OSA Senate Miutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Miutes
April 5, 2016 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:50 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Bryan Carter – Present
Zachary Dunton – Present
Alevander Novak – Present
Karree Orrick – Present
Katheryn Bermann - Excused
Education & Human Services (5)
Rachel Adams - Present
Nursing (3)
Sherine Johnson – Present
College of Business (5)
Alexander McCarville – Present
Jared Schadrie – Present
Goodwill Obieze – Present
Jacob Stuebs - Absent
III. Open Forum - Senator Carter: help everyone you can and he went to sage until he
brought up Rae Ann’s email with correct room number
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Club/Org Recognition – none
Guest Speakers – none
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Scheeler: GSA holding their elections and
nominations are welcome or a graduate student that will be here next year, check
out the GSA website. Carter: Delta Chi chartering banquet this Saturday
banquets and formals wrapping up for spring semester. Scheeler: Has Greek Life
prepared for that with pub crawl going on this weekend? Carter: Yes - not going
out this weekend not going to be involved with that, clean-up effort this Sunday
and pick up the streets. Parson: high voter turnout throughout the city. Scheeler
do you know what the count is? Roter: over 800 at 3:30 PM, registered before
and move into gym in Albee talked to Pam to have more people help. Garduno:
MEC holding elections next week for the exec board next Thursday come in and
give advice or seat in on it. MEC leadership retreat GE Medical April 8 to 10 and
bring back info that goes on there, ITSO Greg and Bryan Adams. Schadrie:
Faculty Senate different bylaws bring them back next year’s president how
faculty would be reimbursed if taken class, working on Game Plan with Athletics,
each faculty connecting to the students, search going on for Dean of College of
Business and library director. Schettle: Ask this body to allow guest speakers
form J.J. Keller to speak as guest speaker and suspend rules. Motion to suspend
rules by Novak, 2nd by Dunton, passed placard vote, No he did not plan on
speaking here did at assembly but wanted to see how senate worked. Motion to
reinstate the rules by Novak, 2nd by Dunton, passed placard vote.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – Titan Discount Club,
page updated on OSA webpage with all current participates and we have a new
logo that the marketing committee worked on.
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) - Board of Regents this Thursday
and Friday we will address the renovation of this building, Randy meeting with
OSA Exec and RAC exec tomorrow. Wait to hear back on student org insurance
we are in the midst of purchasing liability insurance as it relates to student org,
except for IFC, PHC not honorees and certain high risk sporting, mixed martial
arts, hockey and work on how to insure these clubs as they will need it. and some
of the other things that are going on. Pub crawl about parking we talked to 3 am
and is going to 7 am stop enforcing the lots and open the ones we have closed.
Schadrie: by closing the lots there will three lots and will be barricaded adjacent
to Elmwood not the residence lots but faculty staff lots, other will open up for
event parking for the fund raiser. There are three groups that have formals,
special Olympics and I think we have those covered at this point. Scheeler:
through 7 am the original was 3 am my only concern was the aspect for those
coming in for Sat class. If you have pass you can use a lot. Sparks: Is there a
reason why we did not have time to talk about this earlier to be in the
conversation, we were remised in that it is a campus safety issue for future we
will make sure hot wash or debriefing on the event once it is done we start
planning for the next pub crawl. Jordan has expressed an interest and will
forward some other folks to be on the hot wash debriefing
OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) –
no report
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) - Samantha
Schwartz, Pre-Law, Devin Matznick, STAND, Travis Eicksledt, College
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) - none
Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Schettle, Austyn and I
sustainability and take that time to Exec duo and bring it back to the merger doc
some of the other orgs did not take their portion in that we want to see, before our
session ends and pass the torch. Informal question would you be opposed to
invite the newly elected senators meet some of them and help them transition.
Will send out the invites based on the resolution. Petra mentioned it too did we
drop the ball in regard to communication for the registration process, we have
defined our role it is a balancing act if talking about the add that under discussion
and look into for the future, for the national elections we have also worked with
OSA and get out the vote aspect of it, Petra encourage you to do that as well. My
role why don’t they speak up or give two cents on discussion items as a senator
and view this role with lots of respect and honor the role to mediate and run these
meetings if you are a leader why don’t you speak voicing my opinion in a public
opinion and individual and with controversial and define my role all though not
speak up or speak up too much stay as moderated as much as possible in these
meetings, Scheeler: I appreciate it.
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Sustainability Summit at River falls
national group and promote nclc leadership to be more effective not just a
Wisconsin event only four and a regional event law makers MN, WI and
hopefully Iowa, state issues, the director of Student Rec and Wellness will be in
effect May 1 and Tom Patt retired in December. May 1 on the subject on Rec Plec
from Tony Dirth everything Schedule to this date have to follow a checklist, we
received a calendar with dates to remember the full end date everything painted
Feb 2018 everything complete will open before that. Marketing and the front of
Reeve purchase a sign in our temporary space to help better show case OSA price
costs over $1,200 but still in black by a large amount. Parking lots closed this
weekend these closed understand why a lot of crime that happens during the pub
crawl but should have been discussed with students as it effects students. When
people want to be safe to protect and serve but to go and make policies the video
that was put out that you will ruin your life but you are not going to ruin your life
but there more upset that they medical emergency a big lecture about how the
times that were officially told 7 PM Friday to 3 AM Sunday changed to 4 PM to 7
AM this entire policy but we will make sure that we do that in the future both
Darryl Sims and Chancellor Police we probably should out, less than blank
disrespect, do you when they will update the website for students that are here so
there is a disconnect between the parking and police. Goodwill: in regarding
parking lots does that mean it is closed and even if you have permit you cannot
park there everyone can park in any lot, if you don’t have a pass you will be
ticketed and towed so must use the pass. Novak: Parking by police or
administration, the police received recommendations from administration and
members of the community from parking and police and the official parking it is a
joint effort between the city and administrative level and the university police it is
considered best practice we did it for October Fest the chiefs said this if this will
work, not just the students of the campus 60 to 70% citations at the last pub crawl
outside come to our campus community and they were kicking out dorm
Windows last time they cannot come in at all. Schadrie: agree Chief Leibold did
talk about community policing here and at faculty senate, the community policing
prevent and stop talked about resources like the medical. Parson: He came from
Milwaukee but assistant Chief of Milwaukee city and two new chiefs coming
from a city to more of a university the language is totally different, give them time
to adjust
Presidential Appointments – none
Unfinished Business –
SS 15-035
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Senate approves the 2016-2017 Election Commissioner Report
with effective date of May 3, 2016.
Sponsor: Jordan Schettle, OSA Election Commissioner
Motion to move to floor Novak, 2nd by Goodwill
Discussion: in effect on May 3rd and the 1st senate meeting and awards announced.
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/05/16)
New Business –
OSA 15-105
WHEREAS: The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) has recently completed a Campus
Climate Survey, which was aimed at measuring the campus environment as it relates to
interpersonal, academic and professional interactions; and
WHEREAS: Results from the survey can help UWO evaluate the current campus climate to
examine the behaviors, beliefs and experiences of students and employees concerning the level
of respect and value for individual differences; and
WHEREAS: Results can also help University leadership develop programs and initiatives to
create a more inclusive campus community and enhance UWO’s Inclusive Excellence Plan; and
WHEREAS: The recently completed Campus Climate Survey was the first of its kind since
2008; and
WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association believes that all students should be able to
express their opinions related to UWO’s campus climate; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: OSA supports a plan to issue a Campus Climate Survey on a
consistent two-year basis; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Campus Climate Survey be updated to include data
retrieved from previous surveys; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The results from the surveys, including the recently completed
survey, will be publically published on a multitude of mediums in a timely fashion; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: Upon passage of OSA, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to
the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra Roter, ViceChancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic
Support of Inclusive Excellence; Dr. Stephanie de Montigny, Professor and Chair of the
Anthropology Department; and Dr. Liz Cannon, Director of the LGBTQ Resource Center.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President; Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly;
Lynnette Garduno, MEC Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro Tempore of OSA Assembly;
Grayson Bourke, Legislative Affairs Ambassador; Goodwill Obieze, OSA Senator; Ann
Mittelstadt, USP Ambassador.
Motion to move to floor Novak, 2nd by Goodwill
Discussion: two-year basis it will over load some people, transfer in and transfer out, a lot
of position
Schadrie: Is there a big cost? Not do map works and do is one less and was do support the
survey. Berge: combining them but the res life has to do the map and progress tracker
and how well to put them together and the length and would put a damper on map works
surveys. Bourke: Could res life do map works alternate years? Boothe: CA and in the fall
get the results to plan from the results for example home sickness and we need the results
annually. Dunton: Map Works huge for counseling center and benefits for those that are
at risks. Campus Climate Survey four years and administration will give survey
economical concerns ideally they would take it twice during their time here to see how it
OSA 15-106
WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) is committed to creating an inclusive
learning environment that prepares our graduates to meet the challenges of an increasingly global
society; and
WHEREAS, The Center for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence is dedicated to creating a
strong campus infrastructure for Inclusive Excellence to serve as a catalyst that transforms how
diversity is advanced, achieved and experienced at UW Oshkosh; and
WHEREAS, When searching UWO’s homepage as well as other search engines for the Center of
Equity and Diversity the first link listed is a facilities management page; and
WHEREAS, This page does not offer any click through links with information to resources; and
WHEREAS, The Center for Equity and Diversity holds the Women’s Center, the LGBTQ+
Resource center, and the Division of Academic Support; and
WHEREAS, The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) believes that these resources are
beneficial to students; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That OSA supports a plan to update the Center for Equity
and Diversity’s website; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Center for Equity and Diversity’s website
be updated to include links and contact information for all resources housed there; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the updated website be added as a resource
on UWO’s homepage; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage by OSA a copy of this resolution
shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra
Roter, Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor
for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence; Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer;
Laura Knaapen, Director of User Services; Mark Clements, Director of Information Services;
Victor Alatoree, Director of Infrastructure Services
Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly; Lynnette Garduño, MEC
Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro-Tempore of OSA Assembly; and Reginald Parson, OSA
Chief of Staff.
Motion to move to floor by Orrick, 2nd Goodwill
Discussion: Lynnette and I working with The center of Diversity and on home page a
facility management cannot click to find those links and check out the programs there to
see what a full page and only fair they have their own website
Committee Reports – Food committee renovated and a big name venue, steak and
shake, official Starbucks and follow more protocol this Thursday April 7 at 4:00 PM in
Reeve 221 and voice your opinion and what you can prevent. Free samples and he will
let you try them but no food on Thursday. Schettle: seg fees one more meeting this year
to finalize report and approved around $10 million budgets stayed the same or went up.
Veterans committee had mentioned the project and fund raising we have lost the director
of the Veterans Affairs and had a set back and those that said they would pick up the
project could not relocate all of his notes, flush out how much fund raising, participating
on when building it and put in new Reeve. Novak intercollegiate new score board placed
in Titan Stadium, Steve Brown wants to step down as chair, academic game plan, student
and first generation building a better bridge between student athletes and faculty.
Discussion –
a. registering voters did we drop the ball or is this how to do this or is there more we
can do next time. Nonpartisan he did sign the vote there are deputized and then
do that. The civic engagement piece to students and think it is important to take
the stance and why not go for it? Goodwill good idea Madison college, Adams
voted today did not realize that since they did not live in Oshkosh, which ward to
go to make a video. Schadrie: just a link now how does not people actually no
more 2017, next fall the SRD can still exist and establish a website, SRD
Government Accountability board will phase out and pick their own people.
b. OSA end of year celebration, free event does not have to be a baseball Timber
Rattlers game would go at the end of the year but there was not a lot of
participation the last year. Orrick: Could we go to Timber Rattlers or come up
with a different event? Send any ideas to Jordan and Graham, will take a week
and get it to them and make it happen.
Announcements –
May 3rd Rae Ann Transition Lasagna meal and Kathryn make her cupcakes in the OSA
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 6:15 PM by Novak, 2nd by Orrick, passed placard
vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/05/16)