Electronics Technology – Fall Quarter 2009 Course Name: Introduction to Technology, EET105 Lecture: Tuesday 11:00AM - 1:50PM Required Text/Materials: None Instructor: Lynda Wilkinson Office 2318D (Office hours M T W 10 – 10:50AM, M W 2:30 – 5:30 PM, or by` appointment). Office phone and voicemail: (206) 528-4588. Home: (425) 746-7634. email: lwilkins@ sccd.ctc.edu Course Description: This is a 3 credit hour introductory course which surveys disciplines within the field of electronics and technologies related to electronics occupations. The goal is to give students knowledge of the standards, practices, and skills necessary for employment in electronics technology. Guest speakers, videos, field visits, lectures and class discussions will be utilized to provide students with an overview of the technical and interpersonal skills necessary for success in this field. Assignment Requirements: 8 weekly reviews/reports - One due at the beginning of each class After each class, write down your observations, impressions or comments on that class. The reviews are not intended to be a summary of the class but rather your own impressions. Reviews do not need to be typed, but they do need to be legible. They should be about 1/2 page or more in hand-written length. Use the review questions as your guide for the content I am looking for. (See below) You will be critiquing presentations, speakers and field trips for September 29, October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, and 17. These will be weighted at 35% of the final grade. Suggestions for weekly review/report Your weekly reports will not be graded, but they are a required part of the course. They should critique each activity, presentation, field trip etc. in terms of how appropriate and useful the material is to your needs. This will help me to plan activities/guests/tours that will most benefit you. Your report will also be an opportunity to make observations or recommendations about other aspects of NSCC life. As a guideline you might ask yourself: What was the intention of this presentation? Was this intention met? Why or why not? Was I already aware of this information? How useful was this information to me? (Useful now, useful in the future...) 1 How might the presentation be improved or changed to be more useful to me? What other information do I need to make good career and/or program choices? Remember the above is a guideline, not a list of questions to answer!!!! In lieu of a final exam, you are required to hand in a final critique of the entire quarter, the “9th” report. This final critique should be typed and approximately 3/4 to 1 page in length. This final critique is due December 9. You may submit it to my office, drop it in my mailbox, or email it to me. This critique is considered to carry the weight of a final exam. 2 Papers - Due October 27 and November 17 The first is a research paper on any technology based company using the skills learned in the library tour and the Internet demonstration we will attend on October 6th. (Due October 27, 2009). Our Librarian, Jennifer Wu, has a wonderful web site that is provided to help you with this assignment https://frontpage.northseattle.edu/jwu/companyf08.htm ASSIGNMENT 1: Research a technology company and include some of the following information: legal name, major line(s) of business, brief history, the number of employees, current news, hiring policies, mission and value, new developments (products and services, broad strategies), primary customers, major competitors, financial information (annual sales, earnings, etc.) and contact information. This is the kind of information that is important to learn prior to applying to a company, and prior to interviewing. What are the company's challenges as well as opportunities? How well does the company compete in the global market? What types of job positions are available? You will use the Internet and other sources to find the information you need. Consult at least two sources, including the company's website and one article from ProQuest(a subscribed database for magazine and newspaper articles). Look at other reliable sources as well. You will also be expected to document your sources The second is a description of a self-scheduled tour of a local electronics company or an interview with an employee in an electronics related position (due November 17, 2009). You may also attend and report on a professional meeting in lieu of interviewing a technician. Length for both papers should be a minimum of 2 pages in length and company name, address, and phone number should be included. All papers must be word processed and properly checked for spelling and grammar. Each paper will be weighted at 15% of the final grade. 2 Student Team Presentation - Presentations will be made on December 1, 2009 Student teams will present to the class their choice of the tour or interview paper, or a combination of both. The presentation should be 15 - 20 minutes in length. Teams may present information on a single company or technician, a team of technicians within a single company, or contrast companies or technical positions. You will be asked to do evaluations for the team presentations, which will be considered the review for December 1. The presentation is weighted at 35% of the final grade. It is strongly recommended that you form teams early in the quarter (minimum team size 3, maximum 5). All team members are required to present. Teams are required to sign up for a presentation time and topic no later than October 27. A sign up sheet will be posted in the classroom. Final Critique- Critique of entire course, due December 10. Grading: The final grade will be based on the following weighting: Reviews/Reports = 35% of the final grade (9 weekly, plus 1 final critique required). Papers = 30% of the final grade Team Presentation = 35% of the final grade Assignments will not be accepted for credit more than one week late without prior approval. In case of inclement weather, I will leave class cancellation information for you on my office number. (206-528-4588) Since there are no tests or exams in this course, your participation is critical. If you are unable to attend a session, please contact me in advance by: phoning my office (206) 528-4588 (voicemail) calling me at home (425) 746-7634 e-mailing me lwilkins@sccd.ctc.edu 3 A few helpful sites www.allaboutcircuits.com http://northonline.sccd.ctc.edu/jwu/companys06.htm Librarian’s web page (assignment 1) http://www.doctronics.co.uk/design.htm tons o’ great electronics http://www.northseattle.edu/ North Seattle Community College www.howstuffworks.com/ interesting overviews http://howthingswork.virginia.edu/ more www.partminer.com where to find virtually any part http://northonline.sccd.ctc.edu/dogs/ Tim’s web page www.aeanet.org American Electronics Association www.twysted-pair.com electronics info www.ee.washington.edu/eeca tons o’circuits www.prenhall.com/electronics your text book www.bmet.org Biomed home page http://www.isa.org/~seattle/ Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Association www.callabmag.com International Journal of Metrology www.ncsli.org Metrology and Measurement Standards www.sourceESB.com Part number search/distributors www.engplanet.com Conversions, calculators and lots more 4 EET 105 Calendar Fall 2009 Date September 29 October 6 11 – 11:50 AM Introduction Janet Sekijima Making Contacts October 13 Field Trip October 20 Viki Philips Allen Institute for Brain Science Bob Pfeiffer GCI Communications Journal for Sept. 29 due Journal for Oct.6 due Journal for Oct. 13 due October 27 Journal for Oct. 20 due First paper due Last day to sign up for team presentation (Subject to change) 12 – 12:50 PM Proquest, and other library automated research tools West Point Treatment Center Dennis Lewis Calibration Boeing Team presentation prep 1 – 1:50 PM Jennifer Wu Library Pedro De Arteaga Outline for presentation due by Thursday, Oct. 30 Journal for Oct. 27 due November 3 Nick Delich NOAA Electronics Tech November 10 Field trip Korry Scott Van Lith November 17 Field trip Light rail- Sound Transit Ray Davis Journal for Nov. 10 due November 24 Final deliverables Team Presentation Prep December 1 Team Presentations Self and peer evaluations due by Thursday, December 3 Final critique for EET 105 due by 12 Noon, December 10 Journal for Nov. 3 due Journal for Nov. 10 Due Second paper due Journal for Nov. 24 due December 8 Final Evaluation meeting with Lynda, IB 2318D December 15 No meeting, Exam week Chris Walton EngineeringPhilips 5