Review for Lecture 12. 1. Germ cells A) produce gametes

Review for Lecture 12.
1. Germ cells
A) produce gametes
B) are haploid
C) usually undergo mitosis
D) are special somatic cells
2. During synapsis
A) sister chromatids pair all along their length
B) sister chromatids pair at the centromeres
C) homologues repel each other except at the ends
D) homologues pair all along their length
3. Which of the following is not a unique feature of meiosis?
A) synapsis
B) homologous recombination
C) reduction division
D) cytokinesis
4. The formation of chiasmata are characteristic of
A) anaphase I
B) prophase II
C) metaphase II
D) prophase I
E) metaphase I
5. In anaphase I
A) sister chromatids move toward opposite poles
B) homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles
C) terminal chiasmata move toward opposite poles
D) homologues move toward the same pole
E) homologous chromosomes move randomly toward either pole
6. Most multicellular eukaryotes form gametes by
A) parthenogenesis
B) meiosis
C) oncogenesis
D) mitosis
E) binary fission
7. After fertilization, the resulting zygote begins to divide by
A) syngamy
B) binary fission
C) mitosis
D) synapsis
E) meiosis
8. Sexual reproduction involves the alternation of
A) mitosis and oogamy
B) isogamy and meiosis
C) meiosis and fertilization
D) meiosis and oogamy
E) mitosis and heterogamy
9. __________ distinguishes meiotic prophase from mitotic prophase.
A) The number of chromatids per chromosome
B) Synapsis
C) The number of homologues
D) Chiasmata
E) Synergistic complex
10. In telophase I
A) homologous chromosomes cluster at the poles.
B) identical chromatids cluster at the poles
C) non-identical chromatids cluster at the poles
D) separate, but identical chromatids cluster at the poles
E) chiasmata cluster at the poles
11. Unlike gametes, body cells are called
A) somatic
B) haploid
C) semantic
D) synergic
E) sematic
12. In anaphase I, the _____________ are pulled apart.
A) chiasmata
B) centromeres
C) kinetochores
D) sister chromatids
E) centrioles
13. Which of the following are mismatched
A) haploid-n
B) somatic cells-2n
C) zygote-n
D) sperm cell-n
E) gamete-n
14. Chiasmata formation and crossing over occur during:
A) prophase of mitosis.
B) prophase I of meiosis.
C) prophase II of meiosis.
D) a, b, and c.
E) b and c, but not a.
15. If a cell with 32 chromosomes divides by meiosis, how many chromosomes will each
nucleus contain at telophase I? (Assume cytokinesis has occurred.)
A) 64
B) 48
C) 32
D) 16
E) 8
16. Following the same cell in the previous question, how many chromosomes will each
nucleus contain at telophase II?
A) 64
B) 48
C) 32
D) 16
E) 8
17. Crossing over typically occurs between two chromatids of the same duplex
A) True
B) False
18. Which one of the following statements is not true about meiosis?
A) Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells.
B) Meiosis results in four haploid daughter cells.
C) In meiosis, chromosomes do not exchange genetic material.
D) In meiosis, homologous pairs of chromosomes are pulled apart.
E) All of the statements are true.
19. Crossing over occurs during:
A) prophase I
B) prophase II
C) interphase I
D) interphase II
E) Both a and b are correct.
20. Differentiate between a somatic cell and a germ cell, making note of the number of
chromosomes present in each, and whether the cells are haploid or diploid.
21. Define autosome. How may autosomes are in a human somatic cell? How many sex
chromosomes are in a human somatic cell? How do males differ from females?
22. If you start with 1 diploid cell, which enters meiosis, what is the result – describe in
terms of haploid/diploid and number of cells that result.
23. What is the main reason behind meiosis (two points)?
23. During prophase I, synapsis occurs – what is synapsis? What is the result?
24. What is the end result of telophase I/cytokinesis? What is the end result of telophase
25. What is the purpose of homologous recombination? Does it occur between
homologous chromosomes or non-homologous chromosomes?