***Please note that this review sheet is by no means... intended as a guidleline. You will be responsible for...


***Please note that this review sheet is by no means comprehensive, but instead is intended as a guidleline. You will be responsible for any material that was viewed in class, presented in lectures, or provided in your text.

Final exam review sheet


Major/minor minerals, nutrients, energy obtained from each

Diseases: marasmus, kwashiorkor, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, phenylketonuria, pellagra, beriberi, rickets, celiac disease, GERD, irritable bowel, diabetes I and II, lactose intolerance, macrocytic anemia, anorexia, bulimia, osteoporosis

Proteins, carbohydrates and lipids

Be able to distinguish the structures

Understand how each is digested (and enzymes involved)

General functions of each in the body


Blood sugar regulation

Terms: transcription, translation, location in cell of each

Protein structure and denaturation

“good” vs “bad” cholesterol: LDLs, VLDLs, HDLs

Digestion, Absorption, Elimination

 Know anatomy (eg, sphincters, organs)

 Hormones involved, organs that produce them


 Terms: anabolism, catabolism

 Glucose metabolism: glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, electron transport chain

 Important molecules: glucose, pyruvate, lactic acid, acetyl coA, citrate, oxaloacetate, NAD+ and FAD+ (in both reduced/oxidized forms), ATP

 Reactions: phosphorylation, oxidation, reduction, condensation (dehydration), hydrolysis

 Fatty acid oxidation, carnitine, acetyl coA

 Vitamins involved in glucose/fat metabolism

 Gluconeogenesis

 Nitrogen excretion after deamination

 Ketogenesis, ketoacidosis

 Energy production (ATPs), electron carriers


Water soluble vs.

Fat soluble vitamins, major/trace minerals

General function of each


Functions of fluids in the body


Intra- vs. Extra- cellular fluids (and associated electrolytes)

Function of electrolytes

Antioxidants: which vitamins/mineral(s); generally how antioxidants work

Bone: cells, PTH, vitamin D, calcitriol, osteoporosis

Disordered Eating vs. eating disorders

Traits associated with each, physiological repercussions of each

Appetite vs. hunger

Body composition, BMI, total energy expenditure, BMR, thrifty gene theory, set-point theory, leptin, ghrelin, peptide YY, obesity, gastric bypass

Physical activity

Understand how the body utilizes energy reserves

Governmental recommendations for physical fitness

Overload principle, FIT, BMR, BMI


 Development of baby from conception

 fetus

 Dietary needs of newborn

 Roles of Oxytocin, prolactin, estrogen and progesterone

 Dietary needs of lactating mother

Toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged kids, adolescents, older adults

 Dietary needs (macro- and micronutrient trends), childhood overweight vs. obesity, epiphyseal plates and adolescent growth

Alcohol metabolism

Drink equivalents, proof, Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase


 acetylaldehyde

 acetic acid

 acetyl coA), MEOS pathway, effects of alcohol on the body (brain, liver, pancreas, upper GI), hangover

Food safety

Food additives (and examples of), food preservatives (and examples of), pesticides, governmental agencies regulation/role of each, food infections vs. intoxications (and examples provided in lecture for each), food allergies, prevention of food borne illness, prevention of food spoilage, persistent organic pollutants, rBGH, governmental definitions of organic, GMOs, Modern Meat

Good luck!
