OSA Assembly Minutes I. Call to Order –


OSA Assembly Minutes

April 25, 2016 at 4:00 PM

Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307


Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:00 PM


Roll Call -

Organizations with Voting Rights:

OSA Registered club/org 4/18/2016

Advertising club

Alpha Xi Delta

Alta Resources Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization

American Red Cross Club

Anthropology Club

APICS UW Oshkosh Student Chapter

Asian Student Association

Aviation Club

Be the Match

Beta Theta Pi

Biology & Microbiology Club

Campus for Awareness and Relationship Education (CARE/MenCARE)

Chemistry Club

Chi Sigma Iota








Chinese Culture Club

Circle K International

Club Nippon

College Democrats

College Republicans

Colleges Against Cancer

Communication Club

Converge - A Chi Alpha Campus Ministry







Criminal Justice Association

Delta Sigma Phi

Donster Community Government


Dr. Julie Henderson Chapter of PRSSA at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh X

Economics Student Association X

Evans Hall Government

Future Business Leaders of America

Gamma Phi Beta

Geography Club

Graduate Student Association


Great Lakes Chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing X

Gruenhagen Remarkable Events & Activities Team

His House Christian Fellowship

History Club

Horizon Hall

Hmong Student Union

Human Services Leadership Student Organization

Illinois Student Organization

Information Systems Club

Interfraternity Council

International Business Club

International Student Association

Inter-Tribal Student Organization

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Kappa Delta Pi

Model United Nations

Multicultural Education Coalition

National Society of Leadership and Success

North Scott Hall Activities Council

Omega Delta Phi

Order of Omega-Omicron Kappa Chapter

Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association

Oshkosh Gaming Society

Oshkosh League of Legends Club

Oshkosh One

Oshkosh Physical Education Club

Oshkosh Student Association

Oshkosh Student Nurses Association

Pagan Student Alliance

Panhellenic Council

Pre-Dental Society

Pre-Law Society

Pre-Med Society

Pre-Optometry Society

Psychology Club


Rainbow Alliance for H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Perceive Equality)

Reeve Union Board

Residents Engaged in Activities and Leadership

Sigma Pi Fraternity

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Social Justice Club






















Society of Physics Students

Spanish Club

Stewart Activities Team

Student Council for Exceptional Children

Student Environmental Action Coalition

Student Organization of Latinos

Student Social Work Association

Student Wisconsin Education Association






Students and Teachers Against the Not-quite Dead

Students For Concealed Carry

Students for Music

Students Organized for Art

Swing Dance Club

Taylor Hall Government

The Comedy Club

The Delta Chi Fraternity




The English Club

The Sisterhood

Theatre Arts Board

Titan Catholics (Formally known as Newman Center)

Titan Cheer and Stunt




Titan TV

Ultimate Frisbee Club



United Students in Residence Halls

University Honors Student Association


University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management X

UW Oshkosh Student Veterans Association

UW Oshkosh Women's Lacrosse

UWO Cycling Club



UWO Optimist Club

UW-Oshkosh ROTC

Wildlife Conservation Club

Wisconsin Review

Women's Advocacy Council

Young Americans for Liberty

Zeta Tau Alpha

Gamma Iota Sigma






Natural Remedies Club

UWO Officials association

Humane Society Club

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Club




Open Forum -


Approval of the Agenda –


Approval of the Minutes –


Club/Org Recognition –


Guest Speakers – a.

Darryl Sims, Athletics Director – Academic Game Plan, there is a faculty and student athletic component to it. Make sure student athletics the faculty fellow our student athletics to ask faculty to be a faculty fellow to work with that team integrated in what we do, recognition of student athletics of the work that they have done in the classroom. Gap between athletics and the student athletics some faculty attendance at games but a gap there between the two, faculty advisor in the student club and a team would have someone in similar support the team and make sure they are succeeding student success academically as well, pull faculty in to bridge that gap. 3.5 or higher to get that recognition at graduation or higher, we want to encourage and push all aspects that mingle together, most of those very good and bring them on board and will roll this out next year bumps along the way mainly positives not a lot of negatives, present this to all of you. Western

New England and pulled things from other schools. Pagan Student Alliance, few negatives those negatives, we have been firm on the 3.5 positive message with the faculty, started to assume this is just about student athletics they are not getting an extra benefit than anyone else in this room, the things they will be exposed to already exist, first generation kids some of this true by our student body as well.

This is not about a special interest and just recognition. Novak: Anyway monitor the involvement of the faculty invited by the team to be inviting them and to the coach and that faculty allow. Student Athletics to start to use some of these systems like the and now pushed back and heard from other student athletics that they are great services. Missy: student leaders were told no to be recognized at graduation, other schools not necessary told we are able to do that if that is not able to happen we may do something internally I don’t think it takes away from the Game Plan, if the answer if no will be student athletics will be told about the services, college experience is still about. MUN: I am Titan when it was released in the classroom and address the faculty directly not only those we interested but

keep them involved. We want to hear from those that have concerns, our goal is to have all of our faculty members in one shape or another, need 100% but this will keep us in front of people after a year or so, track the information b.

Randy Hedge, Reeve Memorial Union Director – building committee, collecting from others their concepts that they love, main concepts of create a more open and welcoming entrance that meets accessibility, enhance the SLIC, addition of passenger elevator, addition of lactation room and gender neutral bathroom, replace windows in the old part of the building, enhance meeting rooms on the second floor, create a customer friendly location for Copy This and Reeve

Marketing. Pagan Student Alliance: What is the difference with the incoming conference rooms? Answer: More space than now. Hope: commuter lodge.

Larger with additional utilities Pagan Student Alliance: Dep into the SLIC adequate signage, all open glass windows, have not determined signage as of yet.

Project Timeline: Regent approved - March 24, Construction bids came in over,

April 17 Board of Regents approved the spending, Tentative May/June. RAC would like student involvement in furnishing the building in 2016 as well as OSA every club is different and picky details an open door on how you want us to see you move forward, staff gather samples share with RAC and for those to test out.

Original building budget 7.6 million; additional 1.1 million is needed to cover project, one day are we able to find cash in order to finish the project and had to have that done and let them know what, consulted with the students right away.

We thought we would be under construction two years ago bond payment full bond payment so not going to construct but we knew we could use some from the bond the 2001 addition to Reeve Union, bonding is an interesting process, several bonds that happen over time and balloon payment it was escrowed and we


Officer Reports – estimated that we had $400,000 there the majority of what we needed. Timelines are flexible will carry this through Student leaders and staff a.


OSA Directors and Ambassadors – none

OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzel @uwosh.edu

) – Mark H. Reinhard scholarship open until April 28 th at 11:30 PM, apply if you meet criteria, criteria and link to apply on OSA website under OSA Scholarships. TitanLink tip of the day check notifications and make sure your profile states yes to email c.




notifications, see me, SLIC consultants or Missy if you have questions on how to do this

OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu

) – Dr. Brandon Miller will be brought to OSA to meet you and will take on all responsibilities of OSA. It has been 11 years something enriching her life and fellow students. Appreciate all of the student’s hard work

Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu

) – Austyn at a session to make UW Oshkosh certified as a bike friendly campus, sign in sheets old version right in your club name if not on there

Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu

) – no report

Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu

) – no report



Vice President – (Graham – ( osavp@uwosh.edu

) – no report

President – (Jordan – osavpres@uwosh.edu

) – no report


Presidential Appointments –

OSA 15-109

BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential

Appointments and/or recommendations:


Reginald Parson, Search and Screen for Associate Director for Grants


Alex Novak, Workplace Expectations Policy Committee


Alex Novak, University Budget Development Committee

Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President


Motion to move to floor Ultimate Frisbee Club, 2 nd by Pagan Student Alliance

Vote, placard vote, passed, no objections, no abstentions (04/25/16)


Unfinished Business – none


New Business –

OSA 15-110

BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Assembly and Senate approves the Student Shared

Governance Implementation Plan

Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle


Discussion - none

OSA 15-111

WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) is committed to progressively reducing its ecological footprint and fashioning a durable and better world through its academic mission and;

WHEREAS, Sustainability at UW Oshkosh is being integrated into all university functions and operations and;

WHEREAS, These actions involve reducing consumption and wastes, generating and purchasing renewable energy, curbing pollution, green building and purchasing, sustainable landscapes, and infusing sustainability into the curriculum, outreach, and research and;

WHEREAS, The Sierra Magazine placed UWO #3 nationally in its annual "Coolest Schools" sustainable schools ranking system and;

WHEREAS, The League of American Bicyclists has recognized University of Wisconsin

Madison, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, and

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee as Bike Friendly Universities (BFU’s) in their 2015 report and;

WHEREAS, The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) believes that it is important for UWO to continue going green and;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That OSA supports a plan that works toward making the

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh a BFU and;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That OSA calls for UWO to take proper steps in order to meet BFU standards set by the League of American Bicyclists and;

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That upon passage of OSA, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra Roter,

Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs; Aimee Niendorf, Renewable Energy Institute Manager;

Brian Kermath, Director of Sustainability; Brad Spanbauer, Sustainability coordinator; Jim

Feldman, Director of Environmental Studies; Gregory Batten, Xpeditions; Anne Milkovich,

Chief Information Officer; Laura Knaapen, Director of User Services; Mark Clements, Director of Information Services; Victor Alatorre, Director of Infrastructure Services

Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, OSA Speaker of Assembly; Jordan Schettle, OSA

President;Maria Berge, OSA Speaker of Assembly Pro-Tempore; Reginald Parson; Chief of

Staff, Alex Novak,OSA Senator; Zach Dunton, OSA Vice President Pro Tempore; Daniel

Dennis, Chair of Green Fund, Cycling Club; Young Americans for Liberty; Student Organization of Latinos; Pagan Student Alliance; Metal Club; Sigma Pi; Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Sigma Sigma; and College Democrats


Motion to move to floor by Student of Latinos, 2 nd by Pagan Student Alliance

Discussion: Run on the platform, vague resolution and bike friendly campus if that is the direction that we would like to move


Committee Reports - none


Discussion – none



– Titan Catholics next week Wednesday election meeting free food.

Love is greater than Hate from Harford daughter hands of ex-girlfriend comes and talks about Jesse’s story. TAB: S Wed and 2232 in Sage Friday in Reeve Concourse Health fair queerness and disability in Reeve end of finals week ex Week – Sex in the dark at

5:30 in SAGE 2232. At 5 experimental in college workshop Kink 101 Thursday at 5

Sex 101 Lucky the Sex Perk looking for anyone to participate planning and work of the organization, pledge to have head shaved, RUB Thursday night at 7 By Gosh Fest,

Taylor Donner and Webster, dinner outside inflatable obstacle course, 3:30 to 7:30 May



Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 4:56 PM by Pagan Student Alliance, 2 nd by

Oshkosh Gaming Society, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions

