OSA Senate Minutes October 28, 2014 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:47 pm Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Grayson Bourke - Present Daniel Dennis – Present William Fath – Present Valerie Hagen - Present James Martine – Present Lindsey Newhauser – Excused Michael Riley – Present Benjamin Stepanek – Present Steven Thompson – Present Hallie Turnbull – Present Troy Winkelman – Present Kylee Kukbis - Present Jeramiah Gruendemann – Associate – Present Emily Herrick – Associate - Excused III. Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda - approved V. Approval of the Minutes - approved VI. Education & Human Services (5) Nursing (3) Taylor Bombinski – Excused College of Business (5) Anne Cummins – Present Stuart Karas - Present Ashley Meyer – Present Chase Mitchell – Present Katrina Schiedemeyer – New - Present Guest Speakers – a. Darryl Sims, Athletics Director and Jamie Ceman, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Integrated Marketing and Communications, I am Titan Campaign began 18 months ago, now presenting a governance and with Dean of Colleges to build more engagement. Pride building looking for more students to feature or let athletics know is you are another student would like to be featured. This is a successful campaign integrated marking to keep it going for at least five years. Athletics update: all students get into sporting events for free encourage students to attend, last year 11,000 students attending sporting events during the course of the year. Last year post season competition WIAC athletics sponsored fan buses whenever we get to a post season encourage the student body to attend. Many club/orgs like to use the Athletics logo, please help them make sure they are brand compliance; now take Titan Dollars for concessions. Dennis: On average how many students attend athletic events, football basketball 2800, and women’s basketball higher than last four years 800 to 900 students did attend. I am a Titan Campaign in a class and reaching out to student body. Speaker Lehto: Are you coming to attend an OSA Assembly meeting to get the work out to club/orgs? Answer: Yes b. Sandra Cox, Director Counseling Center and Dr. Sharon Kipetz Student at Risk Response Team: Dean of Students, Counseling center, residence life University police dept., no one on this campus should worry alone, how do you make a referrals 8:30 – 4:30 stop by the Dean’s office for sure and one of us will be available, call police dept. if need something after hours. Not only will this team help you but will help friends of the at Risk student, friends of the student need support as well. VII. Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors – Director Parson, early voting ends this Friday then wait until Nov 4. Director Sorby, Now single stream recycling b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – Thank Dr. Kipetz for serving as OSA director while Dr. Roter served as interim Chancellor, USA Today, The Buzz, University Wisconsin of Oshkosh, app available in App Store and hopefully by Friday, October 31st it will available in the Google Play Store c. OSA Advisor – (Sharon – kipetzs@uwosh.edu) – Safe Walk bracelet, busy weekend in Oshkosh one individual allegedly in custody, please be careful, a student kept the stabbing victim calm and that she made a difference. Dean of Students office thanked her on Monday. Dennis: How far do safe walks go? Five blocks and usage is up. Clerk of courts it is paid a paid position to help on voting day. Dennis cannot vote at polling locations that you are able to vote in. Still looking for volunteers as well. Still looking for student volunteers printers are running. Fath CA in Fletcher come back by themselves, braclets give them out, Winkelman at polls minimum wage little bit of money d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – meetings with Regents e. Speaker Pro-Tempore –(Jackie – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – void senators, directors at the meeting last night, e cig and shared governance were voted on and passed g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – not serving on two committees contact her h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – pictures, dates IMC first full week in November send picture to Rae for the website i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – no report VIII. Presidential Appointments – SS 14-025 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. Math Club, Assembly Sponsored by: Nicole Lehto, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Dennis, passed voice vote (10/28/14) No math club put it in effect come together opportunities for career planning. Any competitions, as of now do not plan on it. What type of events do you plan? Answer: – St. Norbert college Dec 7th and 8th Face off Math jeopardy professor. Lehto, Do you have an assembly rep for the meeting? Answer – do not want an assembly rep. Motion to strike assembly by Dennis, 2nd by Martine, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions (10/28/14) Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abstentions (10/28/14) IX. X. Unfinished Business – none New Business – OSA 14-010 BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Assembly and Senate approve the shared governance resolution to Chancellor-designate Andrew Leavitt. Sponsored by: OSA President Jordan Schettle Dispense Motion to move to the floor Kubis, 2nd by Dennis, passed voice vote (10/28/14) Motion to move to unfinished business by Dennis, 2nd by Hagen, passed voice vote (10/28/14) Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abstentions (10/28/14) SS 14-024 BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA Senate approves the Green Fund Bylaws and the Green Fund Policy and Procedure Manual. Sponsored by: The Green Fund Ad-Hoc Committee Dispense Motion to move to floor by Kubis, 2nd by Hopper, passed voice vote (10/28/14) Discussion: Hopper: Well written document, SLS is the only director paid and Director Hopper feels that there should be an application process. Mitchell: An application process is a good idea and this could be an opportunity to tie Green Fund committee with the BVM. Meyer: Is the word Greenness used often: Answer: text that we received from the models that we were going through and does not feel it is worth changing. Chair stipend was determined by the amount current allocations chair and controller receive. They will have a large amount of office hours or will be processing application, accuracy is important. Meyer: have you worked with the sustainability council on this document? Answer: Director Sorby: working with work for Brian Kermath and Jim Feldman, I brought it up in council several times many times over the last year. Students will request and send to the sustainability director, makes sure they meet deadlines, and talk to depts. To make sure stake holders that this can more forward, and then to committee to vote on, Jean or Petra will be advisor, Brian advisor sustainability they both give feedback merits of the proposal students can present. Seg fee Saturday, Dec 6th approved from Senate will request half this year 30,000 65,000 for FY15, appoint members to the committee bring appointees next week after the vote they could be voted getting people on the committee. Speaker Lehto, Recommend that group come to assembly and ask environmental groups to be involved. XI. Committee Reports – Seg fees yesterday, non-allocated funds gives OSA their budget student Reeve options Dec 6th at 10:00 am talk about the RecPlex general opinion inclusive excellence gender neutral committee on site storage for to store it bigger facility. Kubis making some headway, Free coffee campaign and Titan discounts promote voting lecture halls and residence life, tabling put in office in Reeve and Sage fun treat answer a questions. Meyer distribution residence wall to their CA and CAs will take to residence hall we take care of Sage, 3,600. Pepsi Fund 20 min approved $548.76 Glow party on Nov 14. Any one on Green fund committee ad hoc stay after this meeting XII. Discussion – a. Mission Statement – approval of the mission statement, send resolution or letter President Schettle will write letter and if anyone wants to sign it stop in the OSA office and sign it. Library hours - Why the hours the way they are – the majority survey years ago but looking into will do a survey and put forth recommendations. Karas not enough time during finals even if just a section of it opened. XIII. Announcements – a. b. c. XIV. Complaint or compliment had a suggestion in it. Feedback helps, please provide feedback on app, read emails. Get out and vote Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 6:02 pm by Winkelman, 2nd by Riley, passed voice note, no objections, no abjections (10/28/14)