Exam I BIOS 160 Anatomy and Physiology Name

BIOS 160 Anatomy and Physiology
Exam I
100 pts total. Answer the multiple choice/true-false/matching questions using the computerized answer form. Then separate the
last page of the exam and answer all the short answer/essay questions. When finished, fold the last page in half lengthwise, write
the first 3 letters of your last name in the blanks provided, and insert your computer form. Finally, shove the folded last page
between the pages of this stapled question section, write your name on the exam, and turn it in.
1. The type of body section in which a cut is made longitudinally down the body (through anterior and
posterior surfaces), parallel to but not exactly along the midline is known as a
a. coronal/frontal
b. sagittal
c. transverse/cross
d. bilateral
e. medial
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the following questions using the diagrams to the right, fill in the correct answer on your
computer sheet. If the answer is more than one letter long, like "abc", be sure to fill in "a" and
"b" and "c" for that question.
2. Which of the pointer arrows in the anterior anatomical diagram to the right
points to the pectoral area?
3. Which of the pointer arrows in the anterior anatomical diagram to the right
points to the axillary area?
4. Which of the pointer arrows in the anterior anatomical diagram to the right
pints to the crural area?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Which region in the posterior body diagram to the right is called the cephalic
6. Identify the area of the posterior surface of the human body to the right (by
filling in the letters) which is called the femoral region.
7. Which area of the posterior surface of the human body to the right is called the
gluteal region?
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 1
8. The cellular membrane of a body cell may have channels in which there is a cytoplasmic connection to
an adjacent cell through which chemicals can flow. Such junctions are known as:
a. gap junctions
b. desmosomes
c. tight junctions
d. loose junctions
e. extracellular space
9. The movement of water across a biological membrane follows the physical laws of:
a. active transport
b. passive diffusion
c. facilitated diffusion
d. endocytosis
e. exocytosis
10. The role of the nucleolus in eukaryotic cells is to:
a. transcribe rRNAs and assemble ribosomes
b. transcribe mRNAs for cytoplasmic translation
c. encircle and protect the chromatin
d. limit transport of molecules into and out of the nuclear membrane
e. conduct proteins through the cell to certain destinations
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Answer "a" if true and "b" if false.
11. Microtubules are made up of a polymer of actin protein units.
12. Most of the readily available energy in an ATP molecule resides in the bond between the second and
third of three phosphates connected together in a chain.
13. The knee is medial to the thigh.
14. A first degree burn is identified by a red and swollen area; sunburn is an example.
15. The basic units of nucleic acids are called amino acids.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16. The heart is ____________ to the sternum.
a. proximal
b. deep
c. lateral
d. medial
e. superficial
17. Which of the following structures contains transitional epithelium?
a. trachea
b. kidney
c. small intestine
d. heart
e. bladder
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 2
18. The parietal layer found around the organs of the abdominal cavity is part of what structure?
a. serous membrane
b. meninge
c. endocardium
d. mucus membrane
e. stratum germinativum (basale)
19. The function of the structure labeled ae in the skin
diagram to the right is:
a. sweat production
b. sebum production
c. sensing pain
d. sensing pressure
e. growing new epidermal cells
20. The deepest cells of layer b, just superficial to layer
c, would best be called:
a. stratum corneum
b. stratum germinativum (basale)
c. dermis
d. stratum spinosum
e. lamina propria
21. Which arrow in the skin diagram points to an eccrine
sweat gland? (Note: if the answer is more than one letter
– like “ae” – , fill in all of the letters on the same line on
your answer sheet for this question).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22. Which is the correct sequence that new cells move through in the skin?
a. stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale, stratum corneum
b. stratum basale, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, stratum lucidum
c. stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum
d. stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum basale, stratum corneum, stratum lucidum
e. stratum lucidum, stratum basale, stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum
23. The function of a chondrocyte is to:
a. phagocytize dead cells
b. produce the cartilaginous matrix
c. produce fatty acids
d. produce a brown pigment
e. store fat
24. The tissue shown in the micrograph to the right was found cushioning
the eyeball. This tissue is:
a. blood
b. skeletal muscle
c. cuboidal epithelium
d. adipose tissue
e. areolar connective tissue
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 3
25. The tissue shown in the picture to the right can be found in the spleen. It features a web-like array of
collagen fibers. This tissue is:
a. dense connective tissue
b. reticular connective tissue
c. blood
d. osseous (bone) tissue
e. hyaline cartilage
26. The term "lamina propria" describes:
a. the layers of serous membranes around the lungs
b. the basement membrane found under all epithelial tissues
c. a layer of loose connective tissue under a mucous membrane
d. the thin canals that connect the lacunae in bone tissue
e. The layer between the epidermis and the dermis of the skin
27. The quick visual method of checking for malignant melanoma is known as the:
a. ABCD Rule
b. Rule of Nines
c. Meal Times of the Day
d. IPMAT Sequence
e. OIL RIG Method
28. Which is the correct sequence (in the proper order) of the stages of skin tissue repair or regeneration?
a. granulation tissue forms--> capillaries become permeable--> surface epithelium regenerates
b. capillaries become permeable --> granulation tissue forms--> surface epithelium regenerates
c. capillaries become permeable--> surface epithelium regenerates--> granulation tissue forms
d. surface epithelium regenerates --> granulation tissue forms--> capillaries become permeable
e. granulation tissue forms--> surface epithelium regenerates--> capillaries become permeable
29. The type of contractile tissue which is involuntary, not striated, and uninucleate is:
a. adipose tissue
b. skeletal muscle
c. reticular tissue
d. smooth muscle
e. cardiac muscle
30. Which bone of the skull includes the styloid process?
a. maxillary
b. frontal
c. sphenoid
d. vomer
e. temporal
31. Which of the following bone markings is a projection?
a. fossa
b. foramen
c. process
d. meatus
e. fissure
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 4
32. Which of the following sequences are in the correct order in time for how a broken bone repairs itself?
a. hematoma formation-->fibrocartilage callus formation-->bony callus formation-->bone
b. fibrocartilage callus formation-->bone remodeling-->hematoma formation-->bony callus
c. bony callus formation-->bone remodeling-->hematoma formation-->fibrocartilage callus
d. bone remodeling-->hematoma formation-->bony callus formation-->fibrocartilage callus
e. hematoma formation-->bony callus formation-->fibrocartilage formation-->bone remodeling
33. Which of the following contains synovial fluid?
a. ligaments
b. joints
c. tendons
d. skeletal muscles
e. smooth muscles
34. In the diagram to the right of a typical long bone, what type of tissue
fills the interior space indicated by arrow c?
a. spongy bone
b. periosteum
c. adipose
d. articular cartilage
e. endosteum
35. The end-portion of a long bone as indicated by letter a in the bone
diagram to the right is called the:
a. body
b. ball
c. diaphysis
d. epiphysis
e. articular tuberosity
36. Which arrow in the bone diagram points to the endosteum?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37. The fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones of a newborn infant are known as:
a. ligaments
b. fontanels
c. hyaline cartilage
d. conchae
e. palatines
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 5
----------------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Answer "a" if true and "b" if
38. The second vertebra (C2) is known as the atlas.
39. There are 12 lumbar vertebrae.
40. In the medial view of the skull to the right, the parietal
bone is indicated by arrow b.
41. In the diagram of the shoulder area to the right, what is the (scientific) name of the bone labeled "a"?
a. clavicle
b. radius
c. ulna
d. scapula
e. humerus
42. In the diagram of the inside posterior portion of the skull, what structure
is indicated by arrow "VI."?
a. external auditory meatus
b. lacrimal foramen
c. foramen magnum
d. crista galli
e. occipital condyle
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 6
BIOS 160 Exam I
Short Answer Page
16 points total. When finished, remove and fold this last page in half lengthwise, write the first 3 letters of your last
name in the blanks provided, and insert your computer form. Shove this folded last page between the pages of this
stapled question section, write your name on the exam, and turn it in.
A.. 2 pts. The part of cellular respiration in which electrons are indirectly used to build ATP (from ADP
and Pi) is called the:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. 2 pts. The region in the diagram to the right specifically labeled "c" is called the
___________________ cavity.
C. 2 pts. The space that includes both structures "a" AND "b" shown in the body cavity
diagram to the right is known collectively as the ________
D. 2 pts. The structure in the body cavity diagram labeled "d" is known as the _
E. 2 pts. One parameter that affects the activity of an enzyme is the __________ of the environment
around that enzyme.
F. 2 pts. The tissue type shown in the picture to the right which lies between the
vertebrae is known as
G. 4 pts. The four types of bones in the skeletal system are long, short,
and _____
_ bones.
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 7
First three letters of last name
Exam I BIOS 160 pg 8