Population, Urbanism & the Environment 1 World population Currently –6.2 Billion Most of human history the population of the entire earth was 500 Million (1/2 billion) 2 Demographic terms Fertility –Amount of childbearing in a population –Several measurements of this Crude birth rate –Live births per 1,000 people each year 3 Demographic terms (Cont.) Fecundity rate –Maximum possible childbearing Sex Ratio –Males for every 100 females 4 Concepts Pop. doubling time –Rule of 70 • Growth rate divided into 70 Age-sex pyramids 5 Malthusian theory Food increasing arithmetically Pop. Increasing geometrically Result : People reproducing beyond what the planet can support 6 Neo-malthusians Agree with Malthus and the “Limits to growth” thesis Out-stripping resources Poisoning the planet 7 Anti-malthusians 6X more people on earth Living longer, healthier lives 8 Demographic Transition Theory Population patterns reflect a society’s level of technological development 9 Zero Population growth (ZPG) Two people produce two people Maintains population at a steady state 10 Urbanism Durkheim –Mechanical solidarity • People bound by similarities –Organic solidarity • People bound by differences 11 Environment (summary) Acid rain Global warming 12 Acid rain Sulfur dioxide 13 Global warming Average temperature of the planet is rising Northwest passage (over Canada and Alaska) may soon be a passage for ships Carbon dioxide 14