Brainstorm: Why Genetically Modify a Plant? Some Recent Stat’s… In 2006, 252 million acres of transgenic crops were planted in 22 countries by 10.3 million farmers. The majority of these crops were herbicide- and insect-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and alfalfa. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a virus that could decimate most of the African harvest, rice with increased iron and vitamins that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries, and a variety of plants able to survive weather extremes. In 2006, countries that grew 97% of the global transgenic crops were the United States (53%), Argentina (17%), Brazil (11%), Canada (6%), India (4%), China (3%), Paraguay (2%) and South Africa (1%). Source: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Coming Soon? Bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases such as hepatitis B; Fish that mature more quickly; Cows that are resistant to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease); Plants that produce new plastics with unique properties. Source: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science How Are Plants Genetically Modified? A Few Molecular Tools: Restriction Enzymes A Few Molecular Tools: Bacterial Plasmids Many bacteria carry additional genes on small, circular DNA molecules known as plasmids. Plasmids are separate from the bacterial chromosome. A Few Molecular Tools: Sneaky Tricks New genes can be introduced into plants through microinjection, electroporation, with viruses, or using “bioballistics”! Our Goal: Identify genetically modified plants by using primer specific to a universal promoter. Carbon Footprint What is it? The demand on biocapacity that results from the burning of fossil fuels in terms of the amount of forest area required to sequester the carbon dioxide emissions What contributes to this value? What can be done to reduce this number? Carbon Footprint content=myfootprint Lab This Week: Steps: 1. Extract DNA from experimental samples and controls. 2. Prepare PCR reactions using micropipettes. 3. Run PCR reactions. 4. Gel electrophoresis to visualize results. 5. Analyze and interpret results. Lab This Week: Keys to Success: 1. Read carefully 2. Pipette carefully! 3. Make good use of your lab notebook! Using Micropipettes You try! Lab This Week: Experimental Design: You will extract DNA from 2 food sources, a certified, GMO-free food, and the food product we wish to test. Grind your GMO- sample first! Lab This Week: Experimental Design: We will run PCR’s on 3 DNA samples: 1. The GMO- sample you prepared 2. The food DNA you wish to test (you prepared) 3. A sample of DNA from GMO+ food (supplied) Lab This Week: Experimental Design: For each DNA sample, you will run 2 PCR Reactions: 1. With primers that amplify (copy) DNA from all plants. 2. With primers that amplify (copy) DNA from genetically modified plants. Lab This Week: Experimental Design: Tube Number Master Mix DNA 1 20 ul Plant MM (green) 20 ul Non-GMO food control DNA 2 20 ul GMO MM (red) 20 ul Non-GMO food control DNA 3 20 ul Plant MM (green) 20 ul Test food DNA 4 20 ul GMO MM (red) 20 ul Test food DNA 5 20 ul Plant MM (green) 20 ul GMO positive control DNA 6 20 ul GMO MM (red) 20 ul GMO positive control DNA Thus each group will set-up a total of 6 PCR reactions. Thinking About Our Results Thinking About Our Results