Math 67-319 Syllabus Fall 2007 Instructor: Dr. Carol Seaman Office: 111 Swart E-mail contact: Phone: 424-1059 Office hours: 11:30am–12:30 MWF, 12:30–1:45pm T, or by appointment (don’t hesitate to ask – we will find a time that works!) Textbook and Materials: BIG Ideas in Mathematics for Future Middle Grades Teachers and Elementary Math Specialists: Big Ideas in Infinite Processes, Carol Seaman & Jennifer Szydlik TI-83+ Graphics Programmable Calculator, Texas Instruments (Other graphing calculators are fine too), graphing paper, compass, and straightedge Prerequisite: Math 104 (or equivalent), Math 211 and 217, each with a grade of C or better. Website: You will find the course site on D2L. Please check it regularly for course information, assignments, announcements, and grades. Welcome to Math 319, Infinite Processes for Elementary and Middle School Programs. We meet MTWF from 1:50 to 2:50 pm in Swart 3. Course Outline and Goals This course is designed to provide you with an appreciation for the beauty and power of the mathematics of infinite processes, an historical perspective on the development of the calculus, and a conceptual understanding of the mathematical ideas involved in that development. We begin with a look at the infinite in our number system (primes, rational and irrational numbers, the number pi, etc.) and then consider the size of infinite sets. Next we take a careful look at functions and their graphical representations and use them to model data sets. Then we investigate the mathematical concept of a limit and the application of that concept to graphical representations of functions and to infinite series. Finally, we take an intuitive look at the main ideas of the calculus – the derivative and the integral – and culminate with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus! Our guiding principle can be expressed in the words of John Cotton Dana, "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." Our approach will be investigative and will center on problem solving. Successful students will be involved in investigating, questioning, conjecturing, reasoning, and communicating about the major ideas of the calculus and pre-calculus. Reading, writing, and oral presentations will also be important components. Another goal for this course is for students to become literate in the mathematical language of models, change, and the infinite; and confident in tackling large problems and in assessing the quality of their arguments independently (of the instructor). The problems you will work on in this class will not be exactly like examples you’ve seen, and will not be immediately solvable. You will need to spend more time than you might expect simply understanding what a problem is asking for. Most problems will require you to collect data from several examples that you will choose yourself, or to investigate the definitions of concepts word by word. You will need to create mathematical models, as well as to represent them by graphs, and interpret properties of these models and their graphs in the context of the original problem. We will make use of technology (through graphing calculators) to assist in this visualization and investigation. 1 In this course you will have the opportunity to develop the ability to distinguish problem solving and critical thinking from exercises and routine thinking. We will identify attitudes and beliefs that are conducive to success in problem solving and critical thinking (and those which are not). In addition (as in other classes as well) I hope you continue to develop: (1) effective written and oral communication skills; (2) skills related to critical thinking, problem solving and creativity; (3) the ability to understand symbol systems and use quantitative methods; and (4) reasoning skills, including rational inquiry, data collection, analysis, conjecture formulation, and making mathematical arguments. Class time will be a combination of problem solving, teaching presentations, group activities, lecture, and discussion of pre-assigned readings and exercises. Students will be expected to present solutions to problems and summaries of activities for their classmates. We will use the TI-83+ calculator regularly in the classroom. It is important that you come to class prepared and participate regularly. Assessment We will have three exams – each worth 75 points, which is 15% of your course grade. The tentative dates for the exams will be: October 4-5, November 8-9, and December 13-14. These exams will be offered over a two-day period in the Testing Center, allowing you some flexibility in scheduling and unlimited time for test taking. Do not schedule travel or appointments that conflict with these dates. In cases of extreme emergency, serious illness, or school-sponsored activity, if I am notified by the scheduled exam day, you may make-up one missed exam. I will give these make-up exams on Friday, December 7, 2007 only. Every non-exam week you will have a written assignment (which may be a problem set, a group project write-up, a quiz, and/or a short paper) to turn in for evaluation on Friday. These assignments will come from problems found in your packet and occasionally from outside sources. Expect these written assignments to take 8 to 10 hours to prepare! Problem solutions must be well written, organized, and prepared according to the guidelines that accompany this syllabus. Each written assignment collected will be worth 25 points. I will not accept assignments after the due date. However, assignments (including announced quizzes) may be turned in (or taken) early if your absence is unavoidable. Together, the written assignments are 30% of your course grade. You are highly encouraged to work together on the problem sets (and you will work with other students on the group projects) - work together, learn from each other, discuss the problems and concepts, investigate proposed solutions, but then write the paper on the solutions on your own and in your own words. You may choose your own groups for the group project assignments. It will be your responsibility to ensure that each member contributes a reasonable share of the work toward the completed write-up, and that each member understands the solution completely. All students in a particular group will receive the same grade for a group project assignment. Each of you (in pairs) will be required to present a curriculum teaching project in which you will teach a middle school lesson on mathematics related to our course. (We will use Tuesdays, beginning October 16th, for these presentations.) This project will compose another 15% of your course grade (75 points). Guidelines for this project and its oral presentation and a schedule for the presentations will be provided at a later date. More information about signing up for a presentation date will be provided in class. 2 The final component (50 points – 10%) of your course grade will be for class participation, which includes regular attendance, asking and answering questions based on reading assignments, class presentation of homework problems, active involvement in classroom group work, feedback on oral presentations, open-notes quizzes, attending office hours, and completion of non-graded assignments. The grading scale will be approximately as follows: A: 93 – 100% AB: 88 – 92% B: 80 – 87% BC: 77 – 79% C: 68 – 76% (68 – 70% will revert to CD if participation is not close to 50 pts.) D: 60 – 67% F: 0 – 59% You are expected to attend all classes. Excessive (more than three) absences will affect your participation grade. You are responsible for all material covered and all activities in class and for all assignments (including readings), whether present or absent from a particular class meeting. You may always contact me by email regarding these assignments and class activities. You should expect to spend significant time outside of class working on the various assignments of this course. In addition, I encourage you to spend time reflecting on the ideas we are discussing. You should be reflecting on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. What is the process or concept? How did we develop the process or concept? In what contexts does the process make sense? How is this process or concept related to the other ideas in the course? Thinking and doing is more effective than just doing. Mathematics is a subject that requires work, practice, reflection, and concentration. Expect to spend a minimum of eight to twelve hours per week outside of class engaged with the wonders of infinite processes in mathematics. An Invitation I welcome your feedback on how the course is going for you and I encourage each of you to spend time with me during office hours. Good students take advantage of the opportunity for one-on-one time with their instructors. We can talk about your course concerns, about problem assignments, about quizzes and exams, or explore some aspect of mathematics or teaching you find exciting or challenging or frustrating! My time is your time during office hours and we set up individual appointments outside of office hours. Each of you is welcome! At other times, take advantage of email. I promise to check and answer e-mail each day - provided the system is “up!” I am looking forward to an exciting semester pondering the infinite together. 3