ENGL101 – Jewell Timed Writing Process - Freewrite

ENGL101 – Jewell
Timed Writing Process - Freewrite
You walk into your classroom one morning, and your instructor informs you that you will be doing a timed writing
exercise. The subject is texts you have already read this quarter, and which you have discussed again in preparation for
this exercise. The instructor provides a specific prompt in the form of several questions, which are very similar to
questions used in discussion of the referenced texts. You are instructed that you can have no notes on your desk during the
exercise and only a printed dictionary, and you are given clean copies of the essays to be discussed.
If, in that moment, you feel totally prepared, what steps did you take? How did you study for the exam? Or, if you
imagine feeling totally unprepared, what steps did you wish you had taken? How could you have been better
Once the exercise begins, what is your strategy? What steps to you take to complete the timed writing?