WORLD LITERATURE—PERIOD 5 WEEK 1: August 17th Note: Please keep up with the schedule—if you are absent, you are expected to know what you missed! The schedule is subject to change based on class discussion and progress. I will announce all changes in class and will revise the online schedule. Please check the schedule frequently. DATE ACTIVITY Monday 8/17 First day for all 9th/10th graders! READING/ASSIGNMENT DUE Welcome Tuesday 8/18 Seating chart Syllabus and expectations—go over website Introductions Go over timed writing/SRI test Wednesday 8/19 Thursday 8/20 Timed Writing—meet in L101 50 minutes to write essay BLOCK DAY! Remainder of class: discuss yearlong project/assignment sheet Friday 8/21 SRI Test Meet in L100 Email assignment due by 5:00 pm