OSA Senate Minutes March 15, 2016 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Bryan Carter – Present Zachary Dunton – Present Margot Elliott – Present Alevander Novak – Present Karree Orrick – Present Katheryn Bermann - Present Education & Human Services (5) Rachel Adams - Present Nursing (3) Sherine Johnson – Present College of Business (5) Alexander McCarville – Present Jared Schadrie – Present Goodwill Obieze – Present Jacob Stuebs - Absent III. Open Forum - Andy Yang from Reeve Advisory Board – application due Friday, March 18 for RAC, students must have a GPS of 2.5 and cannot have another paid position on campus. IV. V. VI. Approval of the Agenda – Motion to move Discussion before Unfinished Business, by Carter, 2nd by Orrick, vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/15/16) Approval of the Minutes – approved Club/Org Recognition – OSA 15-102 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. Communication Club, Assembly – voting rights Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor Dunton, 2nd by Johnson Discussion: Noticed do not have a communication club rep as part of assembly and brought it up to the club, did have a new student step up and running for an Exec position and someone will be attending Vote, passed placard no objections, no abstentions (03/15/16) VII. Guest Speakers – a. Chancellor Leavitt – Strategic Plan – see http://strategicplan.uwosh.edu/slides Dunton: retention inclusive qualitative how do you know when you meet this goal? Answer: bring in more student 15030 five years ago 18,000 we need to set the goal 7 majors things to attack those students. Enrollment a slide in terms of students the numbers are way down in transfers to this year will be larger still and last year the largest. Retention here is 77% not bad for a comprehensive coming back for your Sophomore year 18% at this school students tend to pop in and out of college a lot, finance may be an issue and it is easier to come in and out here. Admissions standards priority D create more minorities or do not have the best ACT but they have the potential to be good at college mentorship we do have that TAP program the summer before and high rate of the students in the program succeed. Bourke: look at GPA instead of test scores, love to see some kind of Freshman index – combination of GPA and ACT little weak on test score and make it up on GPA and identify academically successful but look at them. Carter: TAP not academic, expand TAP not cost anything is 20 question is can we expand it to 100? It was very helpful for him. Sustainability more students here that is the best idea the new system that you are looking forward to and it was applied to a Texas school and the school doubled. Sparks: Concerned about the structure, Reeve go under for a year and year and half. Parking Services 1.4 million dollars in debt permits they sell and tickets and right money from university of tax payers, like food services already behind how are we going to sustain we are not going to get it by being smaller, some services residence halls are not full we have space in residence halls. When we grow the enrollment over 12,000 in 2010 and we are 1000 less since 2010, we have room to expand and it will be a happy problem, we have to solve parking and how to refinance it to cash flow a little bit better. Campus Climate Survey 2500 need to be 5000, take the survey 1100 for employment encourage you to take it the culture issue and we need to know what people b. Professor Dennis Rioux – Engineering Technical Degree Program – update on the program. Scheller: Can students transfer or have to start out here? Answer: Have to be 18, can be 20 from a tech school and transfer in, non-traditional students involved due to their jobs, large range of students. VIII. Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Shakura and the Buzz app – UW Oshkosh had the most downloads in February. Valenta – March 17 Queer Brother Outsider in Sage 1210 at 6:30 PM, March 18 in SAGE 2221 African American students and a panel with women in work and this is a brining 12:30 to 2, Chancellor Campus Climate survey if you did not take it there has been preparation for months and it may change the community the easiest way possible every voice should be heard then. Scheeler, GSA push back the elections we will not know who our officers are for a couple months now. Carter: Greek life new Freshman, ok for fraternities and good for sororities and partner with them instead of doing our own thing look out for us in Greek Life b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – How to Utilize Allocation funds March 30 at noon in Reeve, room 216, next OSA Senate meeting is in Sage 2239, happy spring break c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) – no report e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – UW reps meeting this past weekend and discussed campus climate not only our campus but incidents that go on around the UW System. UW River Falls is having a Climate Summit for all universities g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – OSA Election Commission is meeting tomorrow at 8:00 PM open meeting then a closed session to discuss results IX. X. Presidential Appointments – none Discussion – a. Soccer resolution – Senator Schadrie: care about soccer tennis but not on the teams. We need to stick to OSA Mission Statement not about sports but out our voice as tennis and soccer program and we should have been part of and AT said we were not going to listen to the resolution. Current reasons not conference could not qualify, budget cuts save money, self-funding would be unstainable. No conference they will not qualify 22 or the 26 years have not had a conference did qualify and did get into playoffs, UW Whitewater no conference did get into playoffs. Budget cuts Whitewater still provide sustainable funding 15,000 x 7 minus 79,000 multiple four years 394,000, 5 students alone 581,000 makes sustainable recruiting and bringing in numbers it pays for its self. Several years defunded in 2009 allowed them to self-fund and baseball and tennis team and they are still there to this day whether or not they raised $60,000 and Tennis has one donor that will support the team for two years both teams should have the right to try. Johnson: If the teams are funding themselves and they are able to sustain themselves we should let them try. Yield time to tennis team: one thing Darryl Sims did say recently is that he did not care what OSA says. Parson: If other schools’ tuition is frozen, DT frozen, every Chancellor has priorities not the most basically understand emphasis with you and here this full year Feb 2015 and we have to stop thinking about only two entities. Schadrie: agree with what you have say, but spending $60,000 on a billboard for marketing will not help the budget. Orrick: confused why are we not allowing them to self-fund. Goodwill yield time to Schadrie, more money for tennis to go through OSA and do not have recruitment for student club/orgs. Johnson: What Reggie said another blow right now on university it would be their choice either fail or raise the money. Scheller: Yield time to teams - for over two years played soccer here and this was able to happen and no say the first meetings Chancellor Leavitt and Sims had they discussed Title 9 illegal and then back up that they did not say it, this was allowed and two people Sims did not try to find a conference we found a solution for ourselves. Do not understand if there is shared governance who is the voice of the students if it is not OSA I am skipping class to be here so this does not happen again. XI. Unfinished Business – OSA 15-100 WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university student associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning student life, service and interests; and WHEREAS the men’s soccer and tennis team is an organized sport which concerns student life, service and interests of the student body; and WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (hereinafter “OSA”) was not asked for an opinion and therefore could not offer a recommendation regarding the termination of the men’s soccer and the men’s tennis team for the 2016 season and the foreseeable future; and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made an effort toward transparency in the discretion of its employees; and WHEREAS the decision making party has not reconsidered feasible alternatives to terminating the team, which in fact negate the original reasoning for the action taken by Athletics Director Sims. The current reasons that were given were that they have no conference, do not automatically qualify for the playoffs and therefore a reduced chance of qualifying, the budget cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be unsustainable; and WHEREAS 26 of the 32 years the men’s soccer team at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has been operating, they did not have a conference. This has not prevented the men’s soccer team from qualifying for the NCAA playoffs including this past year;8 and WHEREAS The University of Wisconsin Whitewater has also experienced budget cuts that actually were the largest cuts with 32.7% reductions from their last years budget, and still, they have retained a sustainable level of funding in their athletic programs.2 The University of Wisconsin Whitewater men’s soccer team has also not had a conference this year, yet they still qualified for the NCAA playoffs,8 while suffering the largest percentage in budget cuts; and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Whitewater understands the importance in building school pride and culture to help recruit and retain students, and therefore does not eliminate programs that actually generate more revenue through student recruitment and retention than what is expensed to fund it; and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has a marketing budget that exceeds $60,000 which helps fund billboard placement;3 and WHEREAS the men’s soccer team received an annual budget of $26,000.8 Through the program, the men’s soccer team recruited, on average, seven students every year7 that lead to revenues to the university of $15,000 per student via tuition and fees.1 When averaged out, this tuition brings in revenues of $105,000 a year to our university that supports our Academics, OSA, their own program, and more. This makes a net difference (Revenues gained minus the $26,000 for the program expense)1,8 of $79,000 our university gains from the new students recruited through soccer alone each year. When adjusted for a conservative four years a soccer player stays till graduation, the $79,000 per year grows to $316,000 a year for each class of soccer players that comes and graduates through the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Being that the program would be completely self-funded (and therefore not expensed through the university) and still be able to recruit each year, the soccer program runs would bring in $420,000 more revenue for our university(through soccer alone). Already, not even a year after the men’s soccer and tennis program have been terminated, five students, Tyler Howard, Kevin Schenk, Nick Harenda, Jakub Rys, and Javier Simone have transferred to other universities that work “collectively toward ensuring a prosperous collegiate experience for each student by representing, safeguarding, and promoting [their] interests and rights throughout [their] pursuit of knowledge”; and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has shown support by planning on allocating $10,000 yearly,4 which partly comes from student tuition dollars, for programs such as the Advance Titan that about six years ago had a reserve balance of $26,459.07 and in those six years went to a deficit of $75,129.85 student dollars;5 and WHEREAS it has been said that budget cuts require cutting, yet our university is still able to to to give $10,000 yearly to a program that in six years had a negative net change of $101,588.92 with their allocated funds. Yet, we can not allow a program that brings in funds for our academics, student life, and university to be self-funded? This is hypocritical; and WHEREAS it has been said that the men’s soccer and tennis team should become clubs sports to gain fundings from the OSA and save funds for our university; and WHEREAS the potentially allocated funds via OSA is still student money and is still student raised, and therefore the men’s soccer and tennis team would still be using the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s student dollars to pay for their teams, instead of them self-funding. It is irresponsible to claim to the student body this will save our university money, as we lose an average net of $316,000 through team recruiting when paid through the university and a net $420,000 when self-funded, yet still pay for it through our own student dollars; and WHEREAS it is retrogressive academically and fiscally to cut and not allow complete self funding for such programs that affect our University in such profound ways; and WHEREAS it has been said that it is wise to not allow the men’s soccer and tennis team to self fund because it is too costly and not sustainable, even though the men’s soccer team have already fundraised $60,000 and the men’s tennis team $18,000; and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Men’s Baseball and Tennis programs were defunded in 2009. The University of Wisconsin La Crosse allowed the programs to self-fund.6 With the reasoning based upon in the last whereas clause, with over seven years passing, the programs must be depleted and fully terminated by now. However, the alumni and students at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse understand the value in promoting their university, community, and involvement through the athletic programs and therefore are still strongly running both programs to this day; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all of the current reasons given (they have no conference, no automatic qualifier and therefore a much less likely chance of qualifying, the budget cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be unsustainable) are faulted in significant factual reasoning, and therefore, alternatives should be considered; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh should follow other UW campuses examples, such as UW La Crosse and UW Whitewater that stand with and for their students, and allow the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh men’s soccer and tennis team to self-fund and compete with the recognition this university has always offered them; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the men’s soccer team understands that, most likely, they will not be able to compete this upcoming season due to the inability to recruit. They are not simply doing it for their own sake, but for the future program that both the alumni and the students here support, because going to a liberal education college is more than a technical degree. It is a university that fosters student academics, student involvement, and student interest. That is why as the students’ official voice, we need to stand for our students and assess what our administration and university does, as OSA was created to do. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED after passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Darryl Sims, Athletic Director. Sponsored by: Jared Schadrie, Oshkosh Student Association Senator, Men’s Soccer Team, Men’s Tennis Team, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Women’s Soccer Team, Women’s Rugby Football Club, College Republicans, and Karate Club. Dispense Motion to move to floor Goodwill, 2nd by Carter Discussion: Schettle: Marketing budget 60,000; what is the relevance that comes from a different amount pot of money? Not that it is close to the amount exactly 26, 314 close to the number and act like it will be legitimized. Business student do not work in vacuums has a player ever quit before? Point of Information get busy get involved VP came in for soccer, what happens when work collectively promoting their rights and have they said that in any legal documents, news article Kevin choice of IL the transferring for academic reasons, allocating 10,000 for the AT that was not set in stone that is false, there will be meetings for discussion. Where As: would be depleted. Therefore, no conference no false arguments be in a conference and win then they go to WIACC tournament that there is not a less likely, they won their conference but not WIACC if there was WIACC tournaments right there that is false material budget cuts funding the university we do cut to save money. They can utilize the university name not full support of the university but are able to use the money anyway they want. Assess it changes the meaning of the sentence but that is unprofessional. You brought in some sources bias sources and used articles or UW System? Answer: UW System or OSA from actual minutes that came from us. Did you use anything from UW system or it comes down to teams cut OSA has never made a stance completely functional there was a letter OSA does not have an issue with the decision that Mr. Darryl Sims had to make. We have had discussions and that we are OK with cutting the Men’s Soccer and tennis team, if it will make us feel good to pass this resolution not against to save you at the end of the day it is just a bad resolution it would do nothing so many holes in the argument that you make. Motion to amendment by placing all footnote numbers after the semicolon by Schadrie, 2nd by Goodwill. Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions. (03/15/16) Motion to strike asses and replace with assess by Schadrie, 2nd by Orrick Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/15/16) Novak my concerns is it feasible self-fund and if they run out in three years whole new class would it run out half way through the year. I think it is fair to let them try. Schettle: when is enough, enough these are tough times. Orrick: yield to teams: If the solution is to be a sports club you have failed at your job. Adams: Keep fund raising if they were self-funded in five years as a revolving door and the still expected to fund raise and do not have money they are done and that opportunity is gone then? Goodwill: yield to Tennis: if we fund raise for a collegiate team and this far fund raise for yourself let it get his far and point out and he never asked for input on it, the teams called other schools and ask if they were contacted by Darryl Sims and they had not been, he has been here twice as long as Chancellor Levitt. Point of Information the fund raising is not like setting up a lemonade stand it is a platform or the component set up and pledge campaign but not for a sport club. Reggie: Nick after that open records request that Jordan used Chancellor Leavitt we are an advisory to the Chancellor and because of the legislators in 36.09 right now we are only an advisory and we are unable to overturn anything. Austyn agree with the intent actually voting what it says are we know what that is not correct with false information not vote on intent what it says. Orrick ask a questions to Jordan and exec board the teams to come up with a resolution that as a body the group could agree to; we have all the abilities to work on this in a committee format. Vote, passed placard vote, 4 yes , 1 opposed, 2 abstentions OSA 15-101 WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) is committed to ensuring communication between the organization and students continue to remain strong; and WHEREAS: The Marketing Ambassador in conjunction with the marketing committee is tasked with through promoting awareness of OSA activities to the campus and community through the use of poster development and developing marketing strategies to gain maximum participation for various events and initiatives sponsored by OSA; and WHEREAS: The leadership of the Marketing Ambassador is critical to providing direction of the Committee and developing those strategies; and WHEREAS: Currently the Marketing Ambassador is not compensated by OSA but receives a small monetary amount from her role as USA Today Ambassador; and WHEREAS: The compensation of the Marketing Ambassador is an issue that requires attention due to the amount of duties and responsibilities outlined in the role; and WHEREAS: Adequate compensation of the Marketing Ambassador will reflect the duties and responsibilities that will attract and retain students to effectively perform the role; and WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association Constitution Article IV, Section 3, (c) (5) requires the OSA President to submit a request to the Assembly and Senate to withdraw any reserve funds from the OSA Reserve Account; and BE IT RESOLVED; A request of $500 is asked to be considered by Assembly and Senate to compensate the Marketing Ambassador for the 2015-2016 academic year; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered to the Oshkosh Student Association Assembly and Senate Sponsored by: Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter, 2nd by Orrick Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/15/16) XII. New Business – XIII. Committee Reports – marketing committee met and have plans for Titan Discount Club logo. Pepsi Fund committee has money and they are begging and pleading for people to come to them, submit requests if you need money for events on campus. Faculty senate USP program recommendations are looking for unpaired communication, class flexibility with scheduling. XIV. Announcements – none XV. Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:53 PM Goodwill, 2nd by Novak, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/15/16)