Getahun CSC 110.09 Final Project Fall 2010

CSC 110.09 Final Project
Fall 2010
Final Project Paper
When I look over the works that I have done throughout this quarter, I am amazed at
how many important programming assignment, practice activities that I have done. I have
definitely improved my skills, and developed the algorithm techniques that help me to write my
own program, which was specifically one of my goals at the beginning of this quarter.
This project contains the actual pieces JavaScript programs that represent my wide
range of talent, from analyzing the problem to develop an algorithm and design that will solve
the problem. I have been using almost all the concept and knowledge that I have gain during
the quarter.
Today, Concrete is used more than any other man-mad materials in the world. Different
mix designs of concrete are used to obtain different properties. There is a wide range of
different mixes that may be used depending on the job requirements. Concrete casting is an
activity which is performed in almost all construction projects. On daily basis, construction
workers would like to know how the different concrete grades relate to concrete mixes; meaning
for example what concrete mix and amount of ingredients they use to achieve a certain concrete
grade they want.
Mixing concrete correctly is vital for durable and long lasting construction works; this
program helps how to create a proper concrete mix for construction works. It calculates exactly
the quantity of cement, sand, and aggregate requires for certain project. It will allow users to
quickly determine the quantity of construction materials required to prepare different grades of
concrete. They do nothing but simply entering the volume of the concrete they want. It works out
exactly the quantities they will need for their project.
As I mention above, this Concrete Mix Ratio Calculator is a JavaScript program. It is a
powerful mix design tool for calculating the optimal ingredient ratios of cement, water,
aggregate, for the creation of concrete. It can be customized highly and easily by using
JavaScript Configuration Program. It is a universal project-oriented tool for determining how
much sand, aggregate (gravel) and cement is required for mixing on site a given volume of
concrete. The program is a clear to understand, and basic program developed using a java
CSC 110.09 Final Project
Fall 2010
script programming language, which almost support all platforms that we have been discussed
in the class.
Apparently, in this program I used different java script statements including expression, if
statements, functions and forms, and div tag. It will have if statements mainly that will keep
testing a variable against a bunch of values. It uses to produce several types of reports and
proposal. It can be also be used to process change of orders and update the information. It
helps to minimize the costs of a project, while still achieving the required standards and quality,
it turns out to be applicable in the real world and we are now using it in my work place and my
colleges are very pleased with the implementation of the project.
Finally, I really would like to thank my instructor Dr.Aruna Ambalavanan. She is the most
excellent, interesting, and positive instructor that I have ever known. Having an instructor like
her made this quarter more enjoyable and incredibly insightful. She is unique and has her own
individualized style. She inspired me to focus on ideas gathered from experience, her constant
encouragement and understanding helped me greatly to work harder and reach my objectives. I
believe that I have achieved most, if not all, of my goals.
Thank You,