OSA Assembly Agenda
November 30, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307
Call to Order –
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
Open Forum -
Approval of the Agenda –
Approval of the Minutes –
Guest Speakers –
a. UW College Diabetes Network, New Club/Org
b. Chancellor Andrew Leavitt
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors and Ambassadors –
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) –
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) –
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu) –
Vice President – (Graham – (osavp@uwosh.edu) President – (Jordan – osavpres@uwosh.edu) -
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-077
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Ann Mittelstadt, Nicole Lehto, Daniel Dennis, Zachary Dunton,
Graham Sparks, Alternate, and Reginald Parson, Alternate Oshkosh
Student Association Election Commission
2. Jacob Stuebs, Director of Recreational Sports Search and Screen
3. Katheryn Bermann, Assistant Bookstore Director/Textbooks Manager
Search and Screen Committee
4. Brandon Colligan, LGBTQ Council
5. Sherine Johnson, Food Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
IX. Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-073
WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university
student associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning
student life, services and interests; and
WHEREAS The Oshkosh Student Association recognizes that the Basic Meal Plan and
the Deluxe Meal Plan offered by University Dining are not favored by the student body
due to the time restrictions for meal purchases; and
WHEREAS UW Eau Clare and UW La Crosse have unlimited access meal plans which
are more cost effective than the UW Oshkosh’s Basic Meal Plan and Deluxe Meal Plan;
WHEREAS An unlimited meal plan option would remove the pressure for students to
eat more food in one sitting, resulting in a more healthy campus dining atmosphere.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oshkosh Student Association encourages the
university administration to develop an unlimited access meal plan option to best
address the needs and wants of the student body; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED upon passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall
be transmitted to the following; Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs,
Jean Kwaterski, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Randy Hedge,
Director of University Dining, and Marty Strand, Assistant Director of University
Sponsored by: Zachary Dunton, Vice President Pro Tempore
OSA 15-072
WHEREAS, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Student Association is given the task to represent
the interests of the student body;
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin State Legislature is proposing legislation that if passed will allow
concealed carry weapons in public university buildings in Wisconsin, and;
WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is devoted to the safety and wellbeing of the
student body, and;
WHEREAS, evidence does not support the idea that legally held firearms within a given area
provide a greater amount of safety, and;
WHEREAS, if enacted, legislation allowing concealed carry in campus buildings would further
compromise student safety and wellbeing;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh reject the ability
of any individual to carry concealed firearms, tasers, knives, and club within university
buildings, dormitories, and academic, recreational, and managerial facilities;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Student Association
declare their stance that concealed weapons such as firearms, tasers, knives and clubs have no
place in the classroom, are disruptive to the learning environment, and are not conducive to a
safe and productive learning institution;
passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be
transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Lane Earns, Provost and Vice
Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Jean Kwaterski, Assistant to
the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Sponsored by: Brandon Colligan, OSA Senator; Grayson Bourke, OSA Legislative
Ambassador; Alexander Novak, OSA Senator; Bryan Carter, OSA Senator; Christopher Totten,
Treasurer and OSA Representative of Chemistry Club
New Business –
OSA 15-075
WHEREAS, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)) states that
“Schools are required to adopt and publish a grievance procedure outlining the complaint,
investigation, and disciplinary process for addressing sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and
sexual violence occurring within educational programs”;
WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has an obligation to provide an easy to
understand and easy to access complaint procedure and resources for victims of sexual
harassment or violence;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh create a webpage
for victims of sexual harassment and violence that is easily accessible directly from the
University's homepage; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the creation of this web page will then have a link to the
report form for sexual assault and harassment, will contain reporting information regarding the
university police, will contain a comprehensive list of steps a victim of sexual harassment or
assault can take after the incident, will contain a list of resources available on campus with
accurate contact information for victims, will contain any other educational information
regarding sexual assault and harassment that is deemed to fit; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the webpage will be inclusive to all people, be free from
biases or victim blaming and attempt to help victims in all areas of need regarding the assault
that they have experienced.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, upon passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be
transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Ameerah McBride, Title IX
Coordinator, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr.Sharon Kipetz, Assistant
Vice Chancellor/ Deam of Students, Terri Gohmann, Assistant Dean of Students, Dr. Jennifer
Haese, Assistnat Dean of Students, Dr. Lane Earns, Provost/ Chancellor of Academic Affairs
Sponsored by: McKenzie Valenta, OSA Inclusive Excellence Ambassador, Jake Stuebs, OSA
Senator, Rachel Adams, OSA Senator, Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff, Arthur Wetterau,
Women’s Advocacy Council Co-Advisor, Brooke Barrens, Social Justice Club President
OSA 15-078
WHEREAS the University Studies Program (USP) is an innovative, state of the art reform of
general education that strives to improve students educational experience during the first two
years of the university experience, and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh USP has been recognized as one of five
models for general education reform by the American Association of Colleges and Universities,
which brings recognition and prestige to the university, and
WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) has continuously supported the University
Studies Program since its inception in the Fall semester of 2013; and
WHEREAS the data provided by the USP program has shown that, as a whole, students are
maintaining a level of high satisfaction and enjoyment in the program; and
WHEREAS the OSA and USP recognize that no program is perfect and as such, an advisory
body of students is needed to maintain a high level of inclusion and transparency for students
currently in the program; and
WHEREAS this body would provide USP an opportunity to receive direct feedback regarding
all improvements to the program from students; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the OSA reiterates its support for the USP program;
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA shall establish an advisory
committee of students that directly focuses on the improvement of USP; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this advisory committee shall be
structured based upon the bylaws that accompany this resolution; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after the passage of this resolution, the
advisory committee of students shall present their work to OSA on a semester basis to maintain
transparency of the program; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that USP shall also continue to bring forth
new data received on a yearly basis to OSA annually to maintain transparency of the program;
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that upon passage, a copy of this resolution
and a copy of the new advisory committee’s bylaws will be sent to the following: Dr. Andrew
Leavitt, Chancellor of UW Oshkosh; Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr.
Lane Earns, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; and Dr. Tracy Slagter, Interim
USP Director.
SPONSORED BY: Jordan Schettle, OSA President.
OSA 15-079
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Assembly and Senate approve the OSA/SLS 2016-17 budgets.
Sponsor: President Jordan Schettle
OSA 15-080
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Assembly and Senate approve OSA Mission Statement.
Sponsor: Vice President Graham Sparks
Committee Reports Discussion –
a. Tuition Transparency
Announcements –
Adjourn -