Verbal Phrases 1) Gerund phrases (verb+ing) (used as a noun)

Verbal Phrases
1) Gerund phrases (verb+ing) (used as a noun)
Leaving the party early was not a good idea.
He is tired of working every night.
He has never thought of leaving home.
His hobby is collecting antique trains.
Nelly enjoys living near the new mall.
Participle phrases (present participle: verb+ing; past participle: verb+ed and irregular forms) (both are
used as adjectives)
Nearing the wreck, we could hear the ambulance sirens.
The clothing made in Mexico is beautiful.
He stood near the corner, begging for help.
Marinated in the sauce for three hours, the meat was tender and delicious.
The old man, leaning heavily on his walking stick, moved slowly down the street.
Infinitive phrases (to+base verb; subject in object case+to+base verb; base verb; subject in object
case+base verb) (used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs)
I wanted to work last night.
That is not the best way to eat spaghetti.
The teacher was too kind to be cruel.
The teacher asked me to erase the board.
There is nothing to do but wait for his answer.
The boy helped his mother rake the lawn.
Dependent Clauses
1) Relative or adjective clauses
I know the man who is wearing the orange polo shirt.
The man who baked the white chocolate cake won the prize.
Mr. Drew, who named his daughter Nancy, was a lawyer.
American history, which has many different interpretations, is my favorite subject.
American history classes which present only the white contributions to the United States
should not be found in our schools.
2) Noun Clauses
I know that you will finish this on time.
That he is tired of working is clear.
The idea that all humans are created equal is given lip service in our school system.
3) Adverb Clauses
When you finish your work, please call me.
After the boys left the party, things got really interesting.
He asked her to marry him before he had known her for a week.
He was so tired that he forgot to eat.
Jerry is not as tall as his older brother.
--This material was provided by Edith Wollin.