OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
December 8, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Bryan Carter – Present
Zachary Dunton – Present
Brandon Colligan - Present
Andrew Sprung – Present
Margot Elliott – Present
Wesley Lodel – Present
Alevander Novak – Present
Karree Orrick – Present
Katheryn Bermann - Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Rachel Adams - Present
Nursing (3)
Sherine Johnson – Present
College of Business (5)
Alexander McCarville – Present
Jared Schadrie – Present
Goodwill Obieze – Present
Jacob Stuebs - Present
Club/Org registration – none
Guest Speakers –
a. Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer – set of 14 recommendations on the
screen here to go over them. Sprung: how are you going to pay for it? Answer:
We can do a lot with what we have improvements we can make now with the
resources we have, pursuing grants to try and find funding for that. Sparks:
Thanks for coming back a few recommendations say establish, who would
establish, would it be you? Answer: She will be tasked with most of this but they
are vague, the remainder is her responsibility. Roter: Point of Information Student Tech fees will play into this. Answer: We were told not to worrying
about funding tell us what you need and then second how to pay for it, if
something is on the recommendation optional it can feed into this but not
necessary. Sparks: Recommend to reach out to Student tech fees certain line
item. Answer: work with that committee on a regular basis when the group
convenes, need feedback from students on what they need most and want the
students to be involved in designing what this looks like. Scheeler: MP program
only on Saturday, the print lab open on Saturday if turn out low then lab not open
on Saturday. Answer: If the building is used during certain hours then want lab
tech available in building.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Scheller - the third GSA speaker series this
week Thursday in SAGE 1232 MPA program and the assistant general manager
will be presenting for us. Valenta: Vaginal Monologues in March, auditions for it
in February; if anyone wants to audition for it let her. Women’s experiences and
is a fund raiser will put it on for stop domestic abuse any questions how to get
involved. Sparks: Proxy for Lynette: Holidays around the World, a meal and go
after senate go over there and go 6 to 9 PM.
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – last meeting of the
semester, next meeting is February 2, 2016. Statement of candidacy paperwork to
run for OSA Pres, VP, and OSA senate will be available in the OSA office on Feb
8, 2016 at noon, and OSA Elections will be March 8 and 9 from 8 AM – 8 PM.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – thank you for your service this
semester and best of luck on finals. Have a Happy Holiday season. Fletcher
Sunday somebody burnt a chair and yesterday at 4:16 PM after assembly someone
down in the basement of Fletcher another chair this time lots of smoke. The chairs
are flame retardant material lots of smoke, fire system went off people were there
and it was contained not sure if they were related but we are taking it seriously
have communicated with residence of Fletcher and other halls, $500 reward if tips
are given and we find out whoever is doing this. Hopefully we can apprehend, can
suspend and expelled from school. There have been some extra cameras placed in
the basement, and extra staff from police, patrolling those areas we are going to
do that as long as we need to do that, every safety measure in place and doing
everything we can to. No longer on campus any campus, suspension usually four
years, community service, anger management not supposed to be but cannot be
any place on campus.
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) none
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – budget assembly passed it yesterday,
Dec 23 on Jan 9th decided on by that body, student reps this pass Saturday Austyn
Boothe elected to and will be secretary for reps. Jan 11 – 13 lobby day in DC
financial aid side of things for students, Pell grant renewal or something else to
compensate for the Pell grant and the reps plan on having at least one
representative from each school. The Concealed carry survey results are 65 %
students against it. Constitution all approved will be put into a new constitution
once it is reviewed by the election commission.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-083
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Haley Hawkins, Ad Hoc OSA Textbook Committee
2. Jacob Stuebs, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Development Search and
Screen Committee
3. Aza Muzorewa, OSA Election Commission
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to Orrick, 2nd by Novak
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abjections (12/08/15)
Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-078
WHEREAS the University Studies Program (USP) is an innovative, state of the art reform of
general education that strives to improve students educational experience during the first two
years of the university experience, and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh USP has been recognized as one of five
models for general education reform by the American Association of Colleges and Universities,
which brings recognition and prestige to the university, and
WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) has continuously supported the University
Studies Program since its inception in the Fall semester of 2013; and
WHEREAS the data provided by the USP program has shown that, as a whole, students are
maintaining a level of high satisfaction and enjoyment in the program; and
WHEREAS the OSA and USP recognize that no program is perfect and as such, an advisory
body of students is needed to maintain a high level of inclusion and transparency for students
currently in the program; and
WHEREAS this body would provide USP an opportunity to receive direct feedback regarding
all improvements to the program from students; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the OSA reiterates its support for the USP program;
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA shall establish an advisory
committee of students that directly focuses on the improvement of USP; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this advisory committee shall be
structured based upon the bylaws that accompany this resolution; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after the passage of this resolution, the
advisory committee of students shall present their work to OSA on a semester basis to maintain
transparency of the program; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that USP shall also continue to bring forth
new data received on a yearly basis to OSA annually to maintain transparency of the program;
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that upon passage, a copy of this resolution
and a copy of the new advisory committee’s bylaws will be sent to the following: Dr. Andrew
Leavitt, Chancellor of UW Oshkosh; Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr.
Lane Earns, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; and Dr. Tracy Slagter, Interim
USP Director.
SPONSORED BY: Jordan Schettle, OSA President.
Motion to move to floor Orrick, 2nd by McCarville
Discussion: Had meetings with Dr. Slagter and may change to 10 students
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (12/08/15)
OSA 15-079
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Assembly and Senate approve the OSA/SLS 2016-17 budgets.
Sponsor: President Jordan Schettle
Motion to move to floor Orrick, 2nd by Sprung
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (12/08/15)
OSA 15-080
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Assembly and Senate approve OSA Mission Statement.
Sponsor: Vice President Graham Sparks
Motion to move to floor McCarville, 2nd by Lodel
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (12/08/15)
OSA 15-081
WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university student
associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning student life,
service and interests; and
WHEREAS the men’s soccer team is an organized sport which concerns student life, service and
interests of the student body; and
WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (hereinafter “OSA”) was not asked for an opinion
and therefore could not offer a recommendation regarding the termination of the men’s soccer
team for the 2016 season and the foreseeable future; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made an effort toward transparency in the
discretion of its employees; and
WHEREAS the decision making party has not reconsidered feasible alternatives to terminating
the team, which in fact negate the original reasoning for the action taken by Athletics Director
Sims; and
WHEREAS Athletics Director Sims has not made a reasonable attempt to commute the men’s
soccer team to a new conference, a task within the Athletic Director job description; and
WHEREAS budgetary issues are no longer a factor regarding the decision to terminate the men’s
soccer team; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has a recent and long-standing tradition for
praising and in some cases requiring student fundraising to curb budget issues; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED OSA urges the university to reconsider the termination of the
men’s soccer team; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED OSA request that Athletic Director Sims make an adequate
attempt to find a conference for the men’s soccer team before this issue is reconsidered; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Athletic Director Sims, in the spirit of transparency, show proof
of the search for a conference, submitting it to both Chancellor Leavitt and the OSA Senate for
review to provide feedback on overlooked options; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh allow the men’s
soccer team to raise funding to compete with the recognition this university has always offered
them; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the men’s soccer team, OSA, and therefore the student body
strongly disagrees with the decision to terminate the men’s soccer program for the foreseeable
future, and can only support a decision to reinstate the aforementioned team; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED upon passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be
transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs, Darryl Sims Athletic Director, Wytse Molenaar Head Coach Men’s Soccer
Sponsored by: Andrew Sprung OSA Senator, The Men’s Soccer Team
Carter objected to dispensation
Motion to move to the floor Orrick, 2nd by Goodwill
Novak: Six WhereAs what is a reasonable attempt?
Goodwill: pass this to tell administration that we mean business and to come to us
before making decisions.
Novak: are there two parts of this?
Carter: move forward as a sport club not a conference to do what they do cut the two to
make the 9 stronger and I see the big picture and I respect it.
Budgetary issues still a factor if we did not have to do with money it has to be a factor,
fund raising cannot be the full support of a team as it is not sustainable, same ability to
compete and fund raise and the money will run dry and just delayed it for a few years.
Colligan: The true point of this legislators searching for a new conference. I think it is
hypocritical as we show the effort that they are trying to find a conference may not be
possible if Director Sims was trying to find them a conference. Schadrie: keep an actual
team do bring students in do not have to get it from tuition can charge fees to however
want to participate in it. He has heard a rumor that the coach will coach for free. UW
Milwaukee football self-funded lots more expensive than soccer even if this fails they
tried. Berge: showing an effort was made. Johsnon: agree with it and if they went this
far in their own favor why would we kill all of their effort if they have someone willing
to coach them for free give them a chance. Carter: Would our president support it or
veto it? Lodel: I am on Intercollegiate Athletic Committee and spoke to Director Sims
an audit was done two years ago and he was told to cut two sport teams. Elliott: Yield
to Novak back to what attempt means? The team could say an attempt is until Director
Sims finds them a conference. I think in general college is what you make of it, the club
experience can be what you make of it. McCarville yield to Men's Tennis Team, Junior
for tennis team Danny, Vinny passionate need your help, we do believe that Mr. Sims
has not looked for a conference. We did go to the intercollegiate athletic committee and
wanted to discuss for five minutes to the committee. We had a well written presentation
with detailed numbers and we did not get feedback from the group. A sport clubs is not
the same as being an actual sports team. Being a team there is more of an opportunity
and why we believe one main reason did not have a conference is due to the fact that the
conference needs five teams WIAA currently has four teams with one in Michigan just
got a tennis team. The Men’s Tennis team does not feel that Director Sims has
attempted to find a conference for their team and feel that they deserve a fair shake at
it. Danny listened to a recording between the soccer team and Mr. Sims in September
have you done or will you do anything else and Mr. Sims’ response was he has not done
anything and will not do anymore, we are done here. The student have done the work
while going to classes and being a student. Sprung: He has wrote down concerns of
Tennis Team that were brought up and the reason the tennis team not mentioned in the
resolution is because they did not come to OSA before today. During the meeting he
had with the Chancellor it was made clear that if he looked into one thing that was cut
he would look into all of them, so this is paving the way for Men’s Tennis Team, he will
go beyond what the resolution states. He wants to clarify that the teams are not going
to get money from the school to play allow to fund raise, he has heard that fund raising
is not sustainable but we cannot speculate if they can fund raise give. I don’t believe
respect was given by the athletic director and that is the main focus of this resolution.
If for some reason it does get vetoed, we can turn the veto around with a 2/3rd majority
vote. We are here to represent the students – all students. Orrick direct to President
Schettle what are the reasons this resolution would get vetoed? Answer: Yes he will
veto as the resolution states it has nothing to do with the budget cuts in the seventh
Whereas, but it was due to budget cuts and conference availability. This resolution will
not do anything. The correct process to overturn decision is Athletic Director,
Chancellor, then President Ray Cross, then Board of Regents. President Schettle has
spoken to BOR and they agreed with the current decision. If we pass this resolution
there is nothing we can do with it and we look like ignorant kids, the Chancellor has the
executive decision with the change in Wisconsin State Statue 36.09 (5). Adams: Could
we ask Director Sims to come to a Senate meeting? Answer: President Schettle has
spoken to Mr. Sims about this and do not know how this would be beneficial. Do not
want him to get blasted as a guest. Director Sims does not see his ideas on the teams
changing. Sparks: reminds the body that OSA Senate does not attack people but
brings ideas to the people. Schadrie: How much is seg fees per student? Answer
around $497. Schadrie: So my $497 pays for club/orgs and I don’t have a say in it?
Colligan: in regards to a budgetary issue I feel we should hold the Director accountable
and we are representing the student body. Let’s hold the feet to the fire, I don’t think
we should be considered immature for bringing forth any issue that is important to us
and the students we represent. Stuebs: We are holding the A-T accountable in a
resolution passed a few weeks ago why are the students not holding the Athletic
Director accountable. Scheeler: has been listening to these discussions for over a year
and feel that students are not hearing what they want to so keep on trying but there are
people retiring early and their positions are not being filled, this is effecting many
departments on campus and not just athletics. Sprung: not a budget issue any more the
money is gone asking for their own success by their own measure, the state law changed
after this decision was made, the court would look at the state statue in place at the time
the chancellor made the decision. The mission statement that was just passed states
exactly what we are doing with this resolution. What is the problem behind this
resolution? How can this resolution hurt in anyway? McCarville: Yield to Carter,
Carter: Tennis team honor the work that you have done, loves to play Tennis as well,
hit me up and we can play singles. He has nothing against tennis just looking for best
interest for the sustainable future. He is one allocaitons and sport teams do get more
than $8,000 in some cases. Wetzel: Point of Information: President Schettle and/or Dr.
Roter can correct or add to this statmenet but the full amount that students pay for seg
fees does not only go to clubs/orgs as Senator Schadrie had stated, the seg fees is also
distributed to other depts after the seg fee committee deliberates. Motion to exhaust the
speaker list by Dunton, 2nd by Carter, one opposed, motion to exhaust the speaker list
Goodwill: our mission statement was just passed if we do not pass this it is telling
administration they can make decisions without OSA advising and it does not matter.
Schadrie: UW Milwaukee would not have a football team if they were not allowed to
fund raise.
Vote, passed placard vote 9, 5 objections, one abstention (12/08/15)
New Business –
Committee Reports –
Marketing committee placing stickers on salad containers, and coffee sleeves for the
Buzz app
Discussion –
a. Leadership Council – our voice does matter, somethings are out of our control.
There is a long history of shared governance here and the Chancellor does not
plan on changing that. Leadership Council’s first topic was the budget cuts and
the group meets every two weeks. There are two reps from OSA (President and
VP usually, but Reggie in place of Graham due to class schedule), faculty senate
president and University staff president, Vice Chancellors, Assistant Vice
Chancellors, and all of the deans, there are 33 individuals instead of four on the
council. Our voices do matter. The council has also discussed the retirement
incentive, Tile IX, students of color, strategic planning, University budget updats
and cuts to athletics. Novak: Are the Leadership Council meetings open to all
students? Answer: Yes. Dr. Roter: Point of Information, U-Plan had been in
place before the Leadership Council and U-Plan had more than four members,
two representatives from each governance group, Chancellor’s cabinet, Vice
Chancellors and Deans this was an expansion of that group that did already exist.
Announcements –
DT will be meeting in spring
Second Monday of the semester have a meet and mingle between Assembly and Senate
with a pizza social after OSA Assembly.
Goodwill thanks everyone for their hard work, wish everyone a Merry Christmas
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:16 PM by Carter, 2nd by Goodwill, passed placard
vote, no objections, no abstentions (12/08/15)