Lesson 6: Contract Law Washington Real Estate Fundamentals © 2011 Rockwell Publishing

Washington Real Estate Fundamentals
Lesson 6:
Contract Law
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Contract: Agreement between two or
more competent persons to do, or not do,
certain things in exchange for consideration.
Valid contract: Agreement that meets
minimum requirements so that it is legally
 Will be enforced by a court if one party
fails to fulfill terms of agreement.
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Contract Classifications
Contracts may be classified according to
certain basic characteristics.
Every contract is:
 express or implied
 unilateral or bilateral
 executory or executed
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Contract Classifications
Express vs. implied
Express contract: Agreement that has been
put into words, whether spoken or written.
Implied contract: Created by actions of the
parties, not by express agreement.
Most contracts are express, not implied.
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Contract Classifications
Unilateral vs. bilateral
Unilateral contract: Only one party promises
to do something and is legally obligated to
perform as promised.
Bilateral contract: Both parties promise, both
are legally obligated.
Most contracts are bilateral.
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Contract Classifications
Executory vs. executed
Executory: Contract is in the process of
being performed.
Executed: Contract has been fully performed;
both parties have fulfilled their promises.
Note: “executed” may also refer to a
contract that has been signed, whether
or not any performance has taken place.
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Contract Classifications
Express or implied
Unilateral or bilateral
Executory or executed
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Elements of a Valid Contract
To be valid, a contract must have:
 parties with legal capacity
 mutual consent
 lawful objective
 consideration
In addition, certain types of contracts must be
in writing and signed.
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Elements of a Valid Contract
Contractual capacity
Contract not legally binding unless all parties
have legal capacity.
Two requirements for legal capacity:
 age of majority
 mental competence
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Contractual Capacity
Age of majority
In Washington, a person must be at least 18
to enter into a contract.
 Someone under 18 is a minor.
Parent or legal guardian may enter into
binding contract on minor’s behalf.
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Contractual Capacity
Age of majority
Contract in which one party is a minor is
voidable by the minor.
Minor or guardian can choose whether to
terminate or proceed with contract.
Other party can’t enforce contract.
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Contractual Capacity
Mental competence
Mentally competent: Of sound mind.
If one party declared incompetent,
contract void – no legal effect.
Guardian can enter into contracts on
behalf of incompetent person.
Contract entered into while temporarily
incompetent may be voidable.
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Contractual Capacity
• Capacity
• Age of majority
• Minor
• Mental competence
• Guardian
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Elements of a Valid Contract
Mutual consent
Mutual consent: Contract legally binding only
if both parties consent to its terms.
A court presumes consent if someone signs a
 Party who can’t read or doesn’t know
language should ask someone she trusts
to read or translate contract.
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Mutual Consent
Offer and acceptance
Mutual consent arrived at through process of
offer and acceptance:
 Offeror makes offer to offeree.
 If offeree accepts offer, contract formed.
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Mutual Consent
Offer must:
 express intention to enter into contract
 be definite and certain
If offer fails to specify all basic terms, it’s
merely an offer to negotiate.
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An offer may terminate due to:
 revocation by offeror
 lapse of time
 death or incompetency of the offeror
 rejection of the offer
 a counteroffer
If offer terminates before acceptance, no
contract formed.
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Termination of an Offer
Offeror can revoke offer any time before
Offeror must notify offeree of revocation
before offeree accepts.
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Termination of an Offer
Lapse of time
Offer with deadline for acceptance expires
automatically when date or time arrives.
Offer without deadline expires after reasonable
amount of time.
 “Reasonable” depends on circumstances.
 Issue sometimes decided by court.
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Termination of an Offer
Death or incompetency
Offer terminated and no contract formed if:
 offeror dies before offer is accepted
 court declares offeror mentally
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Termination of an Offer
Rejection by offeree
Rejection terminates offer.
 After rejecting offer, offeree can’t change
mind and accept it.
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Termination of an Offer
Counteroffer: Offeree accepts some terms,
but changes one or more other terms.
Counteroffer terminates original offer and
replaces it with new offer.
 Roles of offeror and offeree reversed.
Sometimes called qualified acceptance,
but has same legal effect as rejection.
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Mutual Consent
To create contract, offeree must
communicate acceptance to offeror before
offer terminates.
Offer may specify how acceptance must
be communicated.
If no time or manner of acceptance
stated, reasonable time and manner
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Negative influences
Acceptance must be voluntary, free of
negative influences.
Contract voidable by victimized party if
consent resulted from:
 fraud
 undue influence
 duress
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Negative Influences
Fraud: Misrepresenting a material fact to
someone who relies on the misinformation.
 Material fact: Important information that
may affect decision to enter into contract.
Fraud may involve:
 misleading statements
 concealment of information
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Actual vs. constructive fraud
Actual fraud: Person making statement knows
or should know that it’s false.
 Includes intentional deceit or concealment.
 Includes statements made without
knowing whether they’re true or false.
Constructive fraud: Person in position of trust
or with superior knowledge unintentionally
misleads another person.
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Negative Influences
Undue influence
Undue influence: Persuading someone to
sign contract by taking advantage of trust,
weakness of mind, or distress.
Persuasion strong enough to overpower
will, so that consent isn’t truly voluntary.
May involve abuse of special legal
relationship based on trust: attorneyclient, agent-principal, etc.
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Negative Influences
Duress: Using force, constraint, or threats to
compel someone to do something against
his will.
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Elements of a Valid Contract
Lawful objective
Both purpose of contract and consideration
must be lawful.
Can’t involve:
 violation of law
 violation of public policy
Contract with unlawful objective is void.
 Court won’t enforce it for either party.
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Elements of a Valid Contract
Consideration: Something of value exchanged
by contracting parties.
Each must give the other something of value:
 money, property, services, or a promise
to give something of value in the future
In typical real estate sale:
 seller’s promise to convey title
 buyer’s promise to pay agreed price
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Elements of a Valid Contract
Statute of frauds
Statute of frauds: State law that requires
certain types of contracts to be in writing and
Contracts not covered by statute
generally enforceable even though
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Statute of Frauds
Which contracts must be in writing
Washington’s statute of frauds applies to an
 to convey an interest in real property
to assume the debts of another
to employ an agent to sell, buy, lease, or
exchange real property, if agent will be
that won’t be performed within one year
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Statute of Frauds
Adequate written contract
To comply with statute of frauds, any “writing”
is adequate as long as it:
 identifies contract subject matter
 indicates agreement between parties
 is signed by party to be bound
May be printed, handwritten, or a combination.
 Handwritten part takes precedence if it
conflicts with printed part.
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Statute of Frauds
Contracts that fail to comply
Contract subject to statute of frauds
unenforceable if not in writing and signed.
But once contract fully performed, neither
party can undo transaction based on
statute of frauds.
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Consent and Other Requirements
Mutual consent
Offer and acceptance
Fraud (actual or constructive)
Undue influence
Lawful objective
Statute of frauds
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Legal Status of Contracts
Four terms used to describe a contract’s legal
 void
 voidable
 unenforceable
 valid
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Legal Status of Contracts
Void: No contract; attempted agreement failed
and can be disregarded.
 Neither party has to withdraw.
 Usually happens because essential
element missing, such as:
 no consideration exchanged, or
 no consent (for instance, party mentally
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Legal Status of Contracts
Voidable: One party can choose whether to
withdraw or go through with the contract.
 Contract unenforceable by other party.
 Examples:
 contract entered into by minor
(voidable by minor or guardian)
 contract entered into as a result of
fraud, undue influence, or duress
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Legal Status of Contracts
Voidable contract is binding unless party asks
court to rescind contract.
 Withdrawing party must take legal action
within reasonable time.
 Otherwise, court may rule that contract
has been ratified.
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Legal Status of Contracts
Unenforceable: Contract that can’t be
enforced in court.
 Examples:
 terms can’t be proved
 voidable by other party
 statute of limitations expired
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Unenforceable Contracts
Terms can’t be proved
Court can’t enforce contract if terms of
agreement can’t be proved.
 Most often a problem with oral contracts.
 Parties probably agreed on all essential
terms, but that can’t be proved now.
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Unenforceable Contracts
Voidable by other party
If one party has a right to void a contract (for
example, a minor), other party can’t enforce
the agreement.
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Unenforceable Contracts
Statute of limitations expired
Statute of limitations: Law that sets time limit
for filing a lawsuit.
 Party who misses deadline loses right to sue.
 Contract unenforceable.
Washington statute of limitations for contracts:
 breach of written contract: 6 years
 breach of oral contract: 3 years
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Legal Status of Contracts
Valid contract:
 all essential elements
 terms can be proved in court
 not voidable (for example, no negative
 statute of limitations hasn’t run out
If one party fails to perform as promised, other
can sue to have contract enforced.
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Legal Status of Contracts
Statute of limitations
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Discharging a Contract
Valid contract may be discharged by:
 full performance
 agreement between parties
Most contracts are discharged by full
 Each party performs as promised.
 Contractual relationship ends.
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Discharging a Contract
Agreement between parties
Contract may be discharged without full
performance, if parties agree to:
 rescission
 cancellation
 assignment
 novation
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Discharging a Contract
Rescission: Parties agree to terminate
contract and undo steps already taken.
 Consideration is returned.
 Puts parties as nearly as possible back in
positions they were in before contract.
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Discharging a Contract
Cancellation: Parties agree to terminate
contract without undoing steps already
 Money paid prior to cancellation not
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Discharging a Contract
Assignment: One party (assignor) withdraws
from contract and assigns interest to new
party (assignee).
 Contract not really discharged.
 If assignee defaults, other party can still
sue assignor (secondary liability).
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Discharging a Contract
General rule:
 Contract can be assigned without other
party’s consent, unless clause expressly
forbids that.
 Personal services contract can’t be
assigned without consent.
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Discharging a Contract
Novation: Original party withdraws and is
replaced by new party, and also is released
from liability.
 No secondary liability (as in assignment).
 Always requires consent of other original
Novation can also refer to substitution of new
agreement for old one between same parties.
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Discharging a Contract
Full performance
Secondary liability
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
Breach of contract: When one party fails to
fulfill a promise in the agreement, without
legal excuse.
If breach is material breach (important to
contract), other party has right to sue.
“Time is of the essence” clause makes
failure to meet deadline material breach.
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
Four legal remedies for breach of contract:
 rescission
 compensatory damages
 liquidated damages
 specific performance
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
As explained earlier, rescission is termination
of contract that returns parties to original
(pre-contract) positions.
May occur by:
 agreement of parties
 court order
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
Compensatory damages
Compensatory damages: Money that court
orders breaching party to pay other party, to
compensate for losses resulting from breach.
 Most common remedy for breach of
 Intended to put nonbreaching party in
position she would have been in if
contract performed.
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
Liquidated damages
Liquidated damages: Parties agree in advance
to amount that will serve as compensation in
event of breach.
 Nonbreaching party can’t sue for more.
 Helps parties avoid costly litigation.
In residential purchase agreement, earnest
money usually treated as liquidated damages if
buyer defaults.
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Remedies for Breach of Contract
Specific performance
Specific performance: Court orders breaching
party to perform contract as agreed.
 Generally ordered only if money
damages would be inadequate remedy.
 Subject of contract is unique, so
damages would not make it possible
to purchase substitute.
 Court may be willing to grant specific
performance to real estate buyer.
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Breach of Contract
Tender: Unconditional offer by one party to
perform his part of the agreement.
Usually made when it appears other
party is going to default.
To be entitled to sue for breach,
nonbreaching party must show he was
ready to fulfill contract.
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Breach of Contract
Anticipatory repudiation
Anticipatory repudiation: Express statement
by breaching party indicating that she is not
going to perform as agreed.
 If anticipatory repudiation occurs, other
party can sue for breach of contract
without making a tender.
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Listing agreement
 Buyer representation agreement
 Purchase and sale agreement
 Land contract
 Lease
 Escrow instructions
 Option agreement
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Listing agreement
Contract between real estate seller and
brokerage firm.
In Washington, firm can’t sue for
commission without written agreement.
What firm must do to earn commission
depends on type of listing.
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Buyer representation agreement
Contract between real estate buyer and
brokerage firm.
Buyer hires firm to help find suitable
property and/or negotiate purchase.
Again, firm can’t sue for compensation
without written agreement.
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Purchase and sale agreement
Contract between real estate seller and
 States all terms of sale, such as:
 price
 closing date
 contingencies
Form first serves as buyer’s offer, becomes
binding contract if accepted by seller.
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Land contract
Contract used when buyer purchases
seller’s property on installment basis.
Vendor (seller) retains legal title until full
purchase price is paid.
Vendee (buyer) has equitable title and
possession of property while paying off
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Types of Real Estate Contracts
Contract transferring right of possession and
use from landlord (owner) to tenant.
 Sets terms of occupancy, such as:
 rent
 responsibilities of each party
 duration of tenancy
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Types of Real Estate Contracts
Escrow instructions
Contract authorizing escrow agent to close a
States obligations and conditions that
must be fulfilled for sale to close.
Buyer and seller generally sign joint
 Separate instructions used in some
commercial transactions.
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Types of Real Estate Contracts
Option agreement
Contract creating right to buy, sell, or lease
property for certain price within a certain
period of time.
Must be in writing and supported by
In option to purchase:
 optionor is seller
 optionee is buyer
© 2011 Rockwell Publishing
Types of Real Estate Contracts
Option agreement
Gives optionee a contract right, but not a
property interest.
May be assigned unless otherwise agreed.
May be recorded.
Different from right of first refusal.
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Remedies and Types of Contracts
Compensatory damages
Liquidated damages
Specific performance
Anticipatory repudiation
Option agreement
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