OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
February 24, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Grayson Bourke – Excused
Daniel Dennis – Present
William Fath – Present
Valerie Hagen - Present
James Martine – Present
Lindsey Newhauser – Excused
Michael Riley – Present
Benjamin Stepanek – Present
Steven Thompson – Present
Hallie Turnbull – Present
Troy Winkelman – Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes - approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Nursing (3)
College of Business (5)
Anne Cummins – Present
Stuart Karas - Present
Ashley Meyer – Present
Chase Mitchell – Present
Katrina Schiedemeyer – Present
Guest Speakers –
a. Dr. Carleen Vande Zande, Associate Vice Chancellor Curricular Affairs &
Student Academic Achievements - three students higher learning accreditation
every 10 years she is coordinator, active every 10 years. Spring 2017 opportunity
for those of you graduated multiple consumer protection and compliant, quality
control and protection and eligible to give financial aid to students, federal law,
state law, and own policies 5 criteria – integrated marketing and develop a web
page a communication page, love a evaluation web page mission, purpose,
integrated Title 9 training IRB for research, evaluate our own resources, budget,
look at the actual documents that we created subcommittee mission – Jordan
President what resources are already available and get back to her with students
that will be here for a couple years, faculty and staff Professor John Koker,
Ethical practices, Lori Worm admin services planning and budgeting, when here
in 2017 student forums will be held then and before the actual accreditation in
Reeve Theatre, comments professors and staff people to discuss how it is going,
faculty, and larger alumni USP program and other mentor program, public forum
subcommittees once a semester students most valuable voice on campus as a
consumer – looks backwards to 2007 past present and future, strategic planning
move forward work towards the future, monthly emails and webpage and
interactive website, students on committee. Do you have any suggestions to help
get the word out? Scheeler: Social media, text messages class survey. Map
works directly pointed question younger groups. Parson: Should we even worry
about reaccreditation? Answer: do not have major obstacles budget planning
change governance structure have to create documentation if anything changes,
specific questions the subcommittee is to find out and inclusive to go out and try
finding out to see if people agree or not, put facts in shared folder open forum,
three sweeps do not want to limit the report to just the findings. Parson: ALS Big
brother what you fix what is at stake; if there time to fix problems? Answer: She
is one of the Big Brothers they are our peers tried quite thoroughly, federal
compliance, lots to lose sited for a weakness monitoring report or just look for
that one thing, no financial aid, she will be happy to come back to senate.
b. Ameerah McBride, Director of Equity and Affirmative Action 4 week’s American
title 9 sexual assault, report to chancellor room. where we you here Kansas state
equinity, law school, short and law term goals deficiency in federal check box
short term now later than June 1 reevaluate the recruitment process to make sure
we are more diverse, complaint with federal regulations. Thank you at Kansas
state kick state bar served too much or tampered in any way Raise the Bar training
program by standing to drug facilities sexual assault off campus labor intensive
program but more than willing do not have time to manage , how long did it start
to implement late August and left in January, rolled out in December and January
before 4 months, 20 hours a week if time commitment to make four months
moving parts have to have time and dictation to the program
c. Marty Strand, Assistant Director for Dining Options and Kelly Kramp, Reeve
Memorial Union Marketing Manager – Marty Strand, Assistant Director for
Dining Options and Kelly Kramp, Garden Toss, Pizza Hut Express, and Sub
Connection will be open until 8:00pm with B&G Grill closing at 6:30pm. This
will be a trial period after spring break, if many complaints they hours will be
switched back. Hagen: similar at Madison write it down and bring the slip up.
Titan Dollars potentially changed once it is expanded to use their meal plans
would not include meals Blackhawk and Scotty’s flexibility in the incorrect place
becomes a huge negative better ways to look at plans and more values to student’s
meal plans not designed that way. Hot lamps are an optional pick it up at this
time can use on desk top as well. Please email food@uwosh.edu with any issues
to food or suggestions.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors – Director Scheeler, MPA program and what they came up with.
Director Parson, Pipeline bill vetoed today will see if there is an override
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – OSA Scholarship
Mark H. Reinhard open for applications until March 2, 2015 at 8:00 pm
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – no report
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Austyn - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – Freshman here
happy to be here at the first senate meeting
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – not in
attendance but if interested in being on any committees email Lindsey and let her
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Student reps not going to
superior, March 6 Senate retreat 3 to 5 pm reeve room 220, emails out to
everyone individual recap of the year, there will be food. Dress code policy
throughout of the year slack the last couple months sense of professionalism.
Video long term working thing inspiration Titan Link Tip of the Day, Parly pro
tip of the day, one simple yielding to the floor I have floor of whole meeting if I
yield open for the floor is still with president Schettle until he yields practice to
say I yield. To give the floor back to to that person.
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Leadership one to two, Director
Parson will be the second student has been going anyway as a conflict grad
student perspective at hand and allows him. Last week Thursday break down
what he will be planning 7.3 into two years 2 million following 2 years 3 million
what potential no lay off leaving technically open what kind of cut reinvesting in
marketing more students out of state, Wi/WM. MN 58 from other states more out
of state frozen for the next two years. National Titan Scholarship Program instead
of Tuition Remission only implemented for new or incoming. How to deal with
tuition in the future full time 12 to 15 credits for full-time. UW Stout a certain
style at a certain credit at a certain price per credit basis things can still change.
How much that would implement. How it would affect financial aid what if ,
grand fathered in effect on new would interim be free for students cancel interim
totally per credit average out to be the small base rate for 12 credits, not
discussion yet. March 7th in Reeve Ballroom 227C, last night chair if UW
systems public authority shared governance many issues, if all UW statues no
longer no board policy the Chancellor’s most likely Board of Regents next week
reviewing the BVM to be ready for next week
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 14-022
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Che Thao, Donald Bantle, and Dylan Erickson, Alternate, Differential
Tuition Committee
2. Andy Yang, and Kurt Ness, Student Technology Fees Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Riley
Vote, passed voice vote, no objection, no abstentions
Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
Committee Reports – Dennis Green fund, submissions next week, advisor slot Jean and
Brian, discussion on theme next week appointing an advisor. Members for Veterans
Memorial Committee Veteran’s resource center funding someone willing to donate a
memorial and you will be on the committee in no time. Dr. Tracy Slagter USP Quest 1
and 2 pair proposal to not pair quest 2 limits their ability to get in classes that they want
to take. Technically no effect date will be accepting an utilizing for USP in the future
Gender Equity meeting equitable processes on campus, develop a logo for marketing.
Who was elected as co-chair Liz Cannon and Daniel Jones. Last week marketing
committee went around campus dorms promoting USA Today.
Discussion – none
Announcements –
Marketing committee this Friday at 3:30 in OSA and Green Fund meeting on Friday.
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:19 pm by Riley, 2nd by Hagen, passed voice vote