OSA Assembly Minutes I. Call to Order –

OSA Assembly Minutes
April 6, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307
Call to Order – at 4:00 PM
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
Present: 55
Excused: Beta Theta Pi, PSSA, Pre-Optometry Society
Absent: Advertising Club, Asian Student Association, Beat2Soul, Beta Alpha PsiAccounting Club, Black Student Union, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Chi Sigma lota, College
Democrats, Colleges Against Cancer, Comedy Club, Communication Club, Community
Garden Club, Criminal Justice Association, Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc, Gamma
Phi Beta, Hmong Student Union, Human Services Leadership Student Org, Ignite,
Illinois Student Organization, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Detla Pi, Lutheran Campus
Ministry, Management Information Systems Club, Oshkosh Gaming Society, Oshkosh
Chess Club, Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association, Oshkosh League of
Legends, OPEC, Pagan Student Alliance, Panhellenic Council, Phi Beta Lambda, PSSA,
Pre-Dental Society, Pre-Law Society, Pre-Med Society, PRSSA, Religious Studies
Club, Ski/Snowboard Club, Social Justice Club, Society of Physics Students, SEAC,
Student WEA, SOFA, Swing Dance Club, Taylor Hall Government, The Sisterhood,
TAB, Titan TV, United Students in Residence Halls, University Honors Student
Association, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Aviation Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club,
University Speech and Debate Team, UW Oshkosh Climbing Club, UW Oshkosh
Cleanup Crew, UW Oshkosh Hip Hop Dance Team, UW Oshkosh Metal Club, UW
Oshkosh Student Veterans Association, UWO Pokémon Fight Club, UW Oshkosh
ROTC, UW Oshkosh Women’s Lacrosse, UW Oshkosh Golf Club, Wisconsin review,
Zeta Tau Alpha
Open Forum – none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Guest Speakers –
a. Professor Tracy Slagter – Interim Director University Studies Program
Frequently asked questions: Is USP only here or practiced at all UW systems? Answer:
UW Oshkosh way to do general ed just the way designed to start 2013 deliver general
education that we think is better, faculty each other different learning communities.
Largest complaint – student scheduling paired courses or see your advisor your advisor
can always help you find your way around that, always evolving, cant schedule anything
let her know. The USP Advisory groups meets every Thursday morning to go through
problems and find solutions to them only way the program continues, scheduling for
guest II easier variety of classes study abroad classes as quest developing much more
interesting if we can go somewhere else. If don’t hear from students difficult to make
changes if other students coming to you come to her or anyone up here on the OSA Exec
Board and make sure it will get to her. STAND as the USP program brought more
students here but difficult for transfer student? Answer: In fall transferred only changed
transfer student policy so complicated coming in with 15 or fewer take it more than that
just fulfil general ed. How do we contact you? Answer: email - usp@uwoshledu. Tracy
Slagter, stop by Pollock or call (920) 424-1257 always reach a friendly voice and will get
it right away during fall when quest 1 students come in, any advisors have a direct link to
us. Advanced comp last semester goals liberal specific goals of USP initials involved
with five top schools for liberal arts education how do you take a public school and give
it liberal arts, answers are much more. Some of the students in Assembly are peer
mentors in 2014 may be asked to help in training or if Debbie emails you please respond,
the training is April 26.
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors – Chief of Staff: MEC come and talk with me after meeting.
How many clubs orgs having meeting next week? He would like to go over
budget cuts and Jordan and I went to capitol. Email Reggie at
Parsor20@uwosh.edu with meeting times or let him know after the meeting.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – TitanLink Tip of the
Day. Update roster.
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Austyn Boothe – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – no report
Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole Lehto – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – Austyn
chaired the meeting and mentioned that a guest speaker would be here so you
know what is happening next week. Nominations this week and next succeed in
endeavors, leaders something to say about yourself
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey Newhauser - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no
Vice President – (Graham Sparks – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
President – (Jordan Schettle – osavpres@uwosh.edu) – Fair trade 2008/2009
revisiting that agreement, can state your option at that time. Local and state wide
elections tomorrow, mayor elections, state supreme court eldest something to
throw out there eldest gets the seat or elected in. Email retirement plan previously
60 down to 55 broader the base of who could utilize, if you have any questions
come talk to him afterward. Trip to Madison - joint finance committee, 300
million won’t stay but could be 250, both parties not in favor of such a large cut.
Tenure a lot of members guaranteed a spot of academic freedom unless morally
one against it and looking into review process 10 or so years and shared
governance four groups students, academic, too bureaucratic and limits them to
get things completed.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 14-028
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Crystal Knuth, Pouring Rights Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Climbing Club, 2nd by STAND
Vote, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/06/2015)
IX. Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
Committee Reports – PRSSA next Saturday conference 9:30 – 3:00 any majors, $15
PRSSA members and $20 for non-members on website included refreshments and lunch
email: biderk65@uwosh.edu with questions.
Discussion –
a. Open nominations for Speaker of Assembly and Speaker Pro Tempore of
Turned over to Steven, Elections requirements 15 credits, 2.5 chair the meetings
behind the scenes welcome new club/orgs, utilize assembly to get information, rerecognition process, see fit for the voice of assembly grow and expand what you
want to do with it work with senate voice of assembly in senate. Speaker Protemp attendance sheets print them record them who is here excused and
unexcused, lost voting rights, chair meetings if Nicole can’t make it.
Speaker of assembly nominations now open,
1. Austyn Boothe nominated by Stewart activities
2. Devin Matznick nominated by Titan Catholics
Closed nominations
Speaker pro-temp nominations now open,
1. Rachael Adams club Women Advocacy council
Close nominations
Announcements – Titan Catholics this Friday at 4 dying Easter eggs 5 to 8 dinner at 8
Easter Egg hunt, Newman center for a fun Easter celebration. Students for Concealed
Carry, Reeve 207 this Wednesday at 7, concealed carry class $45 at Alumni Welcome
Center scc@uwosh.edu. Be the Match Wed registry drive in Rec Center all day on
Thursday in Reeve and Sage one last volunteer simeka20@uwoshe.du. STAND,
Humans vs Zombies rules meetings this weekend noon to 2 in Reeve more info cross
campus tag bandanas arm or head be aware fun game exercises. Walking Dead, spring
game Sat the 18th Underground Zombie prom. BSU at 5 in SAGE 1235 White skinned
girls. History Club, Wednesday Wisconsin public television movie Wisconsin
Hometown Series 6:15 in Reeve Theatre. Rape is not a joke Megan blue headbands to
represent a survivor of rape. BSU event creating creations workshop diverse population
from career services center not specific all students diverse backgrounds, cultures
registration at 4:30 PM tomorrow, dual workshops multicultural communication mostly
in the work place student focus and driven, free food and drink not required.
XIV. Adjourn – Motion to Adjourn at 4:45 PM by Students for Concealed Carry, 2nd by
STAND, passed voice vote (04/06/2015)