OSA Senate Agenda April 12, 2016 at 4:45 PM Sage, Exec Meeting Room, 2239 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Bryan Carter – Absent Zachary Dunton – Present Alevander Novak – Present Karree Orrick – Present Katheryn Bermann - Present Education & Human Services (5) Rachel Adams - Absent Nursing (3) Sherine Johnson – Present College of Business (5) Alexander McCarville – Present Jared Schadrie – Present Goodwill Obieze – Present Jacob Stuebs - Absent III. Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda - approved V. Approval of the Minutes – approved VI. VII. Club/Org Recognition – none Guest Speakers – a. Sarah Neises, Interim Library Director May 6 extended hours for finals with massages, coffee vending machine .75 coffee late coffee needs, massages in the lobby. Students are requesting to have more hours and lots of the request Friday night and Saturday morning 7 am to 6 pm and Sat 10 am to 6 pm requesting longer period this request came from a few students in career services, OSA next administration could do a survey to students on library hours, find out what students would like, and how they are using the library. Library staff would find those results useful when asking administration to keep the library open longer. with the first floor or do they need the library to use the, library collaboration space and most of on website and get a handle on how students use it now and how they will use it in the future. Halsey is a 24 hour lab and love the polk lab but would the need more information the library like most across the budget lost four staff positions and two of those from the dept that open and close the library, difficult for staff to have the library open longer with a larger work load. Scheller: cons of library is looking for journal articles pros new screens, Boothe what are the most complaints – Elmwood entrance, campus issue and pay to the library building and hours, library hours have changed and did not stay the same for a five year period in the 20 years she has been here. We hear about our staff going the extra mile, the chat service, and so many great people that work there retain the great people we have helping people, the employees are our biggest asset. In 2008 how it was presented and was an email survey. Roter: the question was on a referendum, survey was in conjunction with OSA jointly from Pat the director at the time, Thomas Wolf, or Alex allowed for a variety of different things, the 101 area the carpet a number of different and went to all student. Dunton: address the desire for the entrance from Elmwood, not a pass through, security issues, the lack of a vestigial, fall and spring leaves and how wet the floor gets, as having it. Valenta: thank you not talk about from someone from the library, suggestion for the beginning of the year would be to have additional signs pointing out the elevator. b. Mary Ellen Couture, USA Today Representative for OSA Readership Program Ryan Lenz print and digital purpose 19 years ago reached out to Penn state join together needed a quarter back only newspapers picked up each day one organization having one billing system a number of print. USA today organizations picks up that make it to town, and whether or not the Wall Street Journal they will not participate, on consumption, only through your student fees and only those days you pick it up, Wall Street and decided they would not participate cannot put on your program as much as she would like to you. USA Today, Oshkosh Northwestern, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, New York times but at Penn State they did not want to be told what to read, consuming 64,327 since April 3, 2016 lean and green at the end of the day each publication in the racks access to it to as well online. Appleton post and the student radio station have been added to the Buzz this year. Scheller: Office of Graduate studies has utilized the banners will that be offered again next year. Answer: That will be up to OSA and the blue link that the OSA website is listed on can be utilized by anyone but OSA needs to make that decision. Novak Thank you are there contracts that they will be part of the program: We hold a letter of agreement any time you dissatisfied with the multiple billing, could sell but only USA today can offer a variety of them. Every newspaper she has worked with. Also, working on a calendar for all events to be listed. Sparks: thought on app, potential, one hub we know when this is coming who is doing what when and schedule it then, and get pushed as a freshman it would be helpful to find everything in one spot. Push notifications are in for news, events calendar in Alabama, search feature in events will take that back to him. Stevens Point used the buzz to go paperless for their Odyssey type event for Freshman and went paperless. Advisement, Registration, if there are any ideas ask or things that you want to consider contact them as they are there to help with process, Mary Ellen and Ryan that is why they are here. Roter: Utilizing Resource 25 central calendar for all campuses, coordinating group and we did put an app together for last Odyssey. Resource 25 could possibly be placed on the buzz, and once we one side feed use the Oshkosh one resource 25 tied into the Oshkosh Today is a campus integrated marketing prospect may be some opportunities. Mary Ellen: The GPS still does not match technology. VIII. IX. X. Officer Reports a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Social Justice Week - when you schedule as big as Sybrina Fulton normally they choice the date and time did not work out great 6 to 7 in the Alumni Conference center wonderful. Two weeks Duke university intern We are Here Team national campaign against sexual assault and reaching out to campus from each state to participate. Roter: How is that different from It is on Us campaign. Answer: This is a national campaign and not only a state campaign. Scheeler: Grad School fest cancelled April 21 lack of interest elections next week 18, 19, 20 and increase diversity. b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – jobs posted for SLS Director, OSA Marketing Director, and OSA Sustainability Director, accepting applications until Friday. Mark Reinhard application open on the academic works program. c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) – Sam Swartz, Speaker pre-law and speaker PT Emily Colon SOL, sustainability summit what others are doing Chris Morgan all 26 university schools we already have one on our campus. Greek Week may 4 President Schettle pied in the face $10 per RAC over budget Randy and Petra went to one month behind not pushing us that far behind e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – two students for Monday at noon, friends send conflict of interest to apply and be on the i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Presidential Appointments – Unfinished Business – OSA 15-105 WHEREAS: The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) has recently completed a Campus Climate Survey, which was aimed at measuring the campus environment as it relates to interpersonal, academic and professional interactions; and WHEREAS: Results from the survey can help UWO evaluate the current campus climate to examine the behaviors, beliefs and experiences of students and employees concerning the level of respect and value for individual differences; and WHEREAS: Results can also help University leadership develop programs and initiatives to create a more inclusive campus community and enhance UWO’s Inclusive Excellence Plan; and WHEREAS: The recently completed Campus Climate Survey was the first of its kind since 2008; and WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association believes that all students should be able to express their opinions related to UWO’s campus climate; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: OSA supports a plan to issue a Campus Climate Survey on a consistent two-year basis; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Campus Climate Survey be updated to include data retrieved from previous surveys; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The results from the surveys, including the recently completed survey, will be publically published on a multitude of mediums in a timely fashion; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: Upon passage of OSA, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra Roter, ViceChancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence; Dr. Stephanie de Montigny, Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department; and Dr. Liz Cannon, Director of the LGBTQ Resource Center. Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President; Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly; Lynnette Garduno, MEC Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro Tempore of OSA Assembly; Grayson Bourke, Legislative Affairs Ambassador; Goodwill Obieze, OSA Senator; Ann Mittelstadt, USP Ambassador. Dispense, Motion to move to floor Goodwill, 2nd by Novak Discussjion: How would you get more people to take it since we did not marketing committee director position paid through email and use that role to increase marketing, CAs on board more students, working as a shared governance group to push it we would be able to make that happen. Did we get the cost for that? Sparks: It is such a comprehensive survery and it is expensive. Valenta: It is important but expensive. Valenta: Will it take results? Keep at the topics at hand. Published in a timely fashion and have a year then release as soon as you have results sent out in multiple ways Vote, passed placard, no objections, no abjections OSA 15-106 WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that prepares our graduates to meet the challenges of an increasingly global society; and WHEREAS, The Center for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence is dedicated to creating a strong campus infrastructure for Inclusive Excellence to serve as a catalyst that transforms how diversity is advanced, achieved and experienced at UW Oshkosh; and WHEREAS, When searching UWO’s homepage as well as other search engines for the Center of Equity and Diversity the first link listed is a facilities management page; and WHEREAS, This page does not offer any click through links with information to resources; and WHEREAS, The Center for Equity and Diversity holds the Women’s Center, the LGBTQ+ Resource center, and the Division of Academic Support; and WHEREAS, The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) believes that these resources are beneficial to students; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That OSA supports a plan to update the Center for Equity and Diversity’s website; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Center for Equity and Diversity’s website be updated to include links and contact information for all resources housed there; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the updated website be added as a resource on UWO’s homepage; and THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage by OSA a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra Roter, Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence; Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer; Laura Knaapen, Director of User Services; Mark Clements, Director of Information Services; Victor Alatoree, Director of Infrastructure Services Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly; Lynnette Garduño, MEC Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro-Tempore of OSA Assembly; and Reginald Parson, OSA Chief of Staff. Dispense Motion to move to floor Goodwill, 2nd by Schadrie Discussion: They were already working on this XI. New Business – OSA 15-107 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Assembly and Senate approves the 2017-18, 2018-19, 20192020, and 2020-2021 Academic Calendars. Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle Dispense Motion to move to floor McCarville, 2nd by Goodwill Discussion: Cannot tweak academic calendars but Petra her next year. I. Committee Reports – Conference for shared governance – talked about the grading policy, with this not the ranges the GPA to the respectable grade and a full not justify the range, A- would be in agreement but some do not use the A- and B+, Seg fee committee final April 29 at 3:00 PM voting on the new chair and looking at the III. bylaws. When will let them know? After the meeting. Novak: where do you meet? Don’t know yet Discussion –. Valenta Ally this Thursday A pril 14 starts with resource fair in the ballroom Assembly end of year Announcements – 6:03 novak, goodwill IV. Adjourn - II.