Welcome to Biology 160! Instructor: Colleen Sheridan Tues 10-11:50a, Rm AS1627 Wed 10-11:50a, Rm AS1617 Thurs 10-10:50a, Rm AS1627 Fri 10-11:50am, Rm AS1617 Please come pick up some handouts. We are full, but, depending on how many people show up, you may still get in from the waiting list! Logistics Introductions Wait List/E-mail list Getting to know you Questionnaire Class website/Syllabus What IS science and what do scientists do? Biological Phenomena & Explanatory Models Initial Ideas What IS science and what do scientists do? “Every day, nurses perform interventions (for example, administering medication, positioning, suctioning) that should stimulate questions about the evidence supporting their use.” - American Journal of Nursing (2009) v109, p.49 http://www.wsg.washington.edu/citizenscience/citsci_toolbox.html The two most widely read science research publications in the world http://www.sciencemag.org/ http://www.nature.com/ Biological Phenomena and Explanatory Models Using scientific evidence to explain how real biological phenomena might work. 11 weeks to study all of Biology??!?!?! Norms: Safe classroom for risky thinking Nurture curiosity, “Why, why, why?” Follow rules of deliberation Gather knowledge: listen, support, question, understand Make a decision (solve problems) Reflect and revise Are we really what we eat? What is food? Look at Hungry Planet book Can it be….? How Do We Categorize Foods? http://www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/ Life in Its Diverse Forms Diversity is the hallmark of life. The diversity of known life includes 1.8 million species. Estimates of the total diversity range from 10 million to over 200 million species. Biosphere Ecosystem African savanna Community All organisms in savanna Organism Zebra Population Herd of zebras The Three Domains of Life The three domains of life are: Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Prokaryotes Eukaryotes At least four kingdoms of Eukarya -Plantae -Fungi -Animalia -Protists (a group of multiple kingdoms) How is the diversity of our food related to the diversity of life? Get out your books and come pick up one Reading Guide 01 per person Please share your books in your group. Although you will be working in groups, each person is responsible for turning in their own reading guide. You will have 30 minutes. Divide up the work as you wish. Please be watchful of the time. When you are done you can start work on Part I of our Project until we come back together as a whole class.