6. Other Developments (Paul J.Crowley)

6. Other Developments (Paul J.Crowley)
(1) EU Work Programme 2013 & beyond
(2) Agri-environment Indicators
(3) Business Statistics Seminar – Agriculture & Food
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
(1) EU Work Programme 2013 & beyond
EU requirements & obligations
- forms the basis of our Agricultural Statistical Programme
- serve national purposes
- obligations – quality/timeliness/harmonisation
- co-financing – Census of Agriculture & FSS
Overall Framework
Multi Annual Community Statistical Programme 2013-2017
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
Annual Statistical Programme
2012 Priorities for Agriculture -see document A circulated
2013 Programme
- under development
- Heads of NSIs examination – strategic guidance
- Negative Priorities
-Negative Priorities for Agriculture in 2012
Supply Balance Sheets for Agricultural products: in 2012, the following
collections will be stopped: honey, dry vegetables, potatoes, fruits and
vegetables, meat, milk products and eggs
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
Overall High Level Priorities for 2013-2017
• The agricultural data collection reviewed and simplified in line with the
Common Agricultural Policy review post 2013;
• Agricultural data collection processes redesigned, in particular with the
objective of improving quality and timeliness of the data provided;
• The land use/cover data management system elaborated and implemented;
• The data collection system for coherent agri-environmental indicators
• Appropriate breakdowns by region provided;
• A set of key forestry data from Integrated Environmental and Economic
Accounting for Forestry (IEEAF), such as forest area, volume and value of
standing timber and economic accounts for forestry and logging,
implemented and disseminated.
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
(2)Agri- Environmental Indicators
Agri-environmental indicators (AEIs) track the integration of environmental
concerns into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at EU, national and regional
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Environment
This relationship between agriculture and the environment has to be taken into account
In the CAP, emphasis is placed on reducing the risks of environmental degradation and
enhancing the sustainability of agro-ecosystems through:
• Cross-compliance criteria on agricultural market measures − as a condition of
receiving direct payments, farmers must comply with certain requirements,
including some related to environmental protection
• Targeted agri-environmental measures − as part of Rural Development
programmes, agri-environmental payments are available to farmers who commit to
agri-environmental management schemes
An area which will develop further over the coming years?
Yes, as set out in the overall framework of the next Multi Annual Programme.
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
Current Status
28 AEIs
(1) The list of AEI itself is not a legal obligation, it is based on voluntary measures.
However, many of the indicators are bound to certain legal requirements.
(2) There are many indicators that are based on already existing administrative
reporting, such as the agri-environmental commitments under the CAP.
(3) There are several indicators that are based on models developed by the JRC in
(4) Many indicators are based on already existing agricultural statistics dataflows,
such as the FSS. Livestock density, cropping patterns, area under organic
farming, pesticide use .
(5) Eurostat is responsible for only 15 of the indicators, the rest are coming through
AGRI, ENV, JRC, or the EEA - but the NSI's are not expected to get involved in
these other flows, only to keep an eye on the overall coordination in the
respective countries.
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
New Developments
• There are certain big gaps in the underlying data, mainly linked to nutrient
flows and related need for more information. Eurostat will present some
actions in the CPSA in May as we need some decisions to be taken.
• In addition, Eurostat considers that adding certain data requirements to the
new FSS list of characteristics is necessary to ensure a more coherent
overall approach in agricultural dataflows.
Need to use the expertise of the Department & Other Agencies
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
(3) Business Statistics Seminar
3 Seminars held
(1) Transport
(2) Information communication technologies, globalisation and outsourcing
(3) Innovation Statistics-Innovation Statistics –see agenda below
14:00 Opening remarks - Joe Madden, CSO
14:20 Statistics for Innovation Policy: A Case-Study Employing the Community Innovation Study Ian
Hughes & Jonathan Healy, Forfás
14:40 Innovation and R&D in Ireland: A Statistical Overview - Carol Anne Hennessy, CSO
15:00 The effects of the internationalisation of firms on innovation and productivity Iulia Siedschlag,
Xiaoheng Zhang and Brian Cahill, ESRI
15:20 Break
15:50 Cross-Sectoral Differences in the Drivers of Innovation: Evidence from the Irish Community
Innovation Survey Declan Jordan & Justin Doran, UCC
16:10 Innovation surveys and indicators: an international perspective and emerging issues Vladimir LopezBassols, OECD
16:30 Discussion and closing remarks
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012
4th Business Statistics Seminar
Agriculture & Food
November 22nd 2012
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group
April 24th 2012