OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
September 30, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:50 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Grayson Bourke - Present
Daniel Dennis – Present
William Fath – Present
Valerie Hagen - Present
James Martine – Present
Lindsey Newhauser – Present
Michael Riley – Present
Benjamin Stepanek – Present
Steven Thompson – Present
Hallie Turnbull – Present
Troy Winkelman – Present
Kylee Kukbis - Present
Jeramiah Gruendemann – Associate – Present
Open Forum - No report
Approval of the Agenda – approved
Approval of the Minutes - approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Nursing (3)
Taylor Bombinski – Present
College of Business (5)
Anne Cummins – Present
Stuart Karas - Present
Ashley Meyer – Present
Chase Mitchell – Present
Guest Speakers –
a. Mary Ellen, USA Today – “The Buzz” Set alerts, email support “the buzz report”
looking for feedback the rest of this school year review this app. Looking in the
future upload pictures from events students are attending and a calendar module
of the app. Keep you posted only ten schools and we are launching this app.
b. Reeve Advisor Council (RAC) – Reeve Renovation Update
Reeve Advisory Council – credit union measures up, designated commuter lounge
GSA giving feedback. The renovation will make SLIC two stories. When is this
going to be done October 15 a year end of 2016 be opening. Dennis: Where is
the front door? Is it handicap accessible dotted area, natural light, and cozy per
student and staff request?
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors – set up tabling with help that they need, shut down, pass out blue
sheets when we are going to table, name email address, please let your people
know they can vote if they. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – OSA polos will be ordered next week if you want one let
me know. Jordan will determine the price for each individual
b. OSA Advisor – (Sharon – kipetzs@uwosh.edu) – Reggie will be there with IMC,
Megan from Dr. Krueger’s class contact with information that wants
c. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – met last week senate
academic staff similar to those on campus sharing knowledge, Exec committee
put together a doc on shared governance, process the instructional staff 4th level of
titling professional academic staff, instructional academic staff
d. Speaker Pro-Tempore –(Jackie – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
e. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – RSOT went well
better than last year, pizza at end if not communicated well more
f. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – Rae received
committee list we have been waiting two years for. Widen the list to all students,
ad hoc committee yes
g. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – senate retreat goals – create
standing committees flow through administration; create marketing committee
amend bylaws and constitution maybe green fund too. Historically OSA great job
being involved on our campus, get more involved on campus community. Simple
to get their name out there adapt a highway. Will be asking Daryl Sims they have
a campaign “I Am a Titan”
h. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) –
New director Stuart Karas – Director of Budget Mechanism. Chief LeMire UP
trying to do something about unsafe crossing the street as a pedestrian, no car in
sight. October 11 Student Rep in Stevens Point. March spend a full day there
and focus on our representatives. Political events, College Democrats, College
Republicans, all approved by OSA, they need to have contact . New Chancellor
North Georgia, Andrew Levitt, only individual had conversation and. Crosswalk
issue – specifically what the police plan stop traffic do not know stop traffic to
stop button. Have new chancellor come in limitations on campaigning election
inside Reeve OSA held the limitations no partisan campaigning inside reeve.
Presidential Appointments –
SS 14-017
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those
Organizations with “Assembly” after their names:
1. Pre-Optometry Club, Assembly
Sponsored by: Nicole Lehto, Speaker of Assembly
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Bourke
Vote, voice passed, no objection, no abstention, (09/30/14)
SS 14-018
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
Kylee Kubis, Senator, College of Letters and Science
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Fath
Voice, vote, passed, no objections, no abstentions (09/30/14)
OSA 14-006
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Justin Allen, Kurtis Ness, Valiah Reed, Student Conduct Panel –
Student Tribune
2. Nicole Lehto, Student Segregated Fees
3. Hallie Turnbull, University Studies Program Committee
4. Stuart Karas, Parking Appeals Committee
5. Ashley Meyer, Campus Sustainability Council
6. Lee O’Day, LGBTQ Council
7. Ashley Meyer, Rosebrush Professor Review
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Hopper, 2nd by Bourke
Voice, vote passed, no objections, no abstentions (09/23/14)
Unfinished Business – none
New Business –
XI. Committee Reports –
Marketing committee start tabling USA Today app as soon as we get word on that we will
promote even if you are not on marketing committee, please sign up for one slot ½ advocating
Grayson cool ways to get. Seg fees need two more people, looks good on a resume seg fees easy
and how finances are allocated. Allocations budget due Oct 6 and start deliberating next week.
Discussion –
a. Budget Verification Mechanism – last year passed action plan idea proposed by
former president Hackbarth, an auditor not spending money correctly. Loss
voting rights had a presentation. If any org has an academic advisorhas a role in
this process, the advisor with them putting money where it should not be
approved by university, email feels all of us pay wrongly
b. E Cigarettes
Faculty senate had discussion advanced titan on a stance this is a huge issue for
this is a time for you to vice this a formal document on take a stance if we open
up clear air policy and limit e cigs not necessary any health issue to ban it
smokeless tobacco can be added in the documentation does open it up going
tobacco free as well there will be a snow ball effect if we start. Lehto committees
help us form an opinion cannot advanced titan giving your opinion and does not
feel getting those facts committee could idea. Meyer: Do we have a timeline?
Soon academic staff faculty staff they oppose it e-cigs in the classroom, not the
official voice and it is taken as the voice when we speak we have not passed
Announcements –
a. Hands On Oshkosh – Saturday, October 11 9 AM – 1 PM, Reeve Union Ballroom
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn by Riley, 2nd by Halen at 6:54pm (passed, voice vote