NAME _________________________
1. Classify each process as a physical or chemical change:
breaking a bone
fogging a mirror with your
baking a cake 
food molding (rotting)
burning paper
a nail rusting
writing on paper
slicing potatoes for fries
paper ripping
dyeing fabric
mixing sugar with coffee
wood burning
frying chicken
mixing water and food
Alka-Seltzer gives off carbon
dioxide when added to water.
2. Which of the following would NOT be a physical change?
a. freezing water to make ice cubes
b. melting gold to make jewelry
c. burning gasoline in a lawnmower
d. boiling water for soup
e. tearing a piece of aluminum foil
3. Classify as diatomic, triatomic, polyatomic, homoatomic, or heteroatomic
A _________________________ B _________________________ C _________________________
D _________________________
4. Fill in the blanks/ circle the right answer/true and false
a. A mixture (is/is not) a chemical combining of substances.
b. In a compound the (atoms/molecules) are (chemically/physically) combined so that the elements that make
up the compound (retain/lose) their identities and (do/do not) take on a new set of properties.
NAME _________________________
c. The smallest identifiable unit of a compound is a(n) ___________, which is made up of ____________
which are chemically bonded.
d. True or False: A mixture is always made up of a combination of elements.
e. In a mixture, the substances (lose/retain) their identities.
f. In a mixture the substances involved (can/cannot) be separated by a simple physical process.
g. In a compound the elements involved (can/cannot) be separated by a simple physical process because the
elements are (physically combined/chemically bonded).
h. True or False: An element can be broken down into a simpler substance.
i. The smallest identifiable unit of an element is a(n) ___________.
5. Short answer: Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences
a. Explain how to separate the sugar and water in a solution of sugar and water.
b. How would you separate a mixture of alcohol and water?
c. How would you separate sand and water?
d. Explain whether density intensive or extensive property?
NAME _________________________
6. Classify each of the pictures below by placing the correct label in the blanks below
A= Element
B= Compound
C= Mixture of elements
E= Mixture of elements and compounds
D= Mixture of
Each circle represents an atom and each different color represents a different kind of atom. If two atoms are
touching then they are bonded together.
NAME _________________________
7. How many significant figures does each number contain?
a. 16.00
b. 160
c. 0.00160
d. 1.060
e. 1060
8. Write each quantity in scientific notation
a. 1234g
Useful Conversion
Factors and
b. 543.5 Km
c. 345.890 Kg
d. 0.0025 cm
9. Convert the following. Make sure you show all work. NO WORK = NO
500 cm = ___________m
9 hecto grams = ___________ mg
15 decigrams = __________________kg
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 Angstrom = 1 x 10-10 m
1L = 1.05 quarts
1 gallon = 4.00 quarts
1 lb = 453.59 g = 16 oz
d. 9 m = _____________________________ micro meters
e. 0.15 cm = ________________________ hecto meters
NAME _________________________
10. Oceanographers often express the density of seawater in units of kilograms per cubic meter. If the
density of sea water is 1.025 g/cm3 at 15oC, what is the density in kilograms per cubic meter?
11. (A) A patient is prescribed 2.0 g of a certain medication to be taken 4 times a day. If the medicine is
available in 500 mg tablets, how many tablets are needed for a 24 hour period?
(B) If one bottle of this medicine contains 100 tablets, how many bottles are needed for one week ?
12. Approximately 75 mL of blood is pumped by a normal human heart at each beat. Assuming an
average pulse of 72 beats per minute, how many milliliters of blood is pumped in one day?