Followings are what you will find at the end of... For LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Highlight the main idea for EACH...

Pre CH24 HW for Silberberg
Followings are what you will find at the end of the chapter in your textbook.
For LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Highlight the main idea for EACH objective. Ready carefully so you
don’t highlight everything.
For MASTER THESE SKILLS: Highlight the main idea for each skill. Ready carefully so you don’t
highlight everything.
For KEY TERMS: Make sure you can define it and/or give an example of it. Pick TWO terms of your
choice and actually write the definition or an example.
For KEY EQUATIONS AND RELATIONSHIP: Next to EACH, define each term. Be very specific.
Page 1092
Learning Objectives Relevant section (§) and/or sample problem (SP) numbers appear in parentheses.
Understand These Concepts
How nuclear changes differ, in general, from chemical changes (§24.1)
The meanings of radioactivity, nucleon, nuclide, and isotope (§24.1)
Characteristics of three types of radioactive emissions: α, β, and γ (§24.1)
The various modes of radioactive decay and how each changes the values of A and Z (§24.1)
How the N/Z ratio, the even-odd nature of N and Z, and magic numbers correlate with nuclear stability
6. How an unstable nuclide's mass number or N/Z ratio correlates with its mode of decay (§24.1)
7. How a decay series combines numerous decay steps and ends with a stable nuclide (§24.1)
8. How ionization and scintillation counters detect and measure radioactivity (§24.2)
9. Why radioactive decay is a first-order process; the meanings of decay rate and specific activity (§24.2)
10. The meaning of half-life in the context of radioactive decay (§24.2)
11. How the specific activity of an isotope in an object is used to determine the object's age (§24.2)
12. How particle accelerators and reactors are used to synthesize new nuclides (§24.3)
13. The units of radiation dose; the effects on living tissue of various dosage levels; the inverse relationship
between the mass and charge of an emission and its penetrating power (§24.4)
14. How ionizing radiation creates free radicals that damage tissue; sources and risks of ionizing radiation
15. How radioisotopes are used in research, analysis, and medical diagnosis (§24.5)
16. Why the mass of a nucleus is less than the total mass of its nucleons and how this mass difference is
related to the nuclear binding energy (§24.6)
17. How nuclear stability is related to binding energy per nucleon (§24.6)
18. How heavy nuclides undergo fission and lighter ones undergo fusion to increase the binding energy per
nucleon (§24.6)
19. The current application of fission and potential application of fusion to produce energy (§24.7)
Master These Skills
1. Expressing the mass and charge of a particle with the X notation (§24.1; see also §2.5)
2. Using changes in the values of A and Z to write and balance nuclear equations (SP 24.1)
3. Using the N/Z ratio, the even-odd nature of N and Z, and the presence of magic numbers to predict
nuclear stability (SP 24.2)
4. Using the atomic mass of the element or the N/Z ratio to predict the mode of decay of an unstable
nuclide (SP 24.3)
5. Converting units of radioactivity (§24.2)
6. Calculating specific activity, decay constant, half-life, and number of nuclei (§24.2 and SPs 24.4 and
7. Estimating the age of an object from the specific activity and half-life of carbon-14 (SP 24.6)
8. Writing notations for nuclear transmutations (§24.3)
9. Calculating radiation dose and converting units (§24.4)
10. Calculating the mass difference between a nucleus and its nucleons and the energy equivalent (§24.6)
11. Calculating the binding energy per nucleon and using it to compare stabilities of nuclides (SP 24.7)
Key Terms Page numbers appear in parentheses.
Section 24.1
radioactivity (1053)
nucleon (1054)
nuclide (1054)
isotope (1054)
alpha (α) particle (1057)
beta (β) particle (1055)
gamma (γ) ray (1055)
alpha (α) decay (1057)
beta (β) decay (1057)
β– decay (1057)
positron (β+) emission (1057)
positron (1057)
electron (e–) capture (EC) (1057)
gamma (γ) emission (1058)
band of stability (1059)
strong force (1060)
decay (disintegration) series (1062)
Section 24.2
Geiger-Müller counter (1063)
scintillation counter (1063)
activity ( ) (1064)
becquerel (Bq) (1064)
curie (Ci) (1064)
decay constant (1064)
half-life (t1/2) (1065)
radioisotopic dating (1067)
radioisotope (1067)
Section 24.3
nuclear transmutation (1069)
deuteron (1070)
particle accelerator (1070)
transuranium element (1072)
Section 24.4
ionization (1072)
ionizing radiation (1073)
gray (Gy) (1073)
rad (radiation-absorbed dose) (1073)
rem (roentgen equivalent for man) (1073)
sievert (Sv) (1073)
free radical (1074)
background radiation (1075)
Section 24.5
tracer (1077)
Section 24.6
fission (1081)
fusion (1081)
nuclear binding energy (1082)
electron volt (eV) (1082)
Section 24.7
chain reaction (1085)
critical mass (1086)
reactor core (1086)
stellar nucleosynthesis (1090)
Page 1093
Answer the following questions. Show your work.
(a) From the Kinetics chapter as review, write an equation that relates half-life (t1/2) and rate constant (k) for 0th
order reaction, for 1st order reaction and for second order reaction.
(b) For the half-life equation given in this chapter, what order reaction is it?
(c) Write the proper notation for alpha, beta, positron, gamma, proton and neutron.
(d) what is another name for a beta particle?
(e) Using your own words, explain the band of stability.
(f) Using your own words, explain Binding energy.