Natural Selection and Predator-Prey Evolution Name Objectives 1. Describe the factors that influence the survival of prey organisms 2. Describe the factors that influence the survival of predator organisms 3. Explain how natural selection provides for the evolution of a population 4. Explain how the populations of predators and prey are intertwined Introduction This exercise simulates a population of predators, or consumers that feed on other species. It also simulates a population of prey, or the food species of the predator. Both the predator and prey show variation within their populations, and we will simulate this variation in our exercise. The Theory of Natural Selection states that the characteristics of organisms in a population will tend to change over time in response to the environment. This is because: 1. A population of organisms shows variation among its members 2. Individuals in a population compete with each other for food, shelter, etc. 3. Those individuals who have variations and characteristics that help them compete better will reproduce more often and leave more offspring 4. Subsequent generations of this population will have a greater proportion of individuals with strong competitive characteristics for a given environment. You will discover in this exercise that a change in “the environment” includes changes in the food supply, changes in the ease of catching food, changes in the background that an organism might try to “hide” on, and changes in the numbers and efficiency of organisms that eat others. All these factors alter the nature of the competition between prey organisms, between predator organisms, and between both populations. These factors therefore promote evolutionary change, or alterations in the numbers of certain variations (allelic frequencies) in a population. Because changes in the predator population also effect the prey population, and vice versa, the two groups coevolved. If the allelic frequencies (proportion of certain variations) changes in a population, it could be due to directional, stabilizing, or disruptive selection. In directional selection, individuals in subsequent generations become more like one extreme variation in the population. In stabilizing selection, intermediate variations become more common and the extremes are lost over time. In disruptive selection, two extreme variations become common and intermediate variations die out. You will be asked about the type of selection you see in the predator-prey exercise today. When the last member of a predator or prey population dies, that species becomes locally extinct. This occurs when the predator or prey does not have the variations necessary to cope with the pressure of eating or escaping. It is probably easier to envision how an increase in predators could wipe out all the prey, but an equal change in the ability of prey to escape capture can wipe out all the predators by starvation. Changes in predator and prey populations can be caused by the actions of humans, disrupting Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 1 the ecological balance between these species. PROCEDURE The prey in this exercise will be colored beans or beads or some other small objects. The prey will be carefully counted, with different variations among them, and strewn randomly over the Hunting Ground. Your instructor will designate you as a certain type of predator. There will be an equal number of each type of predator at the beginning of the game. Predators in this exercise have a mouth (a paper cup) and a capturing structure (a fork, chopsticks, spoon, tweezers, etc). To capture and eat prey, a predator must lift the prey off the ground and drop it into its mouth. Predators may not scrape prey along the ground into their cup (illegal move). Your instructor will ask you to stand around the edges of the Hunting Ground with your “tool” touching your nose. When the signal is given, you can hunt for only a short time (like 10 seconds). During this time, you should eat as much as you can. You may compete with other predators for the same prey (no bumping) and you cannot disturb any of the prey already “eaten” in another predator’s cup. After hunting, we will count and tabulate how many prey were eaten by which predators. Be sure you write down the data we collect together on your own sheet. If you don’t eat at least 10 prey in a hunt, you’re dead. You might be reborn again as another predator type however in a later hunt. Every prey and predator alive after a hunt will be allowed to reproduce with a single offspring. In this game, we are keeping the reproductive rate of all the organisms constant for simplification. In nature, reproductive rate and the number of individuals born at the same time vary between parents. Your instructor may have you play up to four generations of prey and predators before having you sit down and complete the questions at the end. Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 2 LAB REPORT Predator/Prey Evolution Name FIRST GENERATION Number of prey at start Prey type Number of prey caught % of total prey caught Number of surviving prey Number of prey after reproduction % of total prey in field after reproduction White Sky-blue Sapphire (transparent) Royal blue (dark) Black TOTAL Predator type Number of predators at start Number of predators died % of total predators died Number of surviving predators Spoon Spork Fork Forceps Chopsticks TOTAL Calculations: Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 3 Number of predators after reproduction % of total predators alive after reproduction SECOND GENERATION Number of prey at start Prey type Number of prey caught % of total prey caught Number of surviving prey Number of prey after reproduction % of total prey in field after reproduction White Sky-blue Sapphire (transparent) Royal blue (dark) Black TOTAL Predator type Number of predators at start Number of predators died % of total predators died Number of surviving predators Spoon Spork Fork Forceps Chopsticks TOTAL Calculations: Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 4 Number of predators after reproduction % of total predators alive after reproduction THIRD GENERATION Number of prey at start Prey type Number of prey caught % of total prey caught Number of surviving prey Number of prey after reproduction % of total prey in field after reproduction White Sky-blue Sapphire (transparent) Royal blue (dark) Black TOTAL Predator type Number of predators at start Number of predators died % of total predators died Number of surviving predators Spoon Spork Fork Forceps Chopsticks TOTAL Calculations: Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 5 Number of predators after reproduction % of total predators alive after reproduction FOURTH GENERATION (Optional if time allows) Number of prey at start Prey type Number of prey caught % of total prey caught Number of surviving prey Number of prey after reproduction % of total prey in field after reproduction White Sky-blue Sapphire (transparent) Royal blue (dark) Black TOTAL Predator type Number of predators at start Number of predators died % of total predators died Number of surviving predators Spoon Spork Fork Forceps Chopsticks TOTAL Calculations: Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 6 Number of predators after reproduction % of total predators alive after reproduction LAB REPORT QUESTIONS Natural Selection and Predator-Prey Evolution Name ***Turn in your data tables with this worksheet portion 1. Which prey variant was the best adapted, and why? 2. Which prey variant was the least adapted and why? Which species, if any, went extinct? 3. Which predator variant was best adapted, and why? 4. Which predator variant was the least adapted and why? Which species, if any, went extinct? 5. Describe how you think the changes in the prey population was affected by simultaneous changes in the predator population. 6. How might the introduction of an alien predator species into Puget Sound affect: a. the number and makeup of the prey that this predator can eat? b. the number and makeup of other predators which also eat the same prey? 7. Describe in your own words why certain prey variants became more common over several generations, using the principles of natural selection. 8. Name a simple change in the Hunting Field or the predator population (i.e. the “environment”) which would alter the proportion of prey variants in a different way than that seen in this particular exercise. Hypothesize about the results. Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 7 Determining the Type of Natural Selection for Prey Review the prey colors in this exercise and organize them in order of lightest to darkest. Assign a number from 0 to 4 to each color of prey, from lightest to darkest. Using the graph paper on the next page, plot the Color Value of each prey color versus the Number of Prey at Start for the First Generation. Draw a smooth curved line between the points. Then complete an ending graph by plotting the Color Value versus the Number of Prey After Reproduction for the last generation you played in lab. If you only did three generations, this graph shows the number of prey at the start of the fourth generation. Use the same scaling on the x-axis for both of these graphs to facilitate comparison. First Generation Last Generation What type of selection (directional, stabilizing, or disruptive) was seen in this game for the prey? Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 8 Determining the Type of Natural Selection for Predators 1. Review the predator types in this exercise and organize them in order of wide-solid to thin-long-disconnected. Assign a number from 0 to 4 to each type of predator, from widesolid to thin-long-disconnected. Using the graph paper on the next page, plot the WidthLength Value of each prey color versus the Number of Predators at Start for the First Generation. Draw a smooth curved line between the points. 2. Then complete an ending graph by plotting the Color Value versus the Number of Predators After Reproduction for the last generation you played in lab. If you only did three generations, this graph shows the number of predators at the start of the fourth generation. Use the same scaling on the x-axis for both of these graphs to facilitate comparison. First Generation Last Generation 3. What type of selection (directional, stabilizing, or disruptive) was seen in this game for the predators? Bios 140 Biology Lab Manual pg. 9