OSA Senate Minutes November 3, 2015 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Bryan Carter – Present Zachary Dunton – Present Brandon Colligan - Present Andrew Sprung – Present Margot Elliott – Present Wesley Lodel – Present Alevander Novak – Present Karree Orrick - Present Education & Human Services (5) Rachel Adams - Absent Nursing (3) Sherine Johnson – Present College of Business (5) Alexander McCarville – Present Jared Schadrie – Present Goodwill Obieze – Present Jacob Stuebs - Present III. Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda – Motion to add USA Today app under discussion line item B by Carter, 2nd by Stuebs, no objections, no abstentions. Motion to add Meal Plans under discussion line item C by Elliott, 2nd by Carter, no objections, no abstentions. Motion to move SS 15-027, 15-028 and 15-029 before guest speakers, by Elliott, 2nd by Carter, no objections, no abstentions. Motion to add TAB Program to discussion line item D by McCarville, 2nd by Novak, no objections, no abstentions V. Approval of the Minutes – approved SS 15-027 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. UWO Sociology Club, Assembly Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter, 2nd by Johnson Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) SS 15-028 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. UW Oshkosh Humane Society Club, Assembly Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor by Orrick, 2nd by Schadrie Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) SS 15-029 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. Millennials Club Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to the floor by Orrick, 2nd by Johnson Discussion, meeting on Mondays at 6:30 – 7:30 PM in Reeve, 219 Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) VI. Guest Speakers – a. Dr. Karl Loewenstein – Faculty Senate President – new era, the law has changed and weakened Senate legally best way is to work together, oversee the quality education and work on as a faculty senate how do we make this university better, communicating, working together, our campus in regard to collaboration is much stronger than other UW system campuses, does not matter what happens in Madison our Chancellor agrees with shared governance, President Schettle, thank you true privilege, more collaboration, keep talking to each other b. Ben Stepanek – City of Oshkosh Rental Registry Program, mandatory inspections live off campus the houses may not be up to good standards, two biggest groups rented to are students and the elderly. Changes need to be made to update transgender, gender and race rental rights as they are not in compliance with state law fair housing code. Open dialogue the next two topics. Presentation given on a Social Host ordinance this is not a proposed ordinance but the city wanted OSA input on it fine for providing a location to drink. The fine would be $1,400 to 1,500. City wants to open up and get student feedback on these issues. Novak: would city council work closely with the UP and City of Oshkosh Police on concealed carry if the bill passes? Answer: cannot speak on behalf of the police dept but assuming a former stance has not been taken but nothing positive on the bill has been said. The bill is sitting on Senator Hanson is sitting in Senator Hanson’s office but will be watered down and not leave committee in the original form. Schettle: thank you, VP Sparks and I informed of the rental registry program about a year and a half ago, how will the city provide push back, some landlords are very helpful and want to help the city wants to make sure that everyone has to, the cost aspect how is their cost of these updates going to be covered. Answer: Will most likely effect rent. Answer: yes rent would most likely go up. Colligan: A fine does that go to the landlord or the renter? Answer: Other communities’ fine to the tenants but the landlord is notified? Colligan: Is the $1,400 per property or per tenant? Answer: most likely per property c. Attorney Erik Forsgren – Attorney Student Legal Services Here for 36 years, supportive of it and see cannot represent every student that sees him but can make it easier for the student to focus on education. Attorney is Able to advice on Civil and criminal cases, underage drinking to divorce. Bourke, Social host ordinance or are you not? Answer: Like to see how it is written, would advise not to bring the party home from Kelly’s and know your roommates as all renters would most likely be responsible for fine. Spurng: beneficial to have some sort of capacity limit, is this a house that has an over capacity of patrons in it and how would they rank it? Answer: Would have to see how it is written not a proposed ordinance at this time the city council only had a presentation on it. VII. Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – SLS Director is also here and you may forward any questions to her, Reports are due tonight 11:59, Senate photos do not have to take them in Dempsey but do have to look professional. Burke – few things two legislators profiles Hintz the city of Oshkosh Rick Gudex. Lynnette this Saturday Pow Wow 1 to 7 PM. b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – training on scanning this Friday at 4:00 PM in the OSA office, if here over the week of Jan 4 or Jan 11th will need help moving files to our new area. c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – Search for Chief of University of Police five candidates Monday before and after Thanksgiving, encourage you to engage with these searches, others look forward to feedback as it relates to. As it relates to police candidates for the Oshkosh Police dept all day on the 17th 7:00 PM concerns or feedback representing the committee and university if things that you would like to see in the new police chief get to here before hand, paperwork together for director of Student Rec and Wellness Center, a student from OSA that would be great, two students, Search and Screen. Lodel: When would that person start? Answer: depends candidates take a while and others that would not take long at all, the beginning of the New Year, January 1 date would be nice. d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) – no report e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Concealed carry discussion at Assembly yesterday, much of the same conversation that Senate had; the president for concealed carry would like to see some sort of stance and would like to see a resolution to be drafted, define what students want to see allowed on campus, if want to write a resolution contact Jordan, Graham, or Austyn. Goodwill talk about your visit to USRH last Thursday not allowing concealed carry under the impression on the discussion that is will have to go through USRH and took a hard stance on guns in the dorm rooms. The president and VP of USRH will be highly involved in the conversations. i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – State wide Action Day, November 12 lobby day can’t make it there will be another one in Jan, more in the spring, meetings for Nov 12th so far Hintz, Swab, Kramer, Murphy, Gudex, Governor Walker’s office waiting for another 12 waiting for confirm or deny. Conceal carrier – other campus student government, Stevens Point and Platteville support concealed carry on campus. Responsive action contact the police if underage and drinking and have to contact police, UW Madison draft a bill cannot do this. OSA working on the budget for 2016-17, 267,000 and would like the budget to be reduced by $7,000, will bring the drafted budget to OSA Assembly and Senate for transparency, even if we all do agree on the proposed budget segregated fees could change it. j. VIII. Presidential Appointments – OSA 15-069 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Alexander Novak, Sherine Johnson, Isaiah Grey, Karee Orrick, Shakura Salahaladyn, Oshkosh Student Association Marketing Committee 2. Nick Horswill, Differential Tuition Finance Committee 3. Brandon Colligan, Academic Policies Committee 4. Brenda Peterson, Chancellor’s Study Group for IT Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter 2nd by Schadrie Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) IX. Unfinished Business – OSA 15-065 BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the New UW Oshkosh Joint Resolution on Shared Governance. Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to move to floor Schadrie, 2nd by Eilliott Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) OSA 15-068 BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the formation and charge of the Conference on Shared Governance. Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to move to floor Sprung, 2nd by McCarville Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) OSA 15-066 BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA approves the Oshkosh Student Association Office Computer/Printing Usage Policy Governance. Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter, 2nd by Johnson Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15) OSA 15-067 WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made a commitment to fostering inclusivity towards all students; and WHEREAS, There is currently one bathroom in Reeve Memorial Union usable by individuals are gender non-conforming and or transgender or do not feel comfortable with using restrooms that are designated as men or women’s restrooms and presents an uncomfortable environment for individuals. The restrooms that are located in Reeve Memorial Union rooms 232 and 234 are designated as men and women restrooms experiences very little traffic; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the aforementioned restrooms in Reeve Memorial Union be designated as gender-neutral restrooms that will demonstrate the University’s commitment to be a welcoming and inclusive environment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The Oshkosh Student Association considers passage of this resolution through the Assembly and Senate; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage of this resolution be transmitted to the following individuals, Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Randy Hedge, Director, Reeve Memorial Union Sponsored by: Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff, and Devin Matznick, OSA Assembly Representative for Circle K Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter, 2nd by McCarville Motion to table until next week, Colligan, 2nd by Novak Discussion, Schadrie Is this resolution going to fail no matter what as the actual implementation is not possible under federal law, reality of intent is great but not do what it intended to do. Vote on motion to table, passed placard vote, 3 opposed, and no abstentions X. New Business – OSA 15-070 WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university student associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning student life, services and interests; and WHEREAS The Oshkosh Student Association adopted OSA 13-030 in academic year 20132014, bringing to light the financial situation of the Advance-Titan and providing specific recommendations to address their budgeting practices; and WHEREAS in Fall of 2009 the Advance-Titan had a reserve balance of $26,459.07, and now in Fall of 2015 a negative balance of $75,129.85, resulting in a net difference of $101,588.92 in 6 years; and WHEREAS since Fall of 2009 Dr. Vincent Filak has served as the Faculty Advisor for the Advance-Titan, entrusted with responsibilities that include the oversight of the budget; and WHEREAS the students of the Advance-Titan deserve an advisor with fiscally responsible budgeting practices. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association encourages the university administration to ask for the resignation of Dr. Filak as Advisor of the Advance Titan, for this would allow the organization to restructure and seek a new direction to establish a stronger organizational and financial future; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association knows that the resignation relies on Dr. Filak, but encourages the university administration to not renew the advisor contract if Dr. Filak refuses to resign; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oshkosh Student Association strongly disapproves of the consideration by the university administration to forgive the Advance- Titan debt incurred, for it would set a precedent that the university must continue to follow with all student clubs and organizations; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED upon passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Lane Earns, Provost and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Jean Kwaterski, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Vince Filak, Advisor- Advance Titan. Sponsored by: Graham Sparks, OSA Vice President, Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff Dispense Sprung objected Motion to move to floor Dunton, 2nd by Lodel Motion to amend the third Whereas to 2009 and six years by Carter, 2nd by Novak Sparks: This is a recommendation and never once has anyone threatened or called for the closing of the Advance- Titan. OSA is strictly dealing with the budgetary issue and not the content of the paper, this is student money. Is it right to refer to students as kids? 7.3 million dollar cuts was it that if we don’t deserve that cut why are we going to let that go. Sprung: support this resolution as senators we are here to be the voice of the students, every student including those on the A-T. Regardless if this has been going on for six years seven years how was there not a red flag, I ask that you all sponsor this resolution as well as the students of the paper. Chief of Staff, not going after the content they are in debt it is all about the debt that they are in and the leadership that is needed to get them out of debt. Motion to amend by Be it further resolved strike their and add Advanced- Titan by Dunton, 2nd by Goodwill, friendly amendment. Elliott: feels this is the proper approach due to budget and if he treats the students in the dept as kids. Lodel: full support of this all adult not a kid and an adult and you have a voice, numbers don’t lie. Couple questions: How long is his contract: Yield to Petra: year to year contract. Have we seeked other advisors? Answer: Students of A-T says no one else is capable. XI. Committee Reports – Pepsi fund prior to starting 6,500 as of right now $10,000 for second semester MEC $750. Sprung: Faculty senator concerned on how we react to the AT and I what exactly was happening hearsay and what was being. XII. Discussion – a. OSA Mission Statement – The OSA works collectively toward ensuring a prosperous collegiate experience for each student by representing, safeguarding, and promoting the student’s rights and b. Buzz App Feed, using banners on the buzz feed now thought of this a good advertising tool, advertise upcoming events c. Meal plans – Freshman Meal plan two or three in a day go away if they are not used why do my meals go away found a way address meal plan structure ,prices would have to go up not number of meals actually meal plan and eat 15 meals in a day. All access meal plan, access into Blackhawk, approve this idea all access go in and out lot of benefits costs less, Marty Stand chair Randy and head of Dining and Reeve recently change to different meal plan all access meal plan more motivated to changing it. Next week confirm with Marty next week. Carter: like the idea of all access but would love to see a variety. XIII. Announcements – a. OSA, your student government, wants to hear your ideas and opinions. If you have any suggestions or concerns about the campus please attend the meeting on Wednesday, November 18th at 4 pm in Reeve (Room number). A representative from OSA will be there to listen to your ideas and concerns and bring them back to OSA to discuss. XIV. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 7:31 PM by Novak, 2nd by Johnson, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (11/03/15)