OSA Senate Agenda September 16, 2014 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Grayson Bourke - Present Daniel Dennis –Present William Fath – Present Valerie Hagen - Present James Martine – Present Cory Nader – Absent Lindsey Newhauser – Present Michael Riley – Present Benjamin Stepanek – Present Steven Thompson – Present Hallie Turnbull – Present Troy Winkelman – Present Jeramiah Gruendemann – Associate – Present Kylee Kubis – Associate - Present III. Education & Human Services (5) Nursing (3) Taylor Bombinski – Present College of Business (5) Anne Cummins – Present Stuart Karas - Excused Ashley Meyer – Present Chase Mitchell – Present Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda Motion to amend by changing line 6 to Jeramiah Gruendemann, Food Committee add to line 2 Holly Bloohm, alternative, by VPPT Newhauser, 2nd by Dennis, passed voice vote, 09/16/14 Motion to move presidential appointments to guest speakers by Fath, 2nd by VPPT Newhauser, passed voice vote 09/16/14 Motion to add marketing committee to discussion as e. and Green Fund ad hoc committee as f. by Dennis, 2nd by Fath, passed voice vote 09/16/14 V. VI. Approval of the Minutes - approved Guest Speakers – a. Stephanie, Alumni Board Member graduate UW Oshkosh communication master’s Megal student alumni ambassador – alumni dept is here for students as well VII. Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors – Nov 4th have to Government accountability ID law will go in effect when you go and vote. Student Ids do not work others may. Presentation the week before the elections. b. – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – no report c. OSA Advisor – (Sharon – kipetzs@uwosh.edu) – service dogs they are working, middle village some landlords not too kind and not cooperate with their students more non students and member of committee. Pub crawl community members will be watching for any students that may need assistance. Hopper: what type of community members? Answer: They are trained. d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – first meeting last week, re vote on exec committee many changes in titles e. Speaker Pro-Tempore –(Jackie – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – finally meet deadline every person in committee has been assigned to committee, reports up and going, please report when your committee meets weekly every two weeks meets monthly end of month so on and so forth, only meets once at end of semester everyone’s job to enter h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Olive Garden for food for OSA Senate retreat in Reeve, room 202, rec at 4:00 expeditions, 6:00 dinner eating while we are processing senator packet, brain storming goals from this body. SUFAC this weekend, Dr. Kipetz, strong delegation copy of structure Hopper, Chase. UW O campus hockey club OSA sponsoring bus back by 10:00 pm. Talking with Casey Nelson – hall elections just finalized this week and we will have a USRH rep come our meeting and would like a senator to volunteer to USRH. On Fox News discussing Voter ID with Sharon. i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – GPS Titan Transit on USA Today few changes USA Today Black and Gold coloring does not work with. Titan Discounts Club come see us if turned away. It is on us, start sexual assault later today at 7:30 pm, no mute button. Good idea to – UW System name in the hat does not mean that you will sit on approved by president advising State wide committee, transfer students. Way we can get discounts. OSA website to all. Director GPS, Care Share, Fee Coffee 9:30 – 11 am Mondays VIII. Presidential Appointments – SS 14-012 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment: 1. Emily Herrick, Associate Senator, College of Letters & Science Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president Dispense Motion to move to floor VPPT Newhauser, 2nd by Kubis Discussion,:, Turnbull: Why were you not here last week? Answer: on a sorority and house tours last week Vote, passed voice vote, one opposed, no abstentions, passed 09/16/14 SS 14-013 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. International Justice mission – new 2. UW-Oshkosh Club Golf Team – new, Assembly Sponsored by: Nicole Lehto, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Meyer Vote, passed voice vote, no opposed, two abstentions, 09/16/14 OSA 14-004 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Jacqueline Norbdo, Ka Moua, Environmental, Health and Safety Committee 2. Kurtis Ness, Reginald Parson, Holly Bloohm, alternative Student Allocation Committee 3. Evan Freimuth, Student Technology Fees Committee 4. Troy Winkleman, American Disabilities Act Committee 5. James Martine, Chancellor’s Award for Greek Excellence 6. Jeramiah Gruendemann, Food Committee 7. William Fath, LGBTQ Council 8. James Martine, Libraries and Learning Resources Advisory Council 9. Jeramiah Gruendemann, Troy Winkelman, Parking Appeals Committee 10. Stuart Karas, Reeve Advisory Council Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president Dispense Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by VPPT Newhauser Vote, passed voice vote, no oppositions, no abstentions, 09/16/14 Motion to suspend rules Mitchell, 2nd by Stepanek for OSA Photos, passed voice vote 09/16/14 Motion to reinstate rules at 5:24 pm by Dennis, 2nd by Newhauser, passed voice vote 09/16/14 IX. Unfinished Business – SS 14-007 WHEREAS: A freshman student that has not taken a college course yet would begin their first semester with a 0.0 GPA; and WHEREAS: A student of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) that wishes to join the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) Senate must have a GPA of at least 2.25; and WHEREAS: This limits the ability of a member of UWO’s student body to partake in OSA’s upper house; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Under Article 2 of the OSA Senate bylaws (Membership), a new section shall be added, stating the following: 2.3 Freshman Senators 2.31 Shall be appointed by president 2.32 Shall have all powers and duties given to Regular Senators, in the exception of Voting rights as outlined in section 3.2 and GPA until second semester as outlined in section 2.12. Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle and Vice President Graham Sparks Dispense Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Bombinski Motion to amend by THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Under Article 2 of the OSA Senate bylaws (Membership), a new section shall be added, stating the following: 2.3 Freshman Senators 2.31 Shall be appointed by president 2.32 Shall have all powers and duties given to Regular Senators, in the exception of Voting rights as outlined in section 3.2 and GPA until second semester as outlined in section 2.12. by Dennis, 2nd by VPPT Newhauser, passed voice vote 09/16/14 Vote, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions 09/16/14 OSA 14-003 BE IT RESOLVED THAT all mention of United Council within the OSA Constitution shall be replaced with Student Representatives. Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle, Vice President Graham Sparks Dispense Motion to move to floor, Winkelman, 2nd by Bombinski Vote, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions 09/16/14 SS 14-008 WHEREAS: As student leaders, members of OSA Senate should hold themselves to a high standard of academic work; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 2.12 of the OSA Senate bylaws (Membership/Regular Members) shall be amended to state the following: 2.12 Student Senators shall maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.25 during their term of office and receive a passing grade in all courses in an academic semester per university standards. Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle and Vice President Graham Sparks Dispense Motion to move to floor, VPPT Newhauser, 2nd by Kubis Discussion, Thompson, against adding the passing grade to Senate bylaws as students may fail a class for various reasons but excel in others brining their GPA to the standards required to be an OSA Senator Vote, voice vote motion fails, four in favor, five objections, and 3 abstentions 09/16/14 X. New Business – none XI. Committee Reports – XII. Discussion – a. OSA Senate Retreat – Saturday, Sept 20th, Olive Garden will be served as a casual dinner brainstorming sticky notes and white board. The retreat will adjourn at 7:30 or 8:00 pm if have to leave early let Graham know. b. SUFAC – Student Rep Meeting – UW Oshkosh is the smoothest running campus including Madison. Bourke: What is SUFAC? – Segregated fees act and other campus seg fees handle student club/orgs as well as departments. We have had no problems recently student majority on this campus view point neutrality and allocations distributes money to student club/orgs. c. OSA Polos – may wear to the meeting no jeans or shorts. Navy OSA Logo picture to send out d. Run With the Cops Fundraiser – partner with the Special Olympics and there will be flashing lights at every corner Oshkosh Police dept, fire trucks Chief LeMire sponsoring, What percentage goes to special Olympics? Answer: Not sure exactly but the same group that runs the Polar Plunge. Bombinski: When is it? Answer: Oct 9. Kubis, Is OSA sponsoring it or having an OSA team? Whatever you would like, need people for volunteering at water stations, etc. e. Marketing – Dennis – begin another ad hoc marketing committee with full power five members Dennis, 2nd by Hopper, no objections, no abstentions. Hopper was chair last academic year and the marketing committee revamped all pamphlets for OSA, class room presentations, tabling in Reeve, what you would want to change about our campus, OSA wants feedback. Title marketing committee, members will be Kubis, Riley, Bourke, Meyer, and Winkelman with full power. Please give documents to Rae Ann to save in S drive for future years. Can appoint more people if you want to get together vote on chair and secretary, and Caitlin will send you bylaw template f. Green fund committee – Dennis: are there things that a new green fund committee can tackle? Answer: biggest issues student salaries minor issues as well go over documents and send to system legal. Use documents from last year to meet requirements from system. Create a Green fund ad hoc committee with five members full power, by Dennis, 2nd by Hopper, no objections, no abstentions. Members, Dennis, Riley, Hagen, Bourke, and VPPT Newhauser. XIII. Announcements – Loss of documents – election bylaws may have to be re-done if we do not receive them. Please send documents to Rae Ann Constitution day – tomorrow table in Reeve at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Last time two more chancellor finalist Dr. Levitt tomorrow at 11 and Friday Dr. Copper XIV. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 5:56 pm by Winkelman, 2nd by Martine, voice vote passed, 09/16/14