Name____________________ Date /100 Level 4 ACADEMIC WRITING ESSAY EVALUATION CRITERIA Language use and Sentence structure (40%) 1. Vocabulary Range -Sophisticated range 5 -Adequate range 4 Limited range 3 ----------------0 2. Word Choice - Clear evidence of thinking about accurate vocabulary selection - Effective word choice/use - Some evidence of thinking about accurate vocabulary selection -Occasional word choice and usage errors 7 6 5 -Errors but meaning not obscured - Little evidence of careful vocabulary selection -Frequent word choice and usage errors 5 - Strong evidence of sentence structure selection to achieve a specific rhetorical purpose -Effective simple, compound and complex constructions 4 - evidence of sentence structure selection to achieve a specific rhetorical purpose - Effective but simple or compound constructions - Minor problems in complex constructions( clauses, runons, connectors, fragments, etc - Meaning not obscured 10 9 8 7 -Effective idiomatic language - No direct translation from another language 5 6 5 4 - Occasional idiomatic errors - Occasional direct translation 3-------------------0 - Little/No evidence of sentence structure selection to achieve a specific rhetorical purpose - Major simple and/or compound construction problems (subj., verb, obj.,etc) Major complex construction problems( clauses, run-ons, connectors, fragments, etc) - Meaning obscured 3-----------------------0 - Frequent idiomatic errors - Frequent direct translations - Topic very effectively introduced - Intro flows naturally into thesis - Thesis: Strong statement containing position and indicates essay outline - succinct thesis -Topic is introduced - Intro and thesis are loosely connected -Thesis: Statement containing position -Clear thesis 10 9 8 -Word form mastery and appropriate use in context 3. Word forms 4. Sentence Structure 5. Idiomatic Language/ Direct Translation 4 4-----------------0 - Errors causing meaning to be obscured 3------------------------0 Organization (25%) 1. Introduction and Thesis 10 2. Structure and Cohesion 3. Conclusion 9 8 7 6 Ineffective topic introduction -Intro does not flow into thesis - Thesis: Weak statement/ Not present - Unclear or wordy 5 - Thorough topic development - Ideas grouped logically Essay is a tight cohesive unit -Ideas flow naturally -Very effective transitions - Adequate topic development - Adequate grouping of ideas -Essay is a cohesive unit -Ideas flow Some effective transitions 4 --------------------------0 - Inadequate/ not present - Inadequate development - Not a cohesive unit - Flow of ideas is stilted Frequent transition errors/ not present 10 9 8 - Topic included effectively - Effective closure 5 7 6 5 - Topic loosely included -Adequate closure 4 4--------------------------- 0 - Topic not included - Weak closure 3 -------------------------- 0 Content (20%) 1. Content and Ideas - Essay demonstrates analysis and accurate interpretation of the topic -Ideas are fully developed with details, examples, explanation, etc. - Ideas show much substance and depth -Content is very engaging 20 19 18 17 -Shows some analysis and interpretation of the topic -Ideas are developed with some detail, examples, explanations, etc. -Ideas show some substance and depth - Insufficient analysis and inaccurate interpretation of topic -Ideas are not developed (insufficient detail, examples, explanation, discussion, etc) - Ideas are dull 16 10 -------------------------- 0 15 14 13 12 11 Grammar and Mechanics (15%) 1. Grammar: Verbs, Plurals, Articles, Prepositions - No/ Very few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, prepositions 10 9 8 7 - Several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, prepositions - Meaning not obscured 6 5 - Frequent errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronouns, prepositions - Meaning obscured 4 3 ------------------------ 0 2. Mechanics: Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization - Almost no spelling, punctuation and capitalization 10 9 8 -Some spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors 7 6 5 - Frequent spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors 4 ------------------------ 0