a) the boulder b) the supermarket c) the

Part 3 Listening
1. Where does John need to head towards first? a) the boulder b) the supermarket c) the
town d) the park
2. John needs to continue down County Road 29 until he hits the intersection with
_________ a) Holly Street b) County Road 29 c) Shady Hollow Road d) Vista Ridge
3. What is the landmark John is going to look for? a) a boulder b) a tree c) a mountain d) a
big sign
4. What does this landmark look like? a) a soccer ball b) a tree c) a car d) a witch's face
5. On Holly Street John will see a huge oak tree in the middle of a __________ a) yard b)
street c) traffic circle d) woods
6. The grandmother lives on a ___________ a) one way road b) highway c) farm d)
7. John was told to pull into the ____________ a) yard b) road c) driveway d) garage
8. What time will dinner be served? a) 7:00 AM b) 6:00 AM c) 7:00 PM d) 6:00PM
Head towards = go towards
Hits = reaches, arrives at
Landmark = a physical sign that signals a specific place
Pull into = drive the car into and park
Part 3 Listening
Part III: Dictation/Reductions
Directions: Listen to the teacher read each sentence two times. Write the extended
(GRAMATICALLY CORRECT) form of the sentence you hear. (4 points each)
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
V. Minimal Pairs: Circle the word that you hear:
1. bat/ bet
6. mate/ meet
2. pit /pat
7. heat/ height
3. heat/ hate
8. mop/ mope
4. beet/ peat
9. bite/ pipe
5. mitt/ mute
10. bait/ beet