors, Groundwater Protection Rules (Env-Ws 410), and storm water P2 plans. I also kept the interns informed of various meetings, progress report dates, and helped in the general coordinating of the interns this summer. Updating the technical and vendor databases was another project this summer which will guarantee the program of having the most current information at their fingertips. CLEAN-P2 is a pilot project in Maine and New Hampshire used in helping metal plating and printing facilities save money through pollution prevention and helping them be in environmental compliance with all media programs. I attended the third CLEAN-P2 visit, and subsequently created a tank layout plan for each of the numerous plating lines. III. Introduction/Background The NHPPP helps New Hampshire businesses address multi-media (water, land, and air) pollution and waste issues through pollution prevention. The program assesses existing situations and suggests P2 possibilities which are both economically and environmentally sensible. The program offers: IV. on-site assistance; pollution prevention and compliance assistance; conferences and workshops; pilot projects; strategic partnerships; curriculum development; and an information clearinghouse. Goals/Objectives My objectives for the summer first included providing the student interns with their requested information. Second, I was to coordinate the student intern activities, for example the bi-weekly progress reports, the progress presentation on July 2, the final presentation on September 4, and final report. Third, I was to research P2 topics when necessary and provide project support to DES and UNH staff as needed. My final objectives were to maintain the technical and vendor databases and assist in several on-site evaluations. Due to the new NEWMOA measurement program and pressure from the EPA to prove the NHPPP’s “worth,” a new goal/objective came about after the start of the internship. This goal was to work on follow-up and measurement protocols for the NHPPP. V. Approach/Methodology For the P2 Internship Program to be a success, it is important that all parties (i.e. interns, DES, UNH, and sponsor companies) know what is going on. I helped maintain a consistent line of communication by being in close contact with the other student interns, as well as with Dr. Ihab Farag, UNH P2 Internship Program Director. Upon request, I conducted P2 and compliance-related information searches (P2 and compliance assistance) for the interns by utilizing both in-house (e.g. In-Magic database) and out-of-house (P2Tech Listserve, Internet searches, other state P2 programs) resources. After reviewing several hundred hazardous waste annual and biennial reports, I was able to come up with several correlational charts in an attempt to quantify the success of the NHPPP. VI. Project Results: Providing the most current and thorough information to the interns, DES, and UNH staff was a significant project this summer. Over seventy information searches were conducted and over 325 documents sent out. Topics varied from topics such as alternatives for propylene glycol for airplane deicing and spill absorbent vendors to Groundwater Protection Rules (Env-Ws 410) and storm water P2 plans; A close communication between all the interns and the internship program directors was established; Several on-sites were attended: Sargent’s Service Center of Rye Rye Auto Body JMD Industries; The business contacts database and file cabinet were updated and organized; The vendor and technical databases were updated with the most current possible information available; Following a CLEAN-P2 site visit, a tank layout plan was created for JMD Industries for each of the various plating lines; Biennial and Annual Hazardous Waste Reports were sorted through and charts were created in order to quantify the success of the NHPPP (see appendix for a copy); A Customer Service Phone Survey was created as a way to follow-up on information requests we may have provided to an individual or facility (see appendix for a copy); and Annual reports and reports to legislature from states other than New Hampshire were reviewed and summarized in order to assist the P2 staff with the upcoming report to legislature (see appendix for a copy). VII. Pollution Prevention Benefits By providing the interns with P2 and compliance information, they are able to more efficiently help their sponsor companies reach their pollution prevention and compliance goals more effectively. This can decrease the amount of money spent on manufacturing operations, as well as compliancerelated activities. By maintaining the technical and vendor databases, facilities, staff, and consumers have access to the most current information available. Developing follow-up research/surveys and quantifying the accomplishments of the NHPPP, because of the increased pressure by EPA and others to show measurable pollution prevention results, was considerably time consuming. The pollution prevention staff will be better able to present the case that pollution prevention is by far the preferred and most cost effective approach to environmental management. VIII. Recommendations for Future Efforts Consistent updating of the NHPPP vendor and technical databases will guarantee the program of having the most current information at their fingertips. Detailed records for information requests need to be maintained to more easily summarize accomplishments of the NHPPP. IX. References In-Magic technical and vendor databases Annual and Biennial Hazardous Waste Reports Diverse individual contacts Annual Reports and Reports to Legislature from numerous states X. Appendix