OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
March 8, 2016 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Bryan Carter – Present
Zachary Dunton – Excused
Margot Elliott – Present
Alevander Novak – Present
Karree Orrick – Present
Katheryn Bermann - Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Rachel Adams - Excused
Nursing (3)
Sherine Johnson – Excused
College of Business (5)
Alexander McCarville – Absent
Jared Schadrie – Present
Goodwill Obieze – Present
Jacob Stuebs - Present
Club/Org Recognition – none
Guest Speakers – none
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Ambassador Garduno – minority round talbe
on Wednesday, we had a great turnout some of the questions she asked: why are
not more minorities students taking leadership roles on campus, Answers: it takes
time for leaders to emerge they are looking at their peers, towards the end of the
meeting they mentioned intimation and felt the odds were against them and the
resources that were out there. Sparks: Do you mind if we put it under discussion
today minority table discussion. Ambassador Bourke - Mark Rohloff, City
Manager is willing to come to OSA Senate. Mr. Rohloff would like to introduce
himself and discuss anything especially if it is pertinent to students, 6 pm on the
21st happenings in Oshkosh and will mention UWO, if interested in Legislative
Affairs Ambassador contact Grayson leave best practices guide behind on what
Reggie and he has learned to do with the position. Goodwill: Could the city
manager discuss housing off campus? Answer: if you are not familiar elect a
mayor within the city council and hires a city manager acts out the executive
action of what the mayor. Mark is more engaged with economics.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – OSA General
Elections are happening off now. I have access to the numbers but cannot give
those out, we are not releasing the total number of voters at this point. Questions
should be directed to Jordan in regard to elections. SLS housing fair is April 7 at
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM in Reeve Concourse. Chancellor Leavitt is a guest next
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – Chancellor come in next week and
will most likely discuss the UWO Strategic Plan, review it on the website or
Reggie has a stack of them before the meeting next week. Shamrock shuffle in the
next few weeks, Presidential Primary is April 5th emails will be sent out by Petra
in regard to voter registration, do not delete as the emails will list info needed to
register to vote. Also, looking for some assistance on that day when the pollsa re
open to help with verification of forms, if you or if you know people that may be
interested have them contact her. Goodwill: Is it paid? Roter, no have to pay for
paper and printer.
OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) none
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) - Lynnette and
Austyn met with Dr. Carey-Bulter in regard to a link for inclusive excellence
website on the home page of UWO contact Austyn or Lynnette if you want to
help with that.
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Working on merger doc and
hopefully will have something to share after spring break, gave the All campus
exec until Friday to send their responses and will then bring this to all governance
bodies. President Schettle: Why are you including faculty senate. Answer:
students are taking the lead and have to go through the other government bodies
as well and will have to renew their investment in the shared governance doc.
President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Student reps in Whitewater, March
12. Police survey we will be sent asking how students prefer to communicate
with police; text, twitter, phone in, etc. Alcohol resolution was signed and sent to
those in Reeve asking for an expansion and there was a little push back more of a
concern of what this means for risk management and what we need to do to
prepare for selling more alcohol. There will be a meeting with Kelly, Randy,
Marty, Petra and the Chancellor will be there. Point of Info from Petra: working
with Randy and Marty on this. Randy is going back to RAC and get some
additional feedback from RAC and think we can expand the options for next year.
The Buzz app, Northwestern and Appleton newsfeeds have been added. Working
on having the GPS, Ride Systems feed into the Buzz. Election process once they
do conclude and all elections all formal reports will come from the OSA Election
Commission, OSA Senate will have to confirm or deny it and if you deny it we do
elections all over if you confirm will not start their term until the end of the
Presidential Appointments – none
Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-098
WHEREAS, one of the top priorities of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is to provide
students with the necessary information they need to succeed; and
WHEREAS, the vast majority of students attending the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh either
have a vehicle on campus, commute, or otherwise utilize the resources offered by Parking and
Transportation Services; and
WHEREAS, according to a recent survey, many students report having difficulties acquiring the
information they need regarding parking rules and regulations; and
WHEREAS, these difficulties appear to stem from poor customer service, outdated information,
lack of communication, and a hesitancy to accommodate student circumstances; and
WHEREAS, the majority of the students who completed the survey don’t think parking rules and
regulations have been sufficiently explained to them, and they have never received a brochure,
pamphlet, or other item explaining said rules and regulations; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services work proactively to
ensure that parking rules and regulations are sufficiently communicated to students by keeping
their materials updated and making information readily available, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services create a brochure,
online pamphlet, or other item for distribution to students in order to do this, since many students
report difficulties acquiring information from Parking Services’ web site, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff at Parking and Transportation Services take care to
ensure that they are providing friendly and accurate customer service, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services begin to take an active
role in communicating with students by providing a means through which students can provide
feedback as to their experiences, and being open to suggestions regarding parking rules and
regulations, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that upon passage of the resolution, a copy of the resolution shall
be transmitted to the following: Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Andrew
Leavitt, Chancellor; Tom Sonnleitner, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; Lori Worm,
Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; and Benjamin Richardson, Parking and
Transportation Services Director
Sponsored by: Katheryn Bermann, OSA Senator
Motion to move to floor Johnson, 2nd by Novak
Discussion: Speaker Boothe, Assembly did table and formed a committee and have a
committee there are three students on the committee need two more
Obieze yields to Ben Richardson, summary of the data regarding this resolution he sees a
lot of problems with. In a survey done in 2012 the customer service rankings in the
Parking Dept were above average. In this current survey completed by Katheryn
customers stated they did not receive a ticket and they disagree with the appeal but they
did not file an appeal. Kathryn mentioned 250 results but Ben only sees 144, he will be
work with OSA make a survey but in regard to this resolution he does not see relevance of
it. Bermann: wording in the resolution can be changed bad timely due to the climate survey
being sent out data being lost and did not anticipate that. She could not send out a message
to all students at the time because the Campus Climate survey was being released shortly
after her survey was created. Sparks: it is important to remain on topic, the number is
significant with these results, regardless of the sample size we would be concerned if less
than 30. Stuebs: Both he and Senator Orrick are on Parking appeals committee and they
would be happy to work with parking services to write up a survey.
Motion by Novak, 2nd by Carter to table this until assembly makes up the committee and
send this to committee
Vote on motion to table, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/08/2016)
New Business –
OSA 15-100
WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university student
associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning student life,
service and interests; and
WHEREAS the men’s soccer and tennis team is an organized sport which concerns student life,
service and interests of the student body; and
WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (hereinafter “OSA”) was not asked for an opinion
and therefore could not offer a recommendation regarding the termination of the men’s soccer
and the men’s tennis team for the 2016 season and the foreseeable future; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made an effort toward transparency in the
discretion of its employees; and
WHEREAS the decision making party has not reconsidered feasible alternatives to terminating
the team, which in fact negate the original reasoning for the action taken by Athletics Director
Sims. The current reasons that were given were that they have no conference, do not
automatically qualify for the playoffs and therefore a reduced chance of qualifying, the budget
cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be unsustainable;
WHEREAS 26 of the 32 years the men’s soccer team at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
has been operating, they did not have a conference. This has not prevented the men’s soccer team
from qualifying for the NCAA playoffs including this past year;8 and
WHEREAS The University of Wisconsin Whitewater has also experienced budget cuts that
actually were the largest cuts with 32.7% reductions from their last years budget, and still, they
have retained a sustainable level of funding in their athletic programs.2 The University of
Wisconsin Whitewater men’s soccer team has also not had a conference this year, yet they still
qualified for the NCAA playoffs,8 while suffering the largest percentage in budget cuts; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Whitewater understands the importance in building
school pride and culture to help recruit and retain students, and therefore does not eliminate
programs that actually generate more revenue through student recruitment and retention than
what is expensed to fund it; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has a marketing budget that exceeds $60,000
which helps fund billboard placement;3 and
WHEREAS the men’s soccer team received an annual budget of $26,000.8 Through the
program, the men’s soccer team recruited, on average, seven students every year7 that lead to
revenues to the university of $15,000 per student via tuition and fees.1 When averaged out, this
tuition brings in revenues of $105,000 a year to our university that supports our Academics,
OSA, their own program, and more. This makes a net difference (Revenues gained minus the
$26,000 for the program expense)1,8 of $79,000 our university gains from the new students
recruited through soccer alone each year. When adjusted for a conservative four years a soccer
player stays till graduation, the $79,000 per year grows to $316,000 a year for each class of
soccer players that comes and graduates through the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Being
that the program would be completely self-funded (and therefore not expensed through the
university) and still be able to recruit each year, the soccer program runs would bring in
$420,000 more revenue for our university(through soccer alone). Already, not even a year after
the men’s soccer and tennis program have been terminated, five students, Tyler Howard, Kevin
Schenk, Nick Harenda, Jakub Rys, and Javier Simone have transferred to other universities that
work “collectively toward ensuring a prosperous collegiate experience for each student by
representing, safeguarding, and promoting [their] interests and rights throughout [their] pursuit
of knowledge”; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has shown support by planning on allocating
$10,000 yearly,4 which partly comes from student tuition dollars, for programs such as the
Advance Titan that about six years ago had a reserve balance of $26,459.07 and in those six
years went to a deficit of $75,129.85 student dollars;5 and
WHEREAS it has been said that budget cuts require cutting, yet our university is still able to to
to give $10,000 yearly to a program that in six years had a negative net change of $101,588.92
with their allocated funds. Yet, we can not allow a program that brings in funds for our
academics, student life, and university to be self-funded? This is hypocritical; and
WHEREAS it has been said that the men’s soccer and tennis team should become clubs sports to
gain fundings from the OSA and save funds for our university; and
WHEREAS the potentially allocated funds via OSA is still student money and is still student
raised, and therefore the men’s soccer and tennis team would still be using the University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh’s student dollars to pay for their teams, instead of them self-funding. It is
irresponsible to claim to the student body this will save our university money, as we lose an
average net of $316,000 through team recruiting when paid through the university and a net
$420,000 when self-funded, yet still pay for it through our own student dollars; and
WHEREAS it is retrogressive academically and fiscally to cut and not allow complete self
funding for such programs that affect our University in such profound ways; and
WHEREAS it has been said that it is wise to not allow the men’s soccer and tennis team to self
fund because it is too costly and not sustainable, even though the men’s soccer team have already
fundraised $60,000 and the men’s tennis team $18,000; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Men’s Baseball and Tennis programs were
defunded in 2009. The University of Wisconsin La Crosse allowed the programs to self-fund.6
With the reasoning based upon in the last whereas clause, with over seven years passing, the
programs must be depleted and fully terminated by now. However, the alumni and students at the
University of Wisconsin La Crosse understand the value in promoting their university,
community, and involvement through the athletic programs and therefore are still strongly
running both programs to this day; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all of the current reasons given (they have no
conference, no automatic qualifier and therefore a much less likely chance of qualifying, the
budget cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be
unsustainable) are faulted in significant factual reasoning, and therefore, alternatives should be
considered; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh should
follow other UW campuses examples, such as UW La Crosse and UW Whitewater that stand
with and for their students, and allow the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh men’s soccer and
tennis team to self-fund and compete with the recognition this university has always offered
them; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the men’s soccer team understands that,
most likely, they will not be able to compete this upcoming season due to the inability to recruit.
They are not simply doing it for their own sake, but for the future program that both the alumni
and the students here support, because going to a liberal education college is more than a
technical degree. It is a university that fosters student academics, student involvement, and
student interest. That is why as the students’ official voice, we need to stand for our students and
asses what our administration and university does, as OSA was created to do.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED after passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be
transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs, Darryl Sims, Athletic Director.
Sponsored by: Jared Schadrie, Oshkosh Student Association Senator, Men’s Soccer Team,
Men’s Tennis Team, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Women’s Soccer Team,
Women’s Rugby Football Club, College Republicans, and Karate Club.
Dispense, one objected, VP reads
Motion to move to floor Elliott, 2nd by Goodwill.
Discussion: Elliott Thank you for being here doesn’t have a conference who will you play
against? Other schools are not in a conference but we are still playing, Tennis is not in a
conference but we are still playing teams around there are a few teams Iowa and have gone
to Illinois and Michigan. Speaker Boothe: Assembly’s opinion is that there had been a
resolution similar to this a lot of issues with the resolution and had a long discussion on it.
Assembly brought up sending this to committee as well but assembly does not seem very
supportive. Schadrie: assembly did vote with that. Carter: Thank you and wanted to hear
it again I agree with it and I support your best interest. Schadrie: not argue every single
word now but would like to hear objections please bring forward anything that you have
thought of. Bermann: Yield time to Schadrie: If any objections to this at all why do you
feel this is not what our mission is: Parson: Cannot please everyone cannot accommodate
for everyone where do you draw the line this is a small group. We are not talking about
1,000 of students on this campus. Carter: the benefit of this resolution is it points out the
big picture how it will all look at the end of the day. It supports the university as the big
piece not just one part of it. Novak: fully funded by the team or some student dollars?
Answer: completely self-funded; the team did raise $60,000, Tennis team one alumni
offered to pay for two years to keep them going for that time frame. Bermann: yield to
Schadrie. Jordan as it is now besides switching grammar areas. What objection would you
have to this resolution? Answer: Still processing
OSA 15-101
WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) is committed to ensuring communication
between the organization and students continue to remain strong; and
WHEREAS: The Marketing Ambassador in conjunction with the marketing committee is tasked
with through promoting awareness of OSA activities to the campus and community through the
use of poster development and developing marketing strategies to gain maximum participation
for various events and initiatives sponsored by OSA; and
WHEREAS: The leadership of the Marketing Ambassador is critical to providing direction of the
Committee and developing those strategies; and
WHEREAS: Currently the Marketing Ambassador is not compensated by OSA but receives a
small monetary amount from her role as USA Today Ambassador; and
WHEREAS: The compensation of the Marketing Ambassador is an issue that requires attention
due to the amount of duties and responsibilities outlined in the role; and
WHEREAS: Adequate compensation of the Marketing Ambassador will reflect the duties and
responsibilities that will attract and retain students to effectively perform the role; and
WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association Constitution Article IV, Section 3, (c) (5)
requires the OSA President to submit a request to the Assembly and Senate to withdraw any
reserve funds from the OSA Reserve Account; and
BE IT RESOLVED; A request of $500 is asked to be considered by Assembly and Senate to
compensate the Marketing Ambassador for the 2015-2016 academic year; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered to the Oshkosh Student
Association Assembly and Senate
Sponsored by: Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff
Motion to move to floor McCarville, 2nd by Carter
Discussion: Grayson supports it. Carter, support it does a lot of work. There will be a
newsletter being send out biweekly.
Committee Reports – USRH Shaniya is the interim President, USRH will have
another president/vp election upcoming in the next couple weeks.
Discussion –
a. Minority table discussion – Lynnette arranged a minority table discussion during
this table talk student leaders made comments like it takes time to merge and see
white and makes them feel uncomfortable, white students do not come to their
meetings we welcome all people and they do not come. Taste of Oshkosh is a lot
to take in a different community. First arrived nervous overwhelmed then took on
a leadership role. What are we doing as minorities to build other minority
students? Answer: bring them in and check on their grades and how they are
doing promoting them you should go to this did not have any handouts,
workshops all about promoting it. Look at the white students get their advice
from them as they are seen as natural born leaders. The contact students have here
come from professors that teach foreign language but most of the professors are
white that is what minority students see. There is an Absence of color in
leadership, come and speak on campus, multi-cultural groups big flashy name the
campus climate survey and a chance to speak up and see process go through and
may give more insight on why more minorities do not take leadership roles on
campus. The students did discuss the survey on Wednesday and wanted to know
why a survey was not done in 2012, 2013 why not since 2008; the students would
like to see a survey conducted every year or every other year. Golden rule treat
people like you want to be treated, taught hold your tongue and treat others nice
even if not same color, many examples were discussed where the students felt
hurt, partner up in classes and they are always the last ones and left out, you can
try the best and will not get a partner and still does not do anything why not speak
out and if you are treating this way not the same respect that they give off, when
they do speak out they are considered feisty you cannot say that, cultural
difference and everyone looks at them. Only black student in a whole white class
forced to work with her sat in that group and felt off and felt like people were
looking and does not want to go for leadership, odds are against you and
demolished it. Senator Carter preview day all fairy tales but misleading when
they actual arrive. The students would like this table event on a bigger scale they
want Chancellor Leavitt to come to it, more students, they want faculty there and
people from OSA there. Sparks: Will start a speaker list but do your best not to
offend anyone. Goodwill: Thank you for having this discussion, his friends feel
left out and some feel very unwelcomed but what you are doing here is a great
first step. Elliot: This is great and we should combine this with the open forums
for a larger scale and think it sad that some people feel that way and that afraid to
step up. Goodwill: climate survey when he took that do that more often than
every eight years, some of his fellow friends still think of slavery but he reminds
them that was many years old. Schadrie: What can we do to move forward?
Answer: much more to go this is a start a small piece of the puzzle way bigger
than that. Carter: this just comes from the heart of each individual and what is
deep in the inside of you and an inheritance from family. We all came from
different economic and backgrounds. Goodwill: Before attending UW Oshkosh
he attended technical college two weekends ago Moraine Park had an African
American event and many different races were in attendance, here not diverse
student leaders in Oshkosh some classes he is the only diverse person in it.
Reggie: Undergrad all black neighborhood, all black high school how am I
getting all of these opportunities in this city and campus want diversity in this
community go out and find it. Lynnette the minority students have to adapt to
their surroundings they are emerging leaders on campus but they want to better
their whole minority group, they are doing great for themselves. Lynnette herself
took a 50/50 chance, started as a member then exec board member and now the
president of MEC. She had nothing to prove but wanted to for herself. Lynnette
and Austyn working on having the inclusive excellence link on the home page
and this should help. Maria: sees this moving in the right direction, first steps and
this link will be huge as well. How do we start? Parson: How do you foster
people are people will fight to the death for something inside them and they have
to gout out there and do it. Stuebs yield to Goodwill. Agrees with Chief of Staff
Parson and just get out there but not every is as confident. Bourke: not responsible
for past but we are for the present and future. Sparks: lot has been said closing
my eyes and see start reality and introverts push and pull. There must be a push
from minorities for civil rights, example: Martin Lutheran King had to be a Black
guy not a White guy he was a pusher of that it does not go away. As a white
middle class male, poll factors how I treat others the inspiring as an OSA Exec
team and it clearly shows I am responsible for the pole factor. Hurts his heart to
hear white students are intimidating. Being VP I try and act as a regular student
and I would like to know how I am being intimidating. Stop thinking that I am
going to enslave you. Who? What? I loved what you had to say and would like a
copy of it too.
b. Offer amendments to Soccer Resolution next week, suspend the rules that still
vote on it next week vote it and amendment could still vote on it, change some
grammar. Looking forward to further discussion on soccer resolution
Announcements – Novak: Who is playing at ByeGosh Fest. Petra does not know but
will find out. Colton is a student on campus and here for a class, he may want to ask a
few questions if some of you want to stay afterward. Open forums will be held in Reeve
Concourse, Elliott and Orrick will pick dates and then able to help please do.
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:10 PM by Novak, 2nd by Carter, passed placard
vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/08/2016)