INTRODUCTION TO ABSTRACT MATHEMATICS MATH 222 – Spring 2007 Section 001 8:00—9:30 TR – Swart 2 TEXT: An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics by R. J. Bond and W. J. Keane INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Hosien S. Moghadam OFFICE: Swart 105 PHONE: 424-0069, 424-7410 EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: TR: 9:40—11:10 AM * Others by appointment COURSE COVERAGE: Chapters 1 through 5 with some omissions and additions if necessary. Also sections 6.1 and 6.2 if time permits. Topics to be covered are rules of logic and mathematical reasoning, proof by induction, proof by contradiction, direct proof, set theory and some operations on sets, functions and some of their properties, binary operations and relations, an axiomatic approach to the set of integers, congruence, countable and uncountable sets. EXAMS: 90% of your grade QUIZZES 10% of your grade There will be three exams that will account for 90% of your final grade. The dates will be announced a week in advance. No make-up exams except for very special cases, and that will be handled on an individual basis and I should be notified at least 24 hours in advance. An optional comprehensive final exam may be given for improving your grade or replacing the missing exam. There will be some quizzes similar to your assignments and in class problem solving and activities individually or in groups. Homework is given after each lecture. Some homework and special assignments will be collected and evaluated. I expect papers to be well written using the language of the course, proper grammar and style. GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS: The main objective of this course is to learn the fundamentals of abstract mathematics and become comfortable with many concepts common to different branches of mathematics. We will learn about the language of proof, mathematical reasoning, and some of its various forms. This course is taught with emphasis on problem solving, theorem proving, generalizing, and making conjectures if possible. Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that you have been exposed, gained experience, and improved in the following areas: Communication, Problem Solving, and Connections. GRADING: Based on total points of 3 exams, quizzes, written works, class participation, presentations, and attendance. A ...... 91-100 AB ..... 86-90 B ........ 80-85 BC ..... 76-79 Scale C .......67-75 D ......58-66 Please remember that you should attend class, study the text materials, and do the assigned problems in order to learn and follow the lecture. I expect each student to be actively involved in class discussions, group work, and class presentations. It is best to bring your work with you when seeking help from me. COMMUNICATION: Communicates effectively and efficiently whether individually or collaboratively in both written and spoken discourse. Uses appropriate mathematical language, symbolism, ideas, techniques, and models. PROBLEM SOLVING: Uses problem solving strategies, algorithms, logic, and heuristic reasoning to define, understand, and solve problems for which mathematical models can be created. CONNECTIONS: Recognizes similar mathematical structures in different contexts; recognizes relationships within and across the general content domains of discrete mathematics, continuous mathematics, and probability. Recognizes and appreciates the humanistic and historic aspects of mathematics.