OSA Assembly Minutes II. Roll Call -

OSA Assembly Minutes
November 9, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:00 PM
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
OSA Registered club/org
Advertising club
Alpha Xi Delta
Alta Resources Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization
American Red Cross Club
Anthropology Club
APICS UW Oshkosh Student Chapter
Asian Student Association
Aviation Club
Be the Match
Beta Theta Pi
Biology & Microbiology Club
Campus for Awareness and Relationship Education (CARE/MenCARE)
Chemistry Club
Chi Sigma Iota
Chinese Culture Club
Circle K International
Club Nippon
College Democrats
College Republicans
Colleges Against Cancer
Communication Club
Converge - A Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Criminal Justice Association
Delta Sigma Phi
Donster Community Government
Dr. Julie Henderson Chapter of PRSSA at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Economics Student Association
Evans Hall Government
Future Business Leaders of America
Gamma Phi Beta
Geography Club
Graduate Student Association
Great Lakes Chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing
Gruenhagen Remarkable Events & Activities Team
His House Christian Fellowship
History Club
Horizon Hall
Hmong Student Union
Human Services Leadership Student Organization
Illinois Student Organization
Information Systems Club
Interfraternity Council
International Business Club
International Student Association
Inter-Tribal Student Organization
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Kappa Delta Pi
Model United Nations
Multicultural Education Coalition
National Society of Leadership and Success
North Scott Hall Activities Council
Omega Delta Phi
Order of Omega-Omicron Kappa Chapter
Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association
Oshkosh Gaming Society
Oshkosh League of Legends Club
Oshkosh One
Oshkosh Physical Education Club
Oshkosh Student Association
Oshkosh Student Nurses Association
Pagan Student Alliance
Panhellenic Council
Pre-Dental Society
Pre-Med Society
Pre-Optometry Society
Psychology Club
Rainbow Alliance for H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Perceive Equality)
Reeve Union Board
Residents Engaged in Activities and Leadership
Sigma Pi Fraternity
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Social Justice Club
Society of Physics Students
Spanish Club
Stewart Activities Team
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Student Environmental Action Coalition
Student Organization of Latinos
Student Social Work Association
Student Wisconsin Education Association
Students and Teachers Against the Not-quite Dead
Students For Concealed Carry
Students for Music
Students Organized for Art
Swing Dance Club
Taylor Hall Government
The Comedy Club
The Delta Chi Fraternity
The English Club
The Sisterhood
Theatre Arts Board
Titan Catholics (Formally known as Newman Center)
Titan Cheer and Stunt
Titan TV
Ultimate Frisbee Club
United Students in Residence Halls
University Honors Student Association
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management
UW Oshkosh Student Veterans Association
UW Oshkosh Women's Lacrosse
UWO Cycling Club
UWO Optimist Club
UW-Oshkosh ROTC
Wildlife Conservation Club
Wisconsin Review
Women's Advocacy Council
Young Americans for Liberty
Zeta Tau Alpha
Gamma Iota Sigma
Natural Remedies Club
Open Forum – Katie Knox, Chief Editor of A-T: as a student I ask that you do not
take this out of context, drama in a lot of departments with budget cuts. Ms. Knox
does not appreciate the light that is being shed on Dr. Filak, he is one of the best
advisors the paper has had. Jamie Ceman – IMC making a statement on behalf of
the Office of Administration and they are working closely with the AT on the debt.
Approval of the Agenda – approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Guest Speakers –
a. Marty Strand, Assistant Director for Dining Operations – active summer and into
the fall, last fall gather info three studies zip code analysis, food choices, hired
outside consultant to analysis top three Mexican, Italian and Asian flavors.
Wholly Habaneros will be where Titan Taco is, Titan Taco where Pizza Hut is
and Pizza Hut in Scotty’s drawings, purchasing would loss pizza hut. Polk
Library small option not open up all day or night there will be vending machines
added, coffee bean grinder added next semester. There will be a new coffee
house in what was Clow in between the two building nice advantage grab and go
snacks bakery, and coffee. Blackhawk – preview freshman, consultant in this
summer and needs renovation building is boring and need to keep it up to date for
14 years table and chairs at end of life, students suggest different themes, one
theme is titans, sports, we are the Titans, Art and show off adding student art.
Pagan Student Alliance: Would you consider placing the Titan TV on the TV in
Blackhawk? Answer: Yes. Pagan Student Alliance: Will the staff that currently
works in the library food area be moved to a different area to work in Sodexo?
Answer: Yes they will move and not loss their job. Oshkosh One: Why is no
longer milk available on meal plan? Answer: Reeve is a retail operation and the
chugs are available for purchase, he will however bring this back to food
committee. Oshkosh One when are you are doing the renovations in Blackhawk?
Answer: meeting on Wednesday to hatch that out. Hopefully, during winter and
spring break. His House: Has the cleanliness been addressed in Blackhawk?
Answer: What time? His House: eat lunch at 1:40 PM and usually have to clean
the tables. Answer: count tables that are dirty and email food@uwosh.edu he
will put the fire on it. The email goes directly to the manager phones. out the
burgers and grilled cheese, would like to be able to food. Human Resource
management, will the vending machine be the same ones in Polk now? Answer:
No, new ones will be purchased and the current ones left in the basement. Are the
ones in the basement being left there? Answer: Yes, this is new and should kick
off the sales, exciting that this is going on.
b. Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer – Brandon, Rickie, and Mike – follow
up with a study, across campus, drafting the report right now and goes final Dec 9
to Leadership council, extreme model, central IT weather or not faster, currently
the help desk is in Dempsey and difficult to find, student IT experience should not
have to worry about who they have to contact depending upon their location on
campus. Pre-med: Will the lab consultants staff desk in the labs? Answer: Yes,
hopefully the current lab assistants will receive in depth training will be a case by
case judgement call on that.
c. Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities Club (URECA) – new club several
opportunities a program of ambassadors that work on undergrad projects if you
are interested in or in joining email dobsok84@uwosh.edu.
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors and Ambassadors – none
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – Next week meeting
for OSA Assembly is in SAGE 1210.
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – Five candidates for University
Police Chief next week and after Thanksgiving, open sessions will be held. Rae
will send out an email.
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – sign in and email
Maria if unable to attend
Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President – (Graham – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
President – (Jordan – osavpres@uwosh.edu) – Lobby Day this Thursday. State
Senate Bill 365 and Assembly Bill 485, concealed carry, now looking aat counter
act to make it a felony to handle a dangerous weapon but a dangerous weapon is
not defined in the Bill. Looking at cutting a lot, at least 6,000 in the OSA budget
due to lower amount of undergrad students, will be taking a close look at the areas
of service that OSA provides and for the first time the OSA Budget will be
brought to assembly to review. There seems to be a misconception regarding
OSA, OSA is not an organization or a club of UW Oshkosh, we are a state agency
a system similar to United States system of congress with Senate and Assembly
give my opinion to these two representative bodies but please speak up if you
disagree. Student Reps this weekend at UW Marshfield in Wood County 35
minutes past Stevens Point.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-071
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Karee Orrick, Segregated Fees Committee, Christopher Totten, Devin
Matznick, alternates, Segregated Fees Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor, Pagan Student Alliance, 2nd by College Republicans
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, one abstention (11/09/15)
IX. Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-067
WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made a commitment to fostering
inclusivity towards all students; and
WHEREAS, There is currently one bathroom in Reeve Memorial Union usable by individuals
are gender non-conforming and or transgender or do not feel comfortable with using restrooms
that are designated as men or women’s restrooms and presents an uncomfortable environment for
individuals. The restrooms that are located in Reeve Memorial Union rooms 232 and 234 are
designated as men and women restrooms experiences very little traffic; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the aforementioned restrooms in Reeve Memorial Union be
designated as all genders and family restrooms that will demonstrate the University’s
commitment to be a welcoming and inclusive environment;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The Oshkosh Student Association considers passage of this
resolution through the Assembly and Senate;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage of this resolution be transmitted to the following
individuals, Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs, Randy Hedge, Director, Reeve Memorial Union
Sponsored by: Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff, and Devin Matznick, OSA Assembly
Representative for Circle K
Motion to move to floor Circle K, 2nd by Pagan Student Alliance
Motion to amend the signature line to Devin Matznick, Co-President of Rainbow for
HOPE, 2nd by Pagan Alliance Association
Schettle: Representing Circle K and not the representative of HOPE in Assembly
Motion to amend by adding family and change gender neutral to all genders in Therefore
Be It Resolved by Circle K and 2nd by PSA, passed placard vote (11/09/15)
Point of the resolution is to change two specific bathrooms and cannot change the intent of
the resolution. College Republicans – if cannot meet code if the two bathrooms are changed
to all genders, what is the point of this resolution? Can we make an amendment to make
the resolutions less specific? Answer: Cannot change the meaning of the resolution.
Vote, passed placed vote, ten opposed, one abstention (11/09/15)
OSA 15-070
WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university
student associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning
student life, services and interests; and
WHEREAS The Oshkosh Student Association adopted OSA 13-030 in academic year
2013-2014, bringing to light the financial situation of the Advance-Titan and providing
specific recommendations to address their budgeting practices; and
WHEREAS in Fall of 2009 the Advance-Titan had a reserve balance of $26,459.07,
and now in Fall of 2015 a negative balance of $75,129.85, resulting in a net difference
of $101,588.92 in 6 years; and
WHEREAS since Fall of 2009 Dr. Vincent Filak has served as the Faculty Advisor for
the Advance-Titan, entrusted with responsibilities that include the oversight of the
budget; and
WHEREAS the students of the Advance-Titan deserve an advisor with fiscally
responsible budgeting practices.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association encourages the
university administration to ask for the resignation of Dr. Filak as Advisor of the
Advance Titan, for this would allow the organization to restructure and seek a new
direction to establish a stronger organizational and financial future; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association knows that the
resignation relies on Dr. Filak, but encourages the university administration to not
renew the advisor contract if Dr. Filak refuses to resign; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association strongly disapproves
of the consideration by the university administration to forgive their debt incurred, for it
would set a precedent that the university must continue to follow with all student clubs
and organizations; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED upon passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall
be transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Lane Earns,
Provost and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Jean
Kwaterski, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Vince Filak,
Advisor- Advance Titan.
Sponsored by: Graham Sparks, OSA Vice President, Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of
Motion to move to floor YAL, 2nd Pagan Student Alliance
Discussion, this resolution is all about accountability
Parson: this matter is also being watched by legislators to hold your campuses
accountable, the students voice will be heard regardless of the outcome.
Vote, passed placard vote with 4 objections, and 1 abstention (11/09/15)
New Business – none
Committee Reports - none
Discussion –
a. Titan Discount Program – OSA works on establishing discounts at vendors in the
community and online. TAB: Where can we find these discounts? Answer: On
OSA website under the Titan Discount Program tab on the right hand side of the
Announcements – Veterans Day this week, keep vets in your prayers if they were in
the military at all. Men’s Soccer going to tournament. College Republicans $5 raffle for
the biggest buck content, the winner gets $100 bucks or more if we collect more. HOPE.
Next Friday transgender day of remembrance 7 to 9:30 in Reeve Ballroom (B&C).
Adjourn – Motion to Adjourn at 5:09 PM, no objections, no abstentions (11/09/15)