Faith and Leadership Course Application Form

Faith and Leadership Course
Application Form
PART A: Personal Details
First Name:
Course of Study:
Date of Birth:
Term time Address:
Preferred E-mail Address:
Mobile Telephone number:
Do you have any particular dietary requirements (eg Halal, Kosher, vegetarian etc.)?
Do you have any particular special needs arising from issues of health? Please
detail below:
Do you have any access requirements (for example, large print, induction loop,
wheelchair access)?
PART B: Application Questions
What relevant experience and interests will you bring to the Faith and Leadership
Course? (Please answer within 150 words)
What do you anticipate getting from your participation in the Faith and Leadership
Course? (Please answer within 150 words)
*You may identify strongly with one of the main World Religions or you may identify as nonobservant in a particular tradition. Alternatively you may adopt an agnostic, atheist or
humanist position
Please return this form to – if you have any further questions
about completing this form, or the application process itself, please email the
Course Coordinator Rebecca Hardie at this address.