Climate Change and Sanitation Naomi Radke, seecon international GmbH Climate Change 1 Find this presentation and more on: Copyright & Disclaimer Copy it, adapt it, use it – but acknowledge the source! Copyright Included in the SSWM Toolbox are materials from various organisations and sources. Those materials are open source. Following the opensource concept for capacity building and non-profit use, copying and adapting is allowed provided proper acknowledgement of the source is made (see below). The publication of these materials in the SSWM Toolbox does not alter any existing copyrights. Material published in the SSWM Toolbox for the first time follows the same open-source concept, with all rights remaining with the original authors or producing organisations. To view an official copy of the the Creative Commons Attribution Works 3.0 Unported License we build upon, visit This agreement officially states that: You are free to: • Share - to copy, distribute and transmit this document • Remix - to adapt this document. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any changes that you have made to improve this document. Under the following conditions: • Attribution: You must always give the original authors or publishing agencies credit for the document or picture you are using. Disclaimer The contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessarily the official opinion of the funding or supporting partner organisations. Depending on the initial situations and respective local circumstances, there is no guarantee that single measures described in the toolbox will make the local water and sanitation system more sustainable. The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide ideas for improving the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Results depend largely on the respective situation and the implementation and combination of the measures described. An in-depth analysis of respective advantages and disadvantages and the suitability of the measure is necessary in every single case. We do not assume any responsibility for and make no warranty with respect to the results that may be obtained from the use of the information provided. Climate Change Find this presentation and more on: Contents 1. Introduction 2. Mitigation and Adaptation in Sanitation 3. Mitigation: Energy Production 4. Mitigation: Nutrient Recovery 5. Adaptation to Water Scarcity 6. Adaptation to Flooding 7. Emission Trading as an Additional Benefit 8. Conclusion 9. References Climate Change 3 Find this presentation and more on: 1. Introduction The Greenhouse Gas Effect = presence of greenhouse gases lead to warming of the earth’s surface Some radiation (sun heat) passes the atmosphere and reaches the earth’s surface. Source: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop the radiation to escape the atmosphere so that the warming on the earth’s surface is intensified. Human (=anthropogenic) activities greenhouse gas emissions Climate Change 4 Find this presentation and more on: 1. Introduction Relevant Greenhouse Gases and Major Anthropogenic Sources Source: energy-update-keystone-dilemmadrop-co2-bucket-list/carbonemissions/ [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Sources: CH4 • fossil fuels • enteric fermentation • rice paddies Source:http://www.billygoattavern. com/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2012/11/HiRes.jpg [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Climate Change CO2 Sources: • fossil fuel combustion • biomass combustion (primarily deforestation) N2O Source: /2012/nov/28/amazon-deforestation-record-low [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Sources: • cultivated soil • biomass burning Source: US/products/equipment/frontier_implements/t illage_equipment/ [Accessed: 19.03.2013] 5 Find this presentation and more on: 1. Introduction Environmental Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Effect Rise in temperature 1.1-6.4°C by end of 21st century leading to: • Change in rainfall patterns: increased risk of drought, fire and floods Source: http://discoverhistorictra new-orleans-flooding.jpg [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Source: ag/drought/ [Accessed: 19.03.2013] • Rising sea level and weakening of sea currents • Further impacts are explained e.g. on The Nature Conservancy’s website ( Source: l-warming-climate-change/threats-impacts/rising-seas.xml [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Climate Change 6 Find this presentation and more on: 1. Introduction Environmental Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Effect The many changes in climate due to temperature rise (climate change) threaten survival on the planet as they effect: • food security (through droughts) • shelter (through areas flooded in the future/droughts) • health (through heat waves) Climate Change 7 Find this presentation and more on: 1. Introduction Prevention and Mitigation versus Adaption Prevention and Mitigation: Reduce climate change by Reducing greenhouse gas effect by Reducing greenhouse gases at its anthropogenic sources Adaption: Cope with climate change by Adapting yourself to the new environmental circumstances Climate Change Find this presentation and more on: 2. Mitigation and Adaptation in Sanitation Sustainable Sanitation for Climate Change Mitigation Sustainable sanitation = opportunities to mitigate climate change Energy production Biogas production Biomass production Reduces primary energy consumption (from non-renewable sources) Climate Change Nutrient recovery N-reuse from urine from wastewater Avoids energyintensive production of mineral fertiliser 9 Find this presentation and more on: 2. Mitigation and Adaptation in Sanitation Sustainable Sanitation for Climate Change Adaptation Sustainable sanitation = opportunities to adapt to climate change water and wastewater management adaptation to water scarcity adaptation to flooding Reduces primary water resources demand Climate Change 10 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Biogas Production Biogas = a renewable energy Production = bacteria decompose organic matter under anaerobic conditions (= in the absence of oxygen) and turn it into biogas Substrates that can be used for biogas production: • Blackwater (= mix of excreta and flushing water) • Organic waste from households or agricultural farms Anaerobic Biogas Reactor. Source: TILLEY et al. (2008) • Animal manure • Sewage sludge from domestic wastewater Climate Change • Human excreta from dry toilets 11 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Biogas Production – Direct Use Biogas is usually piped from the tank into a: Biogas Cooking Stove Biogas stove in kitchen, India. Source: FULFARD (2008) Biogas Lamp Running a gas lamp from biogas, Vietnam. Source: PBPO (2006) Climate Change 12 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Biogas Production – Small-Scale Generating electricity from biogas. This requires converting chemical electricity to mechanical electricity by a heat engine. The mechanical electricity then activates a generator to produce electric power. Usually, combustion engines are used as a heat engine. About half of the thermal energy of a heat engine is lost and not converted into electricity. A combined heat and power unit can take advantage of this excess heat. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit “micro size” in Germany. Source: SUSANA (2009) Climate Change 13 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Biogas Production – Large-Scale Large-scale biogas plants are almost always combined plants (see small-scale: electricity and heat) based on gas turbines (more efficient but more expensive than combustion engines). Usually found in district heating systems of: • big cities • hospitals • wastewater treatment plants • paper mills • and more Source: SCHALLER (2007) Climate Change Source: SCHALLER (2007) 14 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Biomass Production Biomass = a non-fossil energy source which is neither always harmful nor always neutral to climate Renewable biomass: • Wood (in case harvest ≤ growth) Food vs. biomass conflict • Other wooden biomass (provided cultivated area remains constant) • Animal or human manure • Aolid organic waste (domestic or industrial) Climate Change Source: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] 15 Find this presentation and more on: 3. Mitigation: Energy Production Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Both biogas and biomass as an energy source are emission neutral: Emissions through combustion = previous uptake of greenhouse gases Example: a growing tree sequesters carbon while growing. The accumulated carbon in tree biomass will be emitted when tree is burned for energy generation. CO2 CO2 Emission reductions as primary energy from fossil fuel is substituted by emission neutral energy sources Climate Change 16 Find this presentation and more on: 4. Mitigation: Nutrient Recovery Nutrient Recovery from Urine Nitrogen (N-)fertiliser requires the most energy for artificial production (compared to other mineral fertilisers (P and K)) Focus on N-fertiliser with regard to mitigating climate-relevant effects 87% of the excreted nitrogen is in urine Focus on urine recovery and reuse most efficient means of emission reductions through nutrient recovery Urine application in agriculture as seen in Burkina Faso. Source: FALL (2009) Climate Change 17 Find this presentation and more on: 4. Mitigation: Nutrient Recovery Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Production of artificial Nitrogen fertiliser is very energy-intensive by the Haber-Bosch process. Source: Recycling nitrogen from urine reduces the demand for primary nitrogen fertiliser and thus the emissions that are attached to its energyintensive production. Climate Change 18 Find this presentation and more on: 5. Adaptation to Water Scarcity Measures in Sanitation to Cope with Water Scarcity Among others: • Appropriately treated wastewater or rainwater reused for irrigation (wastewater use also reduces need for mineral fertiliser) • Use dry toilet systems • Increase cultivation of drought-resistant crops • Reduce physical water losses through repairing leaking pipes Garden irrigated with treated blackwater in Peru. Source: SUSANA (2009) Climate Change 19 Find this presentation and more on: 6. Adaptation to Flooding Measures in Sanitation to Cope with Water Scarcity Building sanitation system components in a way that they are: • Not affected by flooding urine-diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) built high enough above ground • Water can evacuate quickly sludge drying beds constructed wetlands Planted drying bed. Source: TILLEY et al. (2008) Climate Change 20 Find this presentation and more on: 7. Emission Trading as an Additional Benefit The Clean Development Mechanism The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), initiated by the Kyoto Protocol, compensates emission reduction efforts in development countries. The generated carbon credits are traded in a carbon market. Applicable for reductions achieved through sustainable sanitation systems Yet, CDM projects generate high fixed costs, thus a minimum project scale is required to make CDM compensation economically viable. Carbon credits arise from emission reduction through CDM projects and industry can compensate their excess emissions through buying carbon credits. Source: Climate Change 21 Find this presentation and more on: 8. Conclusion Sustainable Sanitation and Climate Change Mitigation+ Adaptation Sustainable sanitation projects Mitigation Energy production Biogas production Biomass production Adaptation Nutrient recovery Adaptation to water scarcity Adaptation to flooding Urine as fertiliser Most of these measures lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions If emission reductions achieved in development countries, they could be financially compensated through the creation of carbon credits within the Clean Development Mechanism Climate Change 22 Find this presentation and more on: 9. References FALL (2009): Urban Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilets and Reuse Ouagadougou Burkina Faso - Draft. Eschborn: Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA). Available at: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] FULFARD, D. (1996): Biogas Stove Design. A short course. Kingdom Bioenergy Ltd.; University of Reading. PBPO (Editor) (2006): Support Project to the Biogas Programme for the Animal Husbandry Sector in some Provinces of Vietnam. Hanoi: Provincial Biogas Project Office Hanoi. Available at: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] SCHALLER, M. (2007): Biogas electricity production hits 17,272GWh a year in Europe. In: Engineer Live, 46-49. Available at: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] SUSANA (Editor) (2009): Links between Sanitation, Climate Change and Renewable Energies. Eschborn. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA). Available at: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] TILLEY, E.; LUETHI, C.; MOREL, A.; ZURBRUEGG, C.; SCHERTENLEIB, R. (2008): Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies. Duebendorf and Geneva: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG). Available at: [Accessed: 15.02.2010] WIKIPEDIA (2013): Haber Process. URL: [Accessed: 19.03.2013] Climate Change “Linking up Sustainable Sanitation, Water Management & Agriculture” SSWM is an initiative supported by: Created by: Climate Change 24