Biodiesel Synthesis

Biodiesel Synthesis
Objective :
Learn to synthesize and analyze biodiesel fuel from vegetable oil.
Use the “LAB : HOW TO…” link from the class website if you need help with how to use balance,
Bunsen burner… and such.
You may write this information in your lab notebook for your own reference. It can’t be cut and
In this experiment you will synthesize biodiesel fuel from vegetable oil. Oils (called triglycerides or
triacylglycerols) have a glycerine backbone joined by ester linkages to three fatty acid chains. The
chemical structure below shows the different areas within a typical oil (triglyceride) molecule with one
of the three ester linkages circled. The fatty acid portions may vary in lengh between C12 and C18.
Triglyceride molecule
Ester linkage
Fatty acid portion
Different oils (canola, olive, soybean, etc.) differ in the percent composition of fatty acid chain lengths.
The reaction to form biodiesel from a triglyceride is known as a transesterification reaction. Transesterification is the process of transforming one type of ester into another type of ester. The reaction
is catalyzed by the presence of the strong base, NaOH.
In the first step of the reaction, the NaOH reacts with methanol in an acid base reaction. The products
of this first step of the reaction are a very strong base, sodium methoxide, and water. In the second
step, the sodium methoxide breaks the glycerine section from the fatty acid section. The separation of
the glycerine portion leads to the formation of three methyl esters (the biodiesel) and glycerol. The
NaOH is regenerated as a product in the reaction. The biodiesel and glycerol are immiscible and will
separate to form two layers. The glycerol layer will also contain NaOH and excess methanol. The
separation of the biodiesel and glycerol layer is fortuitous in that we can easily separate and isolate our
biodiesel product from the remaining product mixture. The general reaction is shown on the next page.
3 methyl esters
Biodiesel is a fuel, which means that it produces energy through combustion with oxygen (as does regular
diesel). The combustion reaction is shown below:
+ 26 O2
18 CO2 + 18 H2O + Energy
Note that in the combustion reaction each carbon contained in biodiesel is converted to carbon dioxide.
As each carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide it will release about 850 kJ per mole. The more carbons,
the more energy produced upon combustion.
Vegetable oil itself is also a fuel and can undergo combustion with oxygen. If this is so why do we need
to convert the vegetable oil (triglycerides) to the methyl esters—why not just burn vegetable oil? The
reason is due to the viscosity of the triglycerides. Viscosity is the internal friction or stickiness of a
liquid. A viscous material is ‘thicker’ and does not flow quickly (i.e., syrup is a viscous liquid). See for a comparison. The viscosity of vegetable oil will
present a problem in that its stickier nature will prevent it from flowing easily through the fuel pump
systems of an engine. Since viscosity is generally inversely proportional to temperature, at lower
temperatures the viscosity problem is enhanced. Unlike the triglycerides(oil), methyl esters (biodiesel)
are less viscous and will easily flow through the fuel system of an engine, though there is some
controversy over the type and percentage of biodiesel that can be used in a standard diesel engine due
to issues with gelling of the fuel.
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Procedure :
Note: The following procedure is for synthesizing a biodiesel mini-batch from 100% pure unused
vegetable oil. This method can easily be modified for other oils such as canola, olive, soybean peanut etc.
1. Warm up 10 mL of your oil sample to about 60°C in a 100 mL beaker. Warming the oil up is not
necessary, but increases the reaction rate. Do not over heat!
* The name of the reaction is “trans-esterification”. On the drawing below, circle the part that is
(are) esters in the oil molecule and box the part that is (are) esters in biodiesel.
2. Transfer about 2 mL of sodium methoxide solution (be sure the solution is well mixed – should appear
cloudy) to a 50 mL beaker with a magnetic stirrer. Stirring gently, add warm oil. Cover with watch
glass and turn up stirrer. Stir under low heat for about 20 minutes. (Great time for part 2!)
* The reaction has CH3OH as reactant and NaOH as condition (written on the top of the arrow).
This step uses sodium methoxide. What is the relationship?
3. Transfer the contents of the beaker into a 15 mL plastic centrifuge tube. The mixture will separate
into two different layers. The glycerol will sink to the bottom, and the methyl ester (biodiesel) will float
to the top. Allow the mixture to cool and then place it in a centrifuge and spin for another 3 minutes
(don’t forget to counterbalance the centrifuge). If the layers have not separated continue to centrifuge
for another 3 minutes.
* What properties of two layers are different that they separate?
* what properties of two layers are different that one layer sinks to the bottom?
4. If you are instructed to prepare GCMS vial : Mix 4mL of CH2Cl2 with one drop of biodiesel (Make
sure not to get glycerol (bottom darker layer) in the biodiesel) in a small test tube. Mix well.
Obtain pre-labeled GCMS vial and fill it with the mixture.
Put used plastic pipets to regular garbage can and used glass pipets to ‘broken glass deposit’ container.
5. If time permits, we will have GCMS and Bomb Calorimeter demonstration of your product. Class data
might be collected from the demos or a class data from previous quarter may be given. ID of each
significant peak should be written directly on GCMS. Photocopy it and turn the copy as a report. The
original should be taped on to the notebook. Make sure site the source.
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Prelab Questions
(PL1) Look at and write three facts from the website.
(PL2) Print out the COMMON FATTY ACID table from and tape it on to the notebook.
(PL3) Vegetable oil is a mixture. Look up what’s in vegetable oil. Pick one that is on the PL2 list. Write
the type of oil and it’s chemical composition.
(PL4) Why don’t we use the oil itself as fuel?
(PL5) You will be given few liquid samples. Come up with set procedures to test and compare their
viscosity. – You will be doing this in part 2 of this lab using what you have in your drawer, so make the
procedure relatively simple.
Analysis :
(A1) Write the class data from bomb calorimeter.
(A2) Calculate Hcombustion in kJ/g of biodiesel.
(A3) Neatly tape the GC and MS on to your notebook.
(A4) Identify main peak(s) on GC and write directly on the spectra.
(Q1) Why did the two products of this experiment (glycerol and biodiesel) separate?
(Q2) How many molecules of biodiesel are produced for each molecule of oil?
(Q3) One argument for using biodiesel is that the net amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere is
claimed to be zero (or near zero). How can this be, given that the combustion of biodiesel released CO2
(see reaction equation of previous page)?
(Q4) What does it mean if a GC spectra has three peaks?
Summary :
Type of oil used:
Name(s) of all theoretical biodiesels from oil used (from the prelab table) :
Name(s) of biodiesel identified from GCMS :
bomb calorimeter data :
Hcombustion in kJ/g
No more than 100 words stating why the lab was done, what was done, the major result(s), and
Reflection Statement:
One thing I might do differently next time is …… because…….