Agenda 11/8/12

Agenda 11/8/12
1. Quiz: Compose a summary of Susan Bordo’s essay. (10min)
2. Quick Write: Foucault and Reading Against the Grain (10min)
 On Tuesday we discussed and practiced responding to
texts and pondered how could we object or disagree with
Foucault’s assumptions? Since he’s presenting a
genealogy of disciplinary societies, and the section that we
read, “Panopticism,” comes from his book Discipline and
Punish: The Birth of the Prison, can we say that these
mechanisms of power have been exploited to their fullest
potential in our current carceral system? Or, has
Bentham’s dream of the prison failed? If so, how? How
are prisons today like or unlike the Panopticon?
3. Susan Bordo’s “Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body”
Group Activity: list the key terms/ideas from your assigned
“thinkers.” Here, we’re looking for their key ideas so that we
can build an understanding as to how their concepts pertain to
Bordo’s overarching argument (“global” meaning). What
words or phrases strike you as significant? Write them on the
board and be prepared to explain why they appear significant
to your group. Once you’ve located and discussed the key
terms, have a conversation about how their ideas relate to
 Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre (192-193)
 John Berger (210-214, 229)
 Plato/Descartes (230-232)