Time Clauses

Time Clauses
Future 4, Unit 5, Lesson 5
A time clause is a type of adverb clause which is a type of dependent clause (see the earlier
handout.) This means a time clause cannot stand alone. It needs a main clause to be complete.
Time clauses, like “if” clauses, can be at the beginning of a sentence (comma) or after a main
It always rains
(main clause)
after I wash my car
(time clause--beginning with the time word “after”)
Time clauses begin with time words. The most common time words are after, before, as soon
as, until and when. Some other possible time words are while, by the time, and since. You will
discuss them in higher levels.
A sentence like the example has 2 actions. The time word (“after”) tells us which action
happened 1st and which action happened 2nd – or if the actions happen at the same time.
This example has 2 actions: rains and wash.
The time clause tells us which action happened 1st and which action happened 2nd.
The 1st action is: I wash my car.
The 2nd action is: it always rains.
Here’s a chart that shows which time word signals which action.
signal the 1st action
signal the 2nd action
As soon as…}
A. Examples of time word signaling 1st action:
After lightning flashes in the sky, you hear the sound of thunder.
When there’s a thunderstorm, you should not stand under a tree.
Get inside a building as soon as you see lightning.
B. Examples of the time word signaling 2nd action:
Before a thunderstorm begins, the sky usually turns dark.
You should stay inside until the thunderstorm ends.
We usually use just 1 time clause in a sentence to keep things clear. Can you fix these?
1. Wrong: When I got up, I made breakfast before I took a shower.
2. Wrong: After my daughter did her homework, before she ate dinner, she watched TV.
We usually use time clause to make complex sentences. Can you combine the 2 simple
sentences below into one complex sentence?
1. I got home at 4:30. After that, I went shopping for food.
2. I made some lunch. After that, I put it in my backpack and went to school.
3. I got in the bed and read a book. After that, I turned off the light.
4. I took the bus to school. Before that, I put on my raincoat.