Curriculum Vitae (October 2015) Masayuki T

Curriculum Vitae
(October 2015)
Professor in Economic History,
Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
Phone: +81-3+5841-5601, Fax: +81-3+5841-5521
Date of birth: 03/November/1959, Male
Personal address: 1-14-19-202, Nishitsutsujigaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
Postal code182-0006
Telephone: +81-42-426-9238
1982-87 Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo
1978-82 Faculties of Economics, the University of Tokyo
1998 Doctor of Economics (The University of Tokyo)
1982 B.A. Economics (The University of Tokyo)
2014 Visiting Professor, EHESS
2008 Visiting Professor, EHESS
2005-2006 Academic Visitor, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics
and Political Science
2005-present Professor in Economic History, Graduate school of Economics,
The University of Tokyo
1997-2005 Associate Professor in Economic History, Graduate school of Economics,
The University of Tokyo
1992-1997 Associate Professor in Economic History, Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University
1989-1992 Associate Professor in Business History, Faculty of Economics, Toyama University
1987-1989 Lecturer in Business History, Faculty of Economics, Toyama University
Nikkei Prize for the Literature of Economics in 1998
(Awarded by Japan’s News Paper of Economy)
Editorial Board Memberships
Socio-economic History Society 2001 –2014 (chief editor 2010-2014)
The Political Economy and Economic History Society 2000 – 2002, 20111
Authored Books
The Weaving Industry in the Japanese Indigenous Economic Development (in
Japanese) Nagoya University Press, 1998, 478 pages.
Edited Books
The Role of Tradition in Japan’s Industrialization: Another Path to Industrialization
(in English) Oxford University Press, 2006, xvii+342 pages.
Gender and the Making of Modern Japanese State (in Japanese, with Nagano Hiroko,
Sakurai Yuki, Ujiie Mikito), Kashiwa Shobo, 2003, 328 pages.
Articles in Journals and Books
“The development of indigenous and industrial economy” (in Japanese) in Iwanami
Lecture Series of Japanese History, Vol. 14, Early Modern no.5, Iwanamishoten, 2015,
pp. 107-42
“The perspective of ‘indigenous economic development’: beyond the dichotomy of
‘tradition’ and ‘modern’” (in Japanese) in Aratake, Knichiro et al. eds. The Frontier of
Japanese History I: Beyond the Time and Space, Hosei University Press, 2015,
pp. 73-110
“The development of small business” (in Japanese) in Business History Society of
Japan ed. Fifty Years of Business History, Nihonhyoronsha, 2015, pp.23-32
“Women and domestic work: evidence from modern Japan” (in Japanese) in Nagai,
Mariko et al eds. Asian Studies no.186, Benseishuppan, 2015, pp. 61-73
”From peasant economy to urban agglomeration: the transformation of
‘labour-intensive industrialization’ in modern Japan (in English)” in Austin, Gareth and
Kaoru Sugihara eds. Labour-intensive Industrialization in Global History, London,
Routledge, 2013, pp.144-175
“Small Businesses and Existences/Lives in Modern Japan : With Special Reference to
the Small and Medium Businesses in Inter-war Japan (in Japanese)," in Takashima,
Shuichi and Natsuki Natake eds., Civil and Non-civil Spheres in the Urban Settings,
Nihonkeizaihyoronsha, 2013, pp.179-210
"The Role of Housework in Everyday Life: Another Aspect of Consumption in Modern
Japan, (in English)" in Francks, Penelope and Janet Hunter eds., The Historical
Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000, Palgrave Macmillan,
2012, pp.27-55
"Women’s Work and Household Economy in Modern Japan (in Japanese)," The
Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research, no. 635/636, 2011, pp.7-25
"’Japan’s Industrialization and the ‘Indigenous Economic Development’: From Peasant
Kingendaishikenkyukai ed., Nempo Kingendaishikenkyu, no2, 2010, pp.3-29
"The Logic of Dispersed Production Organization (in Japanese),"in Abe, Takeshi and
Naofumi Nakamura ed., Lecture of Japanese Business History 2: Industrial Revolution
and Enterprise 1882-1914, Mineruva Shobo, 2010, pp.105-116
"Continuity and Change of Business Proprietors (in Japanese)," in Miyamoto, Matao
and Makoto Kasuya ed., Lecture of Japanese Business History 1:Business
History-Experience in Edo Period 1600-1882, Mineruva Shobo, 2009, pp.291-326
"Cotton and the Peasant Economy: Foreign Fibre in Early Modern Japan (in English)"
in Riello, Giorgio and Prasannan Parthasarathi eds., The Spinning World: A Global
History of Cotton Textile 1200-1850, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp.367-385
"Japanese Cotton Industry in the Global History (in Japanese)” in Mizushima,Tsukasa
ed., Challenges of Global History, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2008, pp.126-140
"The Activities and the Motives of the Propertied Class before the World War II” (in
Japanese) The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, The Japanese Journal of
Labour Studies, vol.49 May 2007 no.5, 2007, pp. 44-52
"The Historical Significance of the Export-oriented Urban Small Businesses in
Interwar Japan-From the Perspective of Indigenous Economic Development" (in
Japanese) in Nakamura, Satoru ed., The Historical Structure of the Modern Economy in
East Asia: The Formation of Capitalism in East Asia III, Nihon Hyoronsha, 2007, pp.
217-240 (Translated into Korea, Chinese -Peoples Republic of China, and Chinese
Taipei in 2007)
‘The Development of Dispersed Production Organization in the Interwar Period: The
Case of the Japanese Toy Industry’ (in English) in Okazaki,Tetsuji ed. Production
Organization in Japanese Economic Development Routledge, 2007, pp.167-208
‘The Role of Tradition in Japan’s Industrialization: Another Path to
industrialization‘ (in English) in Tanimoto, Masayuki ed. The Role of Tradition in
Japan’s Industrialization, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp.3-44
‘Capital Accumulation and the Local Economy: Brewers and Local Notables’ (in
English) in Tanimoto, Masayuki ed. The Role of Tradition in Japan’s Industrialization,
Oxford University Press 2006, pp.301-322
‘Managing the Putting-out System: Clothier-Weaver Relationship of the Rural
Weaving Industry ’(in Japanese) in Okazaki, Tetsuji et al. eds. Readings of the
Japanese Cooperate System Vol.1 Organization and the Coordination, Yuhikaku, 2006,
‘From Rural Industry to Urban Agglomeration: Cases from Weaving Industry and
Urban Small Businesses in Prewar Japan’ (in Japanese) in Sonobe, Tetsushi and
Yasuhiro Sawada eds.Market and Economic Development Toyokeizai-Shinposha, 2006,
‘Agricultural Labourers in the “Peasant Society”: Case Studies of Farming Villages in
Early Modern Kinai ’(in Japanese) Housei University Kesizai-Shirin(Housei University
Economic Review), Vol.73 No.4, 2006, pp.235-252
‘What Did Kaisen-Tonya (Wholesaler in Port) Do? : A Case from Hiroumi
1860-1890’(in Japanese),in Ishii, Kannji and Satoru Nakanishi eds. Industrialization
and the Merchant, Nagoya University Press, 2006, pp.329-359
‘The Male Workers in the Factory circa 1910: A Case Study of a Soy Sauce Brewers in
Japan,(in Japanese) Osaka University of Commerce ed. The Bulletin of the Museum of
Commercial History, Vol.6 2005, pp.1-21
‘The “New” Development of Dispersed Production Organization: Toy Industry in
Interwar Japan’ (in Japanese), in Okazaki,Tetsuji ed. The Economic History of the
Production Organization, The University of Tokyo Press, 2005, pp.231-290
‘The Tradition and the Change of the Industries’ (in Japanese), in The Lecture Series of
Japanese History Vol. 7 The Dismantling of Tokugawa Japan, The University of Tokyo
Press, 2005, pp.233-264
‘Urban Small Businesses in Interwar Japan-A Case of Tokyo’ (in Japanese) in
Nakamura, Satoru ed. The Formation of the Modern Economy in East Asia : The
Formation of Capitalism in East Asia I, Nihon Hyoronsha, 2005, pp. 201-224
(Translated into Korea in 2005, Chinese in 2005-Peoples Republic of China,
2006-Chinese Taipei)
‘The Transformation of Traditional Industries’ (in English, co-author Saito, Osamu) in
Hayami, Akira, O.Saito and R.P.Toby eds. Economic History of Modern Japan vol.1
Emergence of Economic Society, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp.268-300
‘Regional Society as a Motive for Investment: Industrial Investment and the Regional
Industrialization in Meiji Japan’ (in Japanese) in Shinozuka, Nobuyoshi and A.Ishizaka,
H. Takahashi eds. Comparative Historical Studies of the Regional Industrialization
Hokkaido University Press 2003, pp.235 -267
‘Women’s Labour and the Small Businesses in Modern Japan’ (in Japanese) in Gender
and the Making of Modern Japanese State Nagano Hiroko, Sakurai Yuki, Ujiie Mikito)
Kashiwa Shobo, 2003, pp.144-187
‘Urban Small Businesses in Modern Japan: Based on the Census Data of Tokyo City’
(in Japanese) in Nakamura ,Takafusa, and N.Fujii eds. Indigenous Industries in the
Process of Urbanization, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha 2002 pp.3 –49
‘The Institutional Bases of Indigenous Development,’ (in Japanese) in Socio-economic
History Society ed. The Review of Socio-economic History, Yuhikaku, 2002
‘The Migration in an Village 1945-49: The Case of Keitoku Village, Yama -gun
Fukushima Prefecture,’ (in Japanese) in Hara, Akira ed. Japanese Economy in the
Period of Rehabilitation University of Tokyo Press, 2002,pp.420 -456
‘The Small Size Family Businesses in Pre-war Japan: The Case of Indigenous
Industries’ (in Japanese) The Journal of Social Policy and Labor Studies, no.5,
2001,pp.159 -173
‘Who Marketed Imported Textile: The Japanese Case, ’ (in English) in Sugiyama,
Shinya and L.Grove eds., Commercial Networks in Modern Asia, Curzon Press,
‘A Survey on the Controversy of Manufacture and Prot-industrialization,’ (in
Japanese) in Ishii, Kanji, A. Hara and H. Takeda eds. Japanese Economic History
1:Meiji Restoration Period, University of Tokyo Press, 2000, pp.207 -216
‘Development of Indigenous Industries ’ (in Japanese) in Ishii, Kanji and A.Hara,
H.Takeda eds. Japanese Economic History 1:Around the Meiji Restoration, University
of Tokyo Press, 2000, pp.153-206
‘The Distribution of the Cotton Goods after the Opening of the Ports in Japan’ (in
Japanese) in Sugiyama, Shinya and L.Grove eds. Distribution Networks in Modern
Asia, Sobunsha, 1999, pp.21-44
‘An Alternative Pass to "Industrialization":The Perspective of "Indigenous Economic
Development"’ (in Japanese) in Saito, Osamu ed. World History vol.22: Innovations
and Industrialisation Iwanami Shoten, 1998, pp.151-177
‘Rural Entrepreneurs in the Cotton Weaving Industry in Japan’ (in English, co-author
Itoh, Motoshige) in Hayami, Yujiro ed. Toward the Rural-based Development of
Commerce and Industry :Selected Experiences from East Asia , Economic
Development Institute of the World Bank,1998,pp.47 -68
‘Investment Activities in Regional Japanese Industrialization: the Activities of Men of
Property in Local Areas’ (in Japanese) Socio-economic History vol.64 no.1,1998
‘The Rural Labour of the Indigenous Industries :The Case of the Weaving Industry ’ (in
Japanese) in Nakamura, Takafusa ed. Japanese Economic Development and the
Indigenous Industries, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 1997 pp.121-160
‘Sekiguchi Hachibei/ Naotaro:Soy :sauce Industry and the Local Entrepreneurs /
Notables ’
(in Japanese) in Takeuchi, Johzen, and T.Abe, M.Sawai eds. Geneses of Entrepreneurs
in Modern Japan, Osaka University Press 1996,pp.49 -93
‘Brewery industries’ (in Japanese) in Nishikawa, Shunsaku, and K.Odaka, O.Saito eds.
Japanese Economy during 200 Years, Nihon Hyoronsha, 1996, pp.255 -280
‘The Socio-economic Conditions in the Late Tokugawa Period’ (in Korean)North-east
Asia, no2, 1995,pp.106 -134
‘The Rise of Enterprises and the Modern Business / Indigenous Business’ (in Japanese,
co-author Abe Takeshi) in Miyamoto, Matao, and T. Abe eds. Japanese Business
History vol.3, Iwanami Shoten 1995, pp.91-138
‘"Industrialization" and "Indigenous Economic Development” in Modern Japan’ (in
Japanese) Review of History no.539, 1995, pp.92-109
‘Trends and Problems in Recent Researches on "Intra - Asian Trade"’ (in Japanese)The
Journal of Agrarian History no.140, 1993, pp.36-47
‘The Evolution of Indigenous Cotton Textile Manufacture before and after the Opening
of the Ports’ (in English) Japanese Yearbook on Business History vol.9 ,1992, pp.29
‘The Rise and Fall of Local Economies: Two Contrasting Cotton Weaving Districts:
Ni’ ikawa and Izumi ‘(in Japanese) Journal of Modern Japanese Studies,no.14 1992,
pp.170 -202
‘Cotton Merchants in Takaoka’ (in Japanese) The Journal of Economic Studies, vol.37
no.1, Toyama University 1991, pp.107 -139
‘The Rise and Fall of Cotton Weaving in Ni’ikawa District during the 19th Century’ (in
Japanese) Annual Bulletin on Economics and Social Science no.16 ,Toyama University,
1991,pp.1 -41
‘Business Trends in Choshi Soy-sauce Brewer Industry: The Indigenous Industry and
the Local Notables’ (in Japanese) in Hayashi, Reiko ed. Historical Research on
Soy-sauce Industry, Yoshikawa Koubunkan, 1990 pp.231-340
‘The Restructuring of Traditional Industries’ (in Japanese, co-author Saito Osamu) in
Umemura, Mataji and Y.Yamamoto eds. Japanese Economic History vol.3. Iwanami
Shoten 1989 pp.223-283, Translated into Chinese in 1997
‘The Development of Cotton Weaving Market in the Bakumatsu and Meiji Periods’ (in
Japanese) The Journal of Agrarian History no.115,1987, pp.54-67
‘The Development of Cotton Weaving in the Bakumatsu and Early Meiji Periods ’ (in
Japanese) Socio-economic History vol.52 no.2, 1986, pp.1-34
Book Reviews
Published in the following journals:
(In English) Japanese Year Book on Business History, Social Science Japan Journal
(In Japanese) Socio-economic History, The Journal of Agrarian History, Business
History Review, The Economic Review (Hitotsubashi University), Journal of Japanese
History, Journal of Historical Studies, Japanese History