Tue, Thu, Fri, 11:00-11:50am SSCC Location TBD Instructor: K. Dennis Wu Office Voicemail: 206. 934.6027 Email: kerry.wu@seattlecolleges.edu Winter 2012 Syllabus – BUS 298 - Math COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES Review math basics and utilize math applications related to manufacturing and fabrication. Performance Objectives 1. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 2. Compute with fractions, decimals, and percentages, including conversion. 3. Demonstrate the following skills: (a) estimating, (b) rounding, (c) using decimals and commas, (d) writing numbers legibly and (e) reading numbers aloud using correct terms and place values. 4. Use basic computational skills, including appropriate formulas, to solve representative problems in the following areas: (a) construction (b) fabrication and (c) other manufacturing-related areas. 5. Solve representative fabrication problems with and without pre-calculated tables, charts, and other devices. 6. Operate an electronic calculator efficiently. 7. Exhibit interpersonal skills and appropriate work habits that are acceptable in business, including attentive listening, concentration, and ability to work with interruptions; completing work on schedule; acting with tact, courtesy, and calmness; and working effectively within diverse groups. General Education Outcomes & Attitudes – Intellectual and Practical Skills 1. The ability to solve problems using critical thinking skills to classify, interpret, and select information; translate & information to “appropriate formula,” calculate answers, and assess the reasonableness of answers by estimating and/or proving solutions. 2. The ability to work effectively in a diverse group to solve word problems. 3. Recognition of the value of honesty and self-discipline by taking responsibility for the completion and quality of one's own work. REQUIRED TEXT & SUPPLIES ATTENDANCE BUS 298 – Workforce Mathematics for the Trades – A Guided Approach, 9th Edition o Author: Robert Carman and Hal Saunders o Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall o ISBN : 0132540924 Calculator (Students must furnish their own. Cell phone calculators are not appropriate and are not permitted.) Note-taking materials and notebook paper Regular, punctual attendance is important Assignments will be given in class If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain assignments and notes from a classmate or make arrangements with the instructor Page 1 of 2 ASSIGNMENTS Must be turned in on time to receive full credit Turned in late receive half credit More than one class session late after the original due date receive no credit Must include your name, date and the assignment name THERE ARE NO MAKE UP QUIZZES You are expected to take chapter tests as scheduled. Potential scheduling conflicts should be discussed prior to test dates. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION A variety of the following methods will be utilized, and may vary depending on the individual student needs. Lecture Group discussion Handouts and activities In-class exercises GRADING & EVALUATION Grades will be calculated as follows: Chapter tests/quizzes Homework/projects (if applicable) Class participation, in class assignments, (if applicable) 75% 10% 15% SPECIAL Students who have need for special accommodations must meet privately with the ACCOMODATIONS instructor during the first week of the quarter. GRADING 96 - 100% = 4.0 89 = 3.3 82 = 2.6 75 = 1.9 68 = 1.2 SCHEDULE 95 = 3.9 88 = 3.2 81 = 2.5 74 = 1.8 67 = 1.1 94 = 3.8 87 = 3.1 80 = 2.4 73 = 1.7 66 = 1.0 93 = 3.7 86 = 3.0 79 = 2.3 72 = 1.6 65 = 0.9 92 = 3.6 85 = 2.9 78 = 2.2 71 = 1.5 64 = 0.8 91 = 3.5 84 = 2.8 77 = 2.1 70 = 1.4 63 = 0.7 90 = 3.4 83 = 2.7 76 = 2.0 69 = 1.3 62 = 0.0 IMPORTANT DATES Jan 3 – Class start date Mar 21 – Last Class Meeting Mar 21 – Fall Quarter Ends ELECTRONICS POLICY Students are requested to turn their cell phones on silent. If you must make/take an important call, step outside the classroom. Uses of electronic devices during instructional periods must be instructor approved prior to class. STUDENT UPDATE AND DATA FILES Files may be accessed through the internet. Location of student files: http://facweb.northseattle.edu/kdwu/BUS_298_Workforce_Winter_2012 Check the webpage for updates when you miss class. Assignment schedule will be distributed separately. BUS 298 – Workforce Page 2 of 2